9 signs you’re actually in a very good position in life, even if it doesn’t feel like it

Sometimes, it’s hard to see the forest through the trees. You can get so caught up in the daily struggles and minor setbacks that you lose sight of how successful you are.

While it’s not always easy to recognize, there are clear signs that you’re in a good place in life, even when you don’t feel like it.

Being in a good place isn’t just about your financial situation or career advancement. It’s also about your mental health, your relationships, and your personal growth.

Here are 9 signs that you’re doing a lot better than you think.

These signs may be subtle, but they’re surefire indicators that you’re on the right track, even when life seems a little overwhelming.

1) Have a Roof Over Your Head

We often overlook the necessities of life when we think about our situation.

Having a place to call home, whether it’s a rented apartment or a fully-owned mansion, is a sign that you’re in a better place than you think.

Millions of people around the world are homeless or living in inadequate housing.

So even if your place isn’t ideal, having a place to live is more than most people have.

When you’re feeling down, take a moment to appreciate that you have a roof over your head.

It’s a sign that you’re in a good place in life, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

2) You’ve Failed

The concept of failure is often viewed in a negative light, but I’ve learned that it’s a sign that you’re in a good place in life.

Failure means that you took a risk and tried to move forward, even if it didn’t work out as planned.

It shows that you dare to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.

For example, I remember when I started my first business.

I was full of hope and ambition, but it wasn’t long before it all came crashing down and burning. Yes, it was a failure, but it was also a valuable lesson.

That failure taught me more than any success could ever teach me.

It made me more resilient, taught me perseverance, and showed me that I can get back up after falling.

So if you’ve ever failed, don’t beat yourself up about it.

It’s proof that you’re brave enough to try and strong enough to survive. This is a sign that you’re in a great place in life, even if you don’t feel like it right now.

3) Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you.”

It’s a mindset, an approach to life.

Those who cultivate gratitude often live happier, healthier lives.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can improve physical health and psychological well-being.

It can lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and boost happiness and well-being.

Ultimately, you’re able to acknowledge the positive aspects of your life, even amid challenges.

This ability to appreciate the good around you is a sign that you’re in a better place than you might think.

4) You’re Able to Ask for Help

We often associate asking for help with weakness, but it’s a sign of strength and wisdom.

It shows that you understand your limitations and aren’t too proud to ask for help when you need it.

Whether it’s reaching out to a friend when you’re feeling down, asking a coworker for advice on a project, or seeking professional help for mental health issues, the fact that you’re willing to ask for help shows your strength.

Are you someone who can ask for and accept help from others?

Take this as a positive sign. It means that you value growth over ego, which is a sign that you’re in a good place in life.

5) You’re a Constant Learner

Life is a never-ending journey of learning.

If you find yourself constantly seeking knowledge, exploring new ideas, and trying to better understand the world around you, it’s a sign that you’re in a good place in life.

This drive to learn shows that you’re not stagnant.

You’re open to new experiences and perspectives, and this adaptability is a critical asset in our rapidly changing world.

So whether you’re reading books, taking online courses, or just observing the world around you, your thirst for knowledge is a strong indicator that you’re better than you think.

6) Have meaningful relationships

In the grand scheme of things, the relationships we build and the love we share are what matter.

If you have people in your life who truly care about you, make you laugh, listen to you when you need to talk and stand by you in times of crisis, you are richer than you may realize.

These relationships are a testament to your ability to love and be loved.

They reflect your ability to connect on a deep level, one of the most profound human experiences.

True companionship—whether it’s with friends, family, or a partner—is to be treasured.

It’s a priceless sign that you’re doing very well in life, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.

7) You Can Afford Small Luxuries

Sometimes, it’s the little things that make a big difference. For me, it’s my morning cup of coffee.

Buying a cup of coffee may not seem like a big deal to some, but for me, it’s a luxury I don’t take for granted. It’s a moment of indulgence, a little treat for myself that I can afford.

If you have the means to treat yourself to a few small luxuries, whether it’s a fancy cup of coffee, a new book, or even a day off from work now and then, consider yourself doing well.

These simple moments of self-care are signs that you’re in a place where you can prioritize your happiness, and that you’re doing better than you might think.

8) You’re Not the Same Person You Were a Year Ago

Change is often subtle and gradual. You may not notice it until you look back and realize how far you’ve come.

If you’re not the same person you were a year ago, and you’ve grown mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, that’s a sure sign that you’re in a good place.

You’ve learned from your experiences.

You’ve adapted and evolved. And that continued personal growth is something to be proud of.

After all, growth often comes with discomfort.

It means you’re moving forward, and that’s something to celebrate.

9) You Have Hope for the Future

Despite challenges and setbacks, if you still hold onto hope for a better future, you’re in a good place.

Hope means you believe in possibilities.

You believe that things can change and get better. And that optimism is a powerful force that can propel you forward, even in the most difficult times.

Hope is the light that guides us through our darkest hours.

So if you have this light within you, know that you are stronger and more resilient than you think.

It is an undeniable sign that you are in a better place than you might think.

Meditation: The Power of Perspective
The lens through which we view our lives largely dictates our perception of them.

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