Why Do Narcissists Cheat So Much?

Narcissists are known for their inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These traits often manifest in behaviors that cause harm to their partners, including a tendency to cheat. But why do narcissists cheat so much? Understanding the psychological factors behind their actions sheds light on this destructive behavior.

1. Entitlement and Lack of Boundaries

Narcissists often believe they are special and deserving of more than others. This sense of entitlement drives them to seek out what they feel they deserve, even if it means violating the boundaries of a committed relationship. They don’t see fidelity as a value that applies to them. Instead, they view cheating as a way to fulfill their desires without any guilt or concern for the emotional impact on their partner.

2. The Need for Constant Validation

A key trait of narcissism is the unrelenting need for attention and admiration. Narcissists are constantly seeking external validation to maintain their fragile self-esteem. This can lead them to engage in affairs as a way of feeling desired or admired by others. Each new romantic interest provides the narcissist with a temporary ego boost, reinforcing their perception of worth. However, the validation from one partner is never enough, prompting them to look for it elsewhere.

3. Boredom and the Thrill of the Chase

For a narcissist, relationships can lose their excitement quickly. Once they feel that they have “won” over their partner, they may become bored and start seeking new challenges. Cheating offers them the thrill of pursuit and conquest, which keeps their egos engaged. The novelty of a new relationship, or the risk involved in an affair, can give them the adrenaline rush they crave.

4. A Lack of Empathy

One of the most significant reasons narcissists cheat is their lack of empathy. They are often unable to put themselves in their partner’s shoes or understand the pain their actions may cause. Because they are so focused on their own needs, they may not even consider the consequences of their infidelity. Narcissists prioritize their own satisfaction above all else, and their disregard for others’ feelings makes it easier for them to justify cheating.

5. Power and Control

Cheating can also be a form of control for narcissists. Engaging in multiple relationships simultaneously can give them a sense of superiority and power over others. The ability to deceive their partner and maintain control over different people in their lives feeds into their belief that they are untouchable. They may enjoy manipulating their partners emotionally and creating situations where they hold the upper hand.

Related : Why Do Narcissists Treat Their Spouses Horribly?

6. Fear of Intimacy

Though narcissists crave attention, they often have a deep-seated fear of true emotional intimacy. Commitment can feel threatening because it requires vulnerability, something narcissists avoid at all costs. Cheating provides a way for them to stay emotionally distant and avoid the deep connection that comes with a committed relationship. By having multiple partners, they keep people at arm’s length, preventing any one person from truly knowing them.

7. Insecurity and Self-Esteem Issues

Despite their grandiose behavior, many narcissists have deeply rooted insecurities. Their outward confidence often masks fragile self-esteem. Cheating can be a way for them to compensate for their internal feelings of inadequacy. By being with multiple people, they can reaffirm their desirability and status, even if only temporarily. This external validation helps them suppress the fear of not being good enough.


Narcissists cheat for a variety of reasons, all rooted in their distorted sense of self. Their need for validation, lack of empathy, sense of entitlement, and desire for control often push them toward infidelity. Unfortunately, these behaviors come at the expense of their partners, leaving emotional damage in their wake. For those in relationships with narcissists, understanding these motivations can help in recognizing toxic patterns and making informed decisions about the future of the relationship.

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