11 behaviors strong women will never put up with in a friendship

We all know that friendships can be one of the most rewarding aspects of life.

Friends fill our lives with laughter, love, and endless support, and act as a personal fan club when life throws us a curveball.

But not all friendships are created equal, right?

And when you’re a strong, independent woman who knows her worth, there are certain behaviors that you simply won’t tolerate in a friendship.

These are the non-negotiables, the deal breakers, and the “thanks but no thanks” behaviors.

Today, that’s what we’re talking about—the 11 behaviors that strong women will never tolerate in a friendship.

Let’s dive in!

1) Disrespect

First, strong women know their worth. They understand the value they bring to any relationship, especially friendships.

So, if there’s one thing they won’t tolerate, it’s disrespect. Whether it’s verbal, emotional, or otherwise, disrespect has no place in a healthy friendship.

Strong women demand respect, not just for themselves, but for everyone around them. Because let’s face it, life is too short to tolerate anything less!

2) Dishonesty

Truth and honesty are the cornerstones of any solid friendship. For strong women, there is no room for lies or deception.

They believe in transparency and openness, even when the truth is hard to hear.

If a friend is constantly lying or hiding things, that’s a big red flag. This is a big deal for strong women, as they expect honesty from their friends.

After all, a friendship built on lies is not a real friendship at all.

3) Negativity

As a strong woman, I’ve noticed that negativity is something I can’t tolerate in my friendships.

We all have bad days, sure. But when a friend constantly sees the glass as half empty and makes you feel down every time we meet, it’s exhausting.

I once had a friend who was always complaining about everything—her job, her relationship, her family. It was exhausting. Ultimately, I had to walk away for the sake of my mental health.

Remember, it’s okay to protect your peace. Strong women don’t welcome constant negativity in their friendships. We choose to surround ourselves with positivity and joy instead!

4) Lack of Support

Strong women are typically ambitious and always striving to achieve their goals. As such, they need friends who will encourage them every step of the way.

However, a lack of support is something they will not accept in a friendship. They believe that true friendships should uplift and empower both people involved.

These women have worked hard to grow personally and know how important it is to have friends who genuinely care and offer encouragement.

They expect their friends to be there for them as they are for their friends, especially during difficult times.

If they don’t see this kind of support reciprocated, they may feel that the relationship is more stressful than helpful.

As a result, they won’t hesitate to walk away from friendships that don’t provide the support they need.

5) Unreciprocal Effort

Talking about bias brings me to this next point. Friendships, like any relationship, require effort on both sides.

You can’t be the only one making plans, texting, and communicating. It’s exhausting and, frankly, unfair.

Strong women know that their time and energy are valuable. They won’t waste it on a one-sided friendship where they do all the hard work.

If a friend can’t keep up with their efforts or show the same level of interest in maintaining the friendship, that’s a big no-no.

6) Emotional Unavailability

We all know that friendships aren’t just about shared interests or spending quality time together. They’re about emotional connection.

Strong women understand this deeply and that’s why they expect their friends to be emotionally available.

It’s the honest conversations at 2 a.m., the shoulders to cry on when times are tough, and the shared joy when times are festive.

These are the beautiful threads that weave together a true friendship. If a friend is emotionally distant or indifferent, it can be very hurtful, and strong women simply won’t accept it.

Because at the end of the day, we all need someone who truly understands us, right?

7) Gossiping

True story – I once had a friend who loved gossiping. She would always fill us in on the latest news about everyone and everyone.

At first, it seemed harmless, maybe even a little sexy.

But then, I started to wonder – if she talked about others to me, what does that say about me to others?

That was a turning point. As a strong woman, I believe in the importance of trust and loyalty in friendships.

Gossiping about others, especially friends, is something I can’t stand. It undermines trust and creates unnecessary drama.

So remember – strong women don’t enjoy gossiping, we focus on building each other up instead!

8) Jealousy

We all know that jealousy can be a friendship killer. Strong women want friends who celebrate their successes, not ones who turn green with envy.

As we established earlier, when a strong woman achieves something – like getting a promotion or achieving a personal goal – she expects her friends to be happy for her.

This kind of support is important because it builds mutual respect and keeps a friendship healthy.

However, if a friend reacts with jealousy, it can damage the relationship.

Strong women understand that jealousy can be a sign of bigger problems in a friendship. They prefer to be around positive, supportive people.

So, if jealousy does arise, a strong woman may consider backing away from that friendship to keep her environment positive and supportive.

Who needs that kind of negativity, right?

9) Manipulation

I remember the day I realized one of my friends was manipulating me.

The hidden guilt, the constant twisting of things to make it seem like it was my fault, and the use of my kindness against me—it was hard to accept.

But as a strong woman, I knew I couldn’t let this behavior go. Manipulation is toxic and eats away at trust and love in a friendship.

It’s something I vowed never to put up with again.

So, be vigilant. If you notice signs of manipulation in your friendships, take action. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, always!

10) Unreliability

There’s nothing more annoying than a friend who constantly backs out of plans or is never there when you need them.

Unreliability is a no-no in any friendship, especially for strong women.

After all, they are dependable, so it’s only natural that they expect the same from their friends.

We all need someone we can count on, someone who will have our back no matter what. So, if a friend keeps wasting our time, it’s time to reconsider that friendship.

11) Criticism

Don’t get me wrong, we’re not talking about constructive feedback here. We all need that to grow and become better people.

We’re talking about harsh criticism, the kind that’s meant to belittle or hurt you.

Strong women know their worth and won’t let anyone diminish their worth with unnecessary criticism.

A true friend will love you for who you are, with all your flaws. So never settle for friendships that make you feel otherwise!

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