10 subtle signs your ex wants you back (and what to do next)

Do you think your ex still has feelings for you and wants you back?

Are you having a hard time reading their signals?

If you add your feelings to the mix, it gets even harder.

Maybe you want your ex back, so you interpret every move they make as a sign that they still love you.

Or maybe you’re feeling desperate and hurt after the breakup, and can’t understand their words or actions?

Sometimes, seeing things from a neutral perspective can help you determine how your ex feels, even if they’re trying hard to hide their true intentions.

So, whether you broke up recently or have been for a while, there are some subtle (and more obvious) signs that your ex isn’t over you, and still wants you in their life.

In this article, I’ll explore 18 signs that they want to fix things, and what your options are going forward. Let’s get started right away:

Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

1) He Stays in Touch

Does Your Ex Still Text You Every Day? Is he randomly calling you just to check in on you?

If so, this could be a sign that he misses you.

Generally, after a breakup, it’s good to have a little space. But if your ex seems to keep calling you every day, it could mean that he hasn’t tried to move on (and probably doesn’t want to).

2) You Feel Stuck

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut without being with your ex?

This could be because your ex is trying to get you back.

Let me explain:

I’ve been there, and I know how you feel.

When I was at the lowest point in my relationship, I reached out to a relationship coach to see if they could give me any answers or insights.

I was expecting some vague advice about encouragement or being strong.

But surprisingly, I got some very in-depth, specific, and practical advice about addressing the issues in my relationship. It included real solutions to improve many of the things my partner and I had been struggling with for years.

Relationship Hero is where I found this special coach who helped me turn things around for me and helped me figure out if my ex wanted me back.

Relationship Hero is a leader in relationship counseling for a reason.

They provide solutions, not just talk.

In just a few minutes, you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get personalized advice for your situation.

Click here to read about them.

3) They Talk Honestly About Their Feelings

This is one of the most obvious signs, but if your ex starts opening up to you and wants to discuss their feelings, it’s clear that they still care about you and trust you with their vulnerabilities.

In addition to sharing their feelings, they’re likely interested in learning more about you and your feelings, especially if they’re dying to get back together.

4) They Want to Know Everything About Your Love Life

Does your ex always show up when you start dating someone new?

Are they constantly checking to see if you’re still single?

If they’re truly moving on, your love life isn’t their concern. The truth is, they’re so interested in you because they want to know what their chances are, and what the competition looks like.

They may also be hanging around to be the shoulder to cry on when things don’t work out in your new relationship. This is just another way to keep you emotionally involved with them.

5) They want you to know everything about their love life

Contrary to the last point, does your ex want you to know about their dating business? This is a sign that they want you back.

They usually do this to provoke a jealous reaction from you or to pretend that they’ve moved on (in the hopes that you’ll start missing them).

A clear sign that your ex is just doing this to get a reaction from you is if they immediately have a rebound relationship and brag about their new relationship everywhere.

Someone who is past the attachment stage and is happy without you won’t feel the need to do this so soon after the relationship ends.

If your ex is doing this, especially if you had a deep and meaningful relationship, know that it stems from pain and longing for you.

They are at a point where they will do anything to get your attention, even if it means dating other people.

6) What will a gifted counselor say?

Have you sought an outside opinion?

The signs I reveal in this article will give you a good idea of ​​whether your ex wants you back.

But can you get more clarity by talking to a professionally gifted counselor?

You need to find someone you can trust. With so many fake “experts” out there, it’s important to have a very good lie detector.

After going through a messy breakup, I recently tried Psychic Source. They gave me the guidance I needed in life, including who I was supposed to be with.

I was truly blown away by how kind, caring, and knowledgeable they were.

Click here to get your love reading.

A truly gifted counselor can not only tell you where you stand with your ex, but they can also reveal all of your love possibilities.

7) They often reminisce about the good times you had together

Does your ex constantly bring up fond memories of the times you two had together?

We all remember the happy moments in our past relationships, but most of us tend to do it alone, not with our ex.

By bringing up all those sweet, loving memories, your ex is trying to remind you of how great the times you had together were.

This is a clear sign that he misses those times and wants you to miss them too.

8) He follows you on social media

Does your ex still follow you on social media? This is a clear sign that he is still interested in you.

We live in an age of technology, and it has never been easier to keep track of what your ex is up to. If he doesn’t want you back, then your social media and your life won’t matter much to him.

But if they are following you on every social media platform even after the breakup, it could be a sign that they are not ready to move on and want to keep their lives intertwined.

9) They Want to Talk About the Breakup

Talking about the breakup is normal – many people want some form of closure.

But this conversation usually happens once both parties have had some space and are ready to discuss what went wrong.

The key to knowing whether or not they want you back is how often they want to talk about the breakup.

If it’s very regular, it could be because they can’t accept that things are over and want to resolve whatever issues led to the breakup in the first place.

10) They’re Trying to Make You Jealous

If your ex is trying to make you jealous, you can be sure they still have feelings for you.

Most people want to move on after a breakup, but if the other person insists on making you jealous, they’re testing you to see if you still have feelings for them.

This means that you’re still on their mind and they still care about keeping you close and involved in their life.

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