If a woman mentions these 8 phrases in a conversation, she’s secretly done with the relationship

There’s a subtle difference between a woman expressing her feelings and a woman hinting at the end of a relationship.

The difference can be found in specific phrases. When a woman uses these phrases, she may not be overtly ending the relationship with you, but she’s done it in secret.

Being aware of these phrases can save you from heartbreak in the future.

As Tina Fey, founder of Love Connection and a certified relationship expert, I’m here to share some of these phrases with you.

Stay tuned and keep reading. It’s time to gain some relationship wisdom.

1) “We need to talk”

In the world of relationships, few phrases strike fear into the heart like “we need to talk.”

It’s usually seen as a prelude to something serious. More often than not, it’s not good news.

As a relationship expert, I’ve found that when a woman uses this phrase, she’s often reaching a point of emotional exhaustion.

She may not be explicitly saying she’s over the relationship, but she’s signaling that something important needs to change.

It’s a weighty statement. It’s her way of expressing that there are issues that need to be addressed – and these may be issues that she feels can’t be resolved within the current framework of the relationship.

Now, it’s important not to jump to conclusions. “We need to talk” could indicate a need for better communication or a desire for change.

But if it comes up repeatedly, coupled with other red flags, it could mean that she’s secretly done with the relationship.

Remember, communication is key in any relationship. So if she says “We need to talk,” make sure you’re willing to listen.

2) “I need space”

“I need space” is another phrase that can set off alarm bells.

When a woman uses this phrase, it can often mean that she’s trying to emotionally distance herself from the relationship. It could be her subtle way of saying that she’s no longer as interested as she once was.

As someone who has worked in the love and relationships industry for years, I’ve seen many situations where “I need space” has been a prelude to a breakup.

This phrase is often used when someone is unsure of their feelings or trying to muster the courage to end things.

But again, it’s not always a sign of doom. Sometimes, we all need some space to breathe, reflect, and recharge.

3) “I’m fine”

“I’m fine” is a classic phrase that’s often misunderstood.

On the surface, it sounds like everything is fine. But in reality, when a woman says “I’m fine,” she may mean she’s not.

In my experience, “I’m fine” usually comes up when a woman doesn’t feel heard or understood in her relationship. She may use this phrase to hide her feelings or to avoid conflict.

In my book, Breaking the Clinginess: How to Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I discuss the importance of open communication and mutual understanding in a relationship.

But for now, here’s the bottom line: If your partner is repeatedly saying she’s “fine” when she isn’t, it’s time to reevaluate how you’re communicating with each other.

4) “I love you”

Now, this may seem counterintuitive. After all, isn’t “I love you” the ultimate affirmation of commitment and affection in a relationship?

Well, not always.

Sometimes, a woman will say “I love you” when she’s trying to convince herself, like you are, that she’s still interested in the relationship. It may be her way of holding on, even when she’s secretly over the relationship.

In my years as a relationship expert, I’ve seen this happen a lot. A woman may use “I love you” as a shield, to cover up her true feelings or to delay the inevitable.

Listen carefully to the way she says what she says. Does it sound sincere? Or does it sound like she’s just going through the motions? If so, it could be a warning sign that she’s secretly over the relationship.

Remember, actions speak louder than words. If her actions don’t match her “I love you,” it may be time for a serious, heart-to-heart conversation.

5) “Do Your Thing”

“Do what you want” is a very misleading phrase.

On the surface, it may seem like it’s giving you the freedom to make decisions, but in reality, it can be a sign of emotional withdrawal.

In my own experience, I’ve used this phrase when I’ve felt disconnected from a relationship. I’ve also heard it from countless women who are secretly fed up with their relationships as well.

When a woman uses this phrase, it can mean that she’s stopped caring about the outcome of certain situations or decisions. It can indicate that she doesn’t feel her opinions are valued or that she’s tired of arguing.

If you hear this phrase a lot, don’t take it lightly. It’s time to step back and reevaluate your relationship. Ask her how she’s feeling and what she wants — her answers may give you the insight you need.

6) “I’m tired”

When a woman says “I’m tired,” it can mean more than just physical exhaustion.

Emotional exhaustion often wears a mask, and “I’m tired” is one of my favorite emotional exhaustion masks. It could be a subtle sign that she’s exhausted—not from lack of sleep, but from the constant pressure of a relationship she’s secretly ended.

When I hear “I’m tired,” it often indicates a woman who has been struggling with the relationship and has reached the end of her rope. She may feel unheard, unappreciated, or simply exhausted.

Take this phrase seriously. If she’s always tired, it could be her heart’s way of signaling that it’s time to let go.

Remember, a healthy relationship should energize you both, not leave you exhausted. If she’s constantly exhausted, something needs to change.

7) “It’s not you, it’s me”

“It’s not you, it’s me” is a cliché in breakups, but it’s often more complicated than it sounds.

When a woman uses this phrase, she may be trying to put you down gently. But more often than not, it’s a sign that she’s done with the relationship.

In my journey and through my experiences with others, I’ve learned that this phrase often signals a woman’s need to reclaim her individuality or break free from a relationship that no longer serves her.

In the wise words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” If she says, “That’s not you, that’s me,” believe her.

This may be her way of saying that she needs to focus on herself, away from the boundaries of the relationship.

8) “I don’t know”

When a woman says “I don’t know,” especially in response to questions about your relationship, it can be a frank admission that she’s unsure about the future.

This phrase often comes up when a woman is struggling with her emotions. It could mean that she’s questioning the relationship or her feelings for you.

“I don’t know” can indicate confusion, doubt, and sometimes a desire to get out. It’s a sign that she may be secretly over the relationship but is struggling to express it.

Consider this phrase an opportunity to open up a deeper conversation. If she’s unsure about your relationship, it’s important to discuss her doubts openly and honestly.

Uncertainty can only be dispelled through clear communication and understanding.


Finally, it’s important to listen carefully to what your partner is saying, even when her words seem ambiguous. If she’s using any of these phrases repeatedly, it could be a sign that she’s secretly over the relationship.

Open and honest communication is the key to deciphering these subtle hints. Don’t be shy about having some tough conversations. They might just lead to the clarity you both need.

For more ideas and practical advice on navigating the complexities of relationships, check out my book, Breaking the Clinging: How to Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.


  1. Thank you for this comprehensive and engaging article. Your clear and concise writing style makes it easy to follow along, even with more complex topics. I learned a lot from this post and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Keep up the great work!

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