Can Narcissists Become Less Self-Centered?

Narcissism, characterized by an excessive preoccupation with oneself, often leads to a range of interpersonal and emotional difficulties. The question of whether narcissists can become less self-centered is complex and involves understanding the nature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), the challenges in altering narcissistic traits, and the potential pathways for change. This article explores these aspects in detail, providing insights into the possibilities and limitations of transforming self-centered behaviors in individuals with narcissistic traits.

Understanding Narcissism and Self-Centeredness

a. Defining Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental health condition marked by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Individuals with NPD often exhibit self-centered behaviors and have difficulty recognizing or valuing the feelings and perspectives of others.

  • Core Traits: Key characteristics of NPD include an inflated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with success and power, and a tendency to exploit relationships for personal gain.
  • Impact: The disorder can affect various aspects of life, including personal relationships, professional interactions, and overall emotional well-being.

b. The Nature of Self-Centeredness in Narcissism
Self-centeredness in narcissism involves prioritizing one’s own needs and desires above those of others. This trait is deeply ingrained and often serves as a defense mechanism against underlying insecurities and vulnerabilities.

  • Self-Centered Traits: Individuals with narcissistic tendencies may exhibit behaviors such as dominating conversations, seeking excessive validation, and showing little regard for others’ feelings.
  • Defensive Mechanism: The self-centered behavior often masks deeper issues of insecurity and low self-esteem, which can make change challenging.

Challenges in Changing Narcissistic Traits

a. Resistance to Change
One of the primary challenges in reducing self-centeredness in narcissists is their resistance to change. Narcissists may lack insight into their behavior and may not recognize the need for personal growth.

  • Lack of Insight: Many individuals with NPD are not aware of how their behavior affects others, making it difficult for them to see the need for change.
  • Defensiveness: Narcissists may react defensively to feedback or criticism, further complicating efforts to address and modify their self-centered behaviors.

b. Deep-Seated Patterns
Narcissistic traits are often deeply rooted in an individual’s personality and can be resistant to change. The patterns of behavior associated with NPD are developed over time and can be difficult to alter.

  • Behavioral Patterns: The self-centered behaviors associated with narcissism are typically entrenched and may have been reinforced over many years.
  • Therapeutic Challenges: Changing these ingrained patterns requires significant effort, self-awareness, and willingness to engage in therapeutic processes.

Possibilities for Change

a. The Role of Therapy
Therapy can play a crucial role in helping individuals with narcissistic traits become less self-centered. While challenging, therapeutic interventions can provide valuable support and strategies for personal growth.

  • Types of Therapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic therapy are commonly used to address narcissistic traits. These therapies focus on increasing self-awareness, modifying maladaptive behaviors, and developing healthier interpersonal skills.
  • Therapeutic Goals: Therapy aims to help individuals with NPD understand the impact of their behavior on others, develop empathy, and build more balanced and realistic self-perceptions.

b. Developing Self-Awareness
Increasing self-awareness is a critical step in reducing self-centeredness. Individuals with narcissistic traits must recognize and acknowledge their behavior and its effects on others to initiate meaningful change.

  • Self-Reflection: Encouraging self-reflection and insight can help individuals with NPD understand their behavior and its underlying motivations.
  • Empathy Development: Developing empathy involves recognizing and valuing others’ perspectives and feelings, which can contribute to a reduction in self-centered behaviors.

Practical Strategies for Reducing Self-Centeredness

a. Setting Realistic Expectations
Understanding that change is gradual and may not result in a complete transformation is important. Setting realistic expectations for progress helps individuals with narcissistic traits stay motivated and engaged in the process.

  • Incremental Goals: Focus on setting small, achievable goals related to behavior change and self-awareness. Gradual progress can lead to more sustainable results.
  • Ongoing Effort: Emphasize the importance of continuous effort and persistence in addressing narcissistic traits.

Related : What Vulnerable Narcissists Really Fear

b. Encouraging Healthy Relationships
Fostering healthy and supportive relationships can provide individuals with narcissistic traits with positive reinforcement and feedback. Building connections with empathetic and understanding individuals can promote personal growth and reduce self-centered behaviors.

  • Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive environment where individuals feel valued and understood can facilitate personal growth and reduce narcissistic tendencies.
  • Constructive Feedback: Providing constructive feedback in a non-confrontational manner can help individuals with NPD recognize areas for improvement and work towards positive change.

Challenges and Limitations

a. Persistent Traits
Despite efforts to reduce self-centeredness, some narcissistic traits may persist. It is important to acknowledge the limitations of change and focus on managing and mitigating the impact of these traits rather than expecting a complete transformation.

  • Ongoing Management: Managing narcissistic traits involves developing coping strategies and understanding the limitations of change.
  • Realistic Outcomes: Setting realistic expectations about the extent of change can help individuals and their support networks maintain a balanced perspective.

b. Impact on Relationships
The impact of narcissistic traits on relationships can be significant. Even with efforts to reduce self-centeredness, relationships may continue to be affected by underlying narcissistic patterns.

  • Relationship Dynamics: Addressing narcissistic traits requires ongoing efforts to improve relationship dynamics and communication skills.
  • Support Systems: Building strong support systems and seeking professional guidance can help manage the impact of narcissistic traits on relationships.


The journey toward becoming less self-centered as a narcissist is challenging but not impossible. While Narcissistic Personality Disorder presents significant hurdles, therapeutic interventions, increased self-awareness, and practical strategies can contribute to meaningful progress. It is essential to recognize the limitations and persistent traits associated with narcissism while focusing on incremental improvements and fostering supportive relationships. By understanding these dynamics, individuals with narcissistic traits can work towards reducing their self-centered behaviors and enhancing their emotional well-being.

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