Why Do Narcissists Have Affairs?

Narcissists are notorious for engaging in behaviors that hurt others, especially in relationships. One of the most common and destructive behaviors they exhibit is having affairs. But why do narcissists have affairs so frequently? Understanding the underlying motivations behind their infidelity can shed light on their deeply rooted insecurities, need for validation, and desire for control.

1. Craving for Constant Validation

Narcissists are driven by a need for constant attention and admiration, often referred to as “narcissistic supply.” While their primary relationship may provide validation initially, it often becomes insufficient as the relationship matures. They seek out affairs as a way to feed their ego, obtaining new sources of admiration and attention.

Affairs give them the thrill of being desired by someone new, reinforcing their inflated self-image. This endless craving for external validation is why one relationship can never satisfy them—they are always on the lookout for someone else to boost their ego.

2. Boredom and Desire for Novelty

Narcissists tend to get bored easily in relationships. Once the excitement and novelty of the relationship fade, they lose interest in their partner. Rather than working on deepening emotional intimacy, they pursue new, thrilling experiences with someone else. An affair provides them with the excitement and fresh stimulation they crave, allowing them to escape the monotony of their existing relationship.

Their inability to remain satisfied with long-term emotional connections drives them to constantly seek out new adventures, even at the cost of their partner’s emotional well-being.

3. Need for Control and Power

Narcissists often use relationships as a way to exert control and power over others. Engaging in an affair gives them a sense of superiority and control, as they feel they are getting away with something behind their partner’s back. The secrecy of the affair reinforces their belief that they are smarter and more in control than their partner, feeding their ego and sense of dominance.

By having an affair, they manipulate both their partner and the person they’re cheating with, keeping everyone in the dark while maintaining control over the situation.

4. Fear of Emotional Intimacy

Despite their outward confidence, narcissists often fear real emotional intimacy. To avoid vulnerability, they may sabotage their relationships by having affairs. Emotional intimacy requires trust and openness, which narcissists view as a threat to their carefully constructed self-image. By having an affair, they create emotional distance from their partner, allowing them to maintain control without exposing their own insecurities.

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The affair serves as a buffer, preventing their partner from getting too close or expecting real emotional engagement.

5. Sense of Entitlement

Narcissists often believe they deserve special treatment and have the right to do whatever they want, including having affairs. Their inflated sense of entitlement leads them to rationalize cheating as something they deserve, whether they feel neglected in their current relationship or simply want the thrill of a new connection.

This sense of entitlement also makes it easy for them to disregard the feelings of their partner, as they believe their desires and needs come first.

6. Inability to Form Genuine Emotional Bonds

One of the key traits of narcissism is a lack of empathy and an inability to form genuine emotional bonds with others. Narcissists view relationships as transactional, valuing what they can gain rather than building a meaningful connection. Affairs allow them to manipulate multiple people simultaneously, further preventing any deep emotional attachment.

In their minds, relationships are about what they can extract, not about mutual emotional support or love. This lack of true emotional connection makes it easier for them to engage in affairs without remorse.

7. Escaping Accountability

Narcissists hate being held accountable for their actions, and affairs allow them to avoid dealing with issues in their primary relationship. Rather than confronting problems or working through challenges, they escape into an affair. The new relationship offers a distraction from the emotional responsibility and accountability required in a committed partnership.

For a narcissist, it’s easier to cheat than to face difficult conversations or introspection. Their avoidance of accountability and desire to keep their image intact lead them to seek out affairs as a way to deflect from deeper issues in their existing relationship.

8. Revenge or Punishment

In some cases, narcissists have affairs as a form of revenge or punishment. If they feel slighted, neglected, or challenged in their primary relationship, they may engage in an affair to “teach their partner a lesson.” This passive-aggressive form of retaliation allows them to regain control and assert dominance while simultaneously hurting their partner.

They may not even express their anger openly, instead using the affair as a covert way of punishing their partner for perceived wrongs, whether real or imagined.


Narcissists have affairs because of their deep need for validation, control, and excitement. Their inability to form genuine emotional connections, fear of intimacy, and sense of entitlement drive them to seek out new relationships, often at the expense of their current partner. For a narcissist, affairs are not about love or emotional fulfillment—they are about feeding their ego, maintaining control, and avoiding accountability. Understanding these motivations can help individuals recognize the signs and protect themselves from further emotional harm.

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