Two Things To Do When the Narcissist is Your Employer

Dealing with a narcissistic employer can be incredibly challenging. Narcissists thrive on control, power, and admiration, often creating a toxic work environment. When your boss exhibits narcissistic traits, it can lead to feelings of powerlessness, stress, and constant scrutiny. While it’s important to protect yourself in such environments, there are specific strategies you can implement to cope effectively. Here are two key things to do if the narcissist in your life happens to be your employer:

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Narcissists often push boundaries, demanding your time, energy, and even your personal life for their benefit. They may constantly request work outside of regular hours, shift blame onto you, or even invade your privacy. Setting firm boundaries is critical to maintaining your mental health and work-life balance.

Here’s how you can do it:

Know your limits: Understand your job description and the hours you are supposed to work. If your employer continuously asks for more, kindly but firmly remind them of your work boundaries. For example, you could say, “I’m happy to address this tomorrow during work hours. My evenings are reserved for personal matters.”

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Document everything: Narcissists tend to deny or distort previous conversations, making you feel like you’re in the wrong. Keeping a written record of conversations, tasks, and expectations can protect you if your boss tries to manipulate situations. It creates accountability and helps maintain your sense of reality amidst the gaslighting.

Practice assertive communication: Don’t engage in arguments or emotional outbursts. When setting your boundaries, stay calm, clear, and assertive. For instance, if your boss criticizes you for taking a lunch break, you might respond, “I take my lunch at this time every day as part of my work schedule.”

By creating clear boundaries and maintaining them, you reduce your vulnerability to a narcissist’s control tactics and keep your self-worth intact.

2. Focus on Self-Preservation and Exit Strategies

Narcissistic employers often create a toxic work culture where employees feel trapped, undervalued, and overworked. Staying in such an environment for too long can affect your physical and mental health. To protect yourself, focus on self-preservation while planning for your next career move.

Here’s how to do it:

Build your professional network: Cultivate relationships with colleagues outside your current job. Narcissistic bosses might try to isolate you or claim your success as their own, but building strong professional connections can help you find new opportunities. Attend industry events, reach out to others in your field, and stay active on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn.

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Seek professional development: Take advantage of any opportunities for further training or skills development while you’re still in your current role. This ensures that you continue to grow your expertise and marketability, even if your boss is not supportive. If your employer discourages such development, consider investing in your own education outside of work.

Plan your exit: While staying in a toxic work environment may be necessary for the short term, having an exit strategy is crucial. Once you’ve built a strong network and updated your skills, begin looking for new opportunities. You can prepare for interviews or even talk to a career counselor to strategize your move.

Preserving your mental health should always be a priority. Narcissists can drain your energy and undermine your confidence, so having an escape plan can offer emotional relief and hope for a better work environment.


Working for a narcissistic employer can be exhausting and demoralizing, but by setting firm boundaries and focusing on your self-preservation, you can mitigate some of the negative effects. In the long run, planning your exit and seeking a healthier work environment is essential. Protect your well-being and remember that you deserve to work in a place where you feel respected and valued.

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