10 Lies Narcissists Will Never Admit

Narcissists are known for their deceptive nature, using lies and manipulation to maintain control and uphold a carefully crafted image. Here are ten lies they commonly tell and will never admit:

1. “I Care About Your Feelings”

A narcissist may claim to be empathetic, but often, they use this lie to manipulate others. They can pretend to care about feelings only when it benefits them. Genuine concern is typically absent, as they prioritize their own needs and desires above others.

2. “I Never Lie”

Ironically, one of the most frequent lies narcissists tell is that they are always honest. They pride themselves on being trustworthy while simultaneously bending the truth to fit their narrative. For a narcissist, truth is often subjective and adaptable to their needs.

3. “I’m the Victim Here”

Narcissists frequently play the victim to gain sympathy and deflect responsibility. When confronted with their own behavior, they may shift the blame onto others, portraying themselves as unfairly targeted or misunderstood.

4. “You’re Overreacting”

To invalidate the emotions of others, a narcissist will often downplay the significance of a situation, labeling others as too sensitive or dramatic. This tactic helps them avoid accountability while making the other person question their own perceptions.

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5. “I Have Your Best Interests at Heart”

Narcissists may claim that their actions are in your best interest, even when their motives are self-serving. They use this lie to justify behaviors that actually benefit themselves more than anyone else.

6. “I’m Just Joking”

When a narcissist’s behavior is hurtful or offensive, they may try to dismiss it as a joke. This allows them to avoid responsibility for their words while making the other person seem humorless or oversensitive.

7. “Everyone Agrees with Me”

To validate their perspective, narcissists may falsely claim that others support their opinions. This lie creates an illusion of consensus, making it harder for someone to disagree or challenge their views.

8. “I’m the Only One You Can Trust”

Narcissists often seek to isolate their targets by sowing seeds of doubt about others. By convincing someone that they’re the only reliable person, they can maintain control and dependency.

9. “I Never Said That”

When confronted with something they previously stated, narcissists may outright deny having said it. Gaslighting is a common tactic used to make the other person doubt their own memory and reality.

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10. “I’ve Changed”

Narcissists often promise they have changed to get what they want or avoid consequences. However, true change requires introspection and effort—things that are typically at odds with a narcissistic personality. These promises are often empty and are used as a tool to regain control.


These lies serve to protect the narcissist’s self-image, manipulate others, and avoid accountability. Understanding these tactics can help you recognize the signs and maintain your own boundaries when dealing with narcissistic individuals.

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