Why are people so annoying? The top 10 reasons

It’s not about you…it’s about them.

Do you find people just plain annoying? You’re not alone.

We all have negative personality traits that can drive people crazy.

Some days, you might find yourself wondering if you’re the only one who feels this way. I can assure you, you’re not.

Some people are better at ignoring.

Some are good at walking away.

Some have a very high tolerance for these annoying traits.

Here are the main reasons why people are so annoying (and what you can do about it).

1) They’re Fake

If you come across a fake person (it’s almost hard not to these days), you’ll probably find yourself getting annoyed just thinking about them.

They’re very easy to spot in a crowd.

They’re so inauthentic that you can smell them from afar.

Fake people spend so much time and effort trying to be the version of themselves they want to be, that it’s hard not to get annoyed when you hang out with them.

You’re not getting to know a real person. You simply get to know the version they want to share. And often this version is so far removed from their values ​​and personality that it’s almost infuriating.

A “fake” personality has got to be one of the hardest personality traits to deal with. They do it for attention.

It’s not about you, it’s about them 100%.

Your best option? Avoid them completely. If they’re looking for attention, the best thing you can do is deny it to them. Don’t engage with them. Don’t play games with them. Don’t criticize them. None of these tactics will get you anywhere.

Fake people are so committed to their cause that a few words from you won’t stop them from continuing on their path.

If you can’t avoid them completely, just keep the conversation short and move on.

The less time you spend with them, the less you’ll be annoyed afterward.

It’s a win-win situation in my opinion.

2) They’re Judging

Why do some people feel like they can elevate themselves on a pedestal above the rest of us and stick their big, fat noses into our business?

Judgmental people are annoying. It’s a simple fact.

They talk, think, and act in a way that suggests they’re better than you. Better than the people around you. Here are three things they all have in common:

They judge everything.

They don’t care much about your feelings.

They believe in their truth.

No one can handle criticism all the time, which is why judgmental people are so annoying.

Not to mention that we all define success in life very differently. What makes their truth the right truth? Nothing, of course. And that just adds fuel to the fire of annoyance that’s burning here.

So what can you do about it?

While it may be tempting to throw it in their face and get angry, a judgmental person will take that as a sign that they’ve hit a nerve with the truth. Don’t give them the satisfaction.

Instead, tell them politely that you didn’t ask for their opinion and that’s the end of it. If you want to, walk away in the process. It’s over.

You’ll find that your level of annoyance fades in the process.

3) They’re Selfish

I get sick just thinking about these people.

The ones who insist on being the center of attention and make everything revolve around them, and them only.

You could get hit by a car and be lying on the road dying, and they’ll still turn the attention to them and the horror they went through while witnessing that event. True story.

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters to them is their ego.

That ego will come first, second, third… you get the point. Simply put, they’re selfish.

No wonder we find these people so annoying. You can’t get close to them, because they only have room for them in your life.

So what value do they add to your life?

None, I’m afraid. It’s best to get rid of them until their ego fades away.

If you’re looking for the best way to deal with these types of people, let them know that when they’re around you, it’s not all about them.

Interrupt them (politely) and switch the conversation to someone else. You may have to be upfront about this and tell them it’s time to let someone else in on the conversation.

Selfish people won’t give up the spotlight without a little resistance.

4) They’re pessimistic


It’s not something we want to be surrounded by all the time.

Yet, pessimists seem to be after it.

They’re always trying to prove that the universe doesn’t love them or care about them at all.

When things are going well, they think it’s fleeting, so they don’t try to enjoy it.

When things are going badly, it’s proof that the universe is really against them.

They are not pleasant people to deal with. They can ruin the mood of any event.

People who want to be miserable just for the sake of being miserable are just annoying people to deal with.

So, what can you do about it?

Apart from the obvious, which is to avoid them at all costs.

The best thing to do is to counter all their negative remarks with something positive. Look at the good side of everything negative they say and do your best to change the mood around you.

Hopefully, they will start keeping their food to themselves.

5) They are Greedy

If you have ever met a greedy person, I bet you hoped you would never meet them again.

Greedy people are extremely exhausting.

No matter how much you give them, they want more and more.

It is not just about greed for money.

It can also be other things, like greed for your time.

Greedy people are extremely exhausting and annoying.

Don’t even waste your time asking them for anything. If it doesn’t serve their interests, they’re not interested in it.

Nothing is ever enough for them.

So how do you deal with a greedy person who annoys you? Well, start by saying no. You can guarantee that they won’t like hearing it, but they need it.

You can also put conditions on things. Tell them, I’ll give up my time to help you if you help me do it afterward. (Or maybe have them help you first so you know they won’t walk away)!

Greedy people often need to put themselves in their shoes.

But even that won’t stop them from being annoying.

You may have to cut your losses walk away from the relationship, and feel better for it!

6) They’re dishonest

Is there anything more annoying than someone you can’t trust?

You can never be sure when you’re around them, but you can be sure that they never have your best interests at heart.

Isn’t that annoying?

Whether they’re lying, keeping secrets, being a hypocrite, or trying to deceive you, who has time for dishonest people in their lives?

While you may do your best to stay away from them, some people have a way of sneaking up on you without you noticing. They could be a coworker or even a friend of a friend.

The best thing you can do around dishonest people is to stay vigilant when you’re around them. Keep your guard up and always be suspicious of them. While it’s not a pleasant way to live, it’s the best way to protect yourself.

Don’t worry about getting back at them if they cheat, lie, or steal. Let’s face it, it’s not worth it to stoop to the same annoying level they’ve stooped to.

Instead, fight the lie with honesty. Tell them what they did was wrong and point it out to them. Don’t let dishonest behavior go unnoticed, or they’ll be more likely to continue it, thinking they can get away with it.

The last thing you want to do is trust them.

7) They Don’t Forgive

In other words, those who love to hold grudges.

Honestly, is there anything more annoying?

After all, we all make mistakes in life, and being around someone unwilling to forgive under any circumstances is no fun for anyone involved.

Sure, some mistakes are much bigger than others, which makes it easy to see where these people are coming from. But the unforgiving person is the type who holds little grudges, too.

They’re the ones who remember that time you stole a project from them 5 years ago and still bring it up at office drinks.

No one needs that kind of negativity in their life. You want to just tell them to build a bridge and get over it, but that doesn’t seem to work.

So what can you do about it?

Make it a point to move on. If this person is a part of your life, you need to find a way to make it work for both of you.

If they keep bringing up the past, you need to be firm with them. Let them know that the past is in the past and it’s time to look to the future now.

Keep that line every time they mention a past mistake or a mistake you made and steer the conversation in a different direction.

Hopefully, they’ll get the hint and become less annoying over time. We can only hope!

8) They’re helpless

Okay, let’s stop for a moment. How annoying are helpless people?

Those who can’t see to do anything on their own.

They can’t figure out where to eat. They can’t go to the bar to pay for themselves. God forbid they wander to the bathroom on their own.

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Incapable people are one of the most annoying personality traits because they depend on you so much. For absolutely everything.

No thanks!

It’s like having a little kid following you around all day asking for help and not giving you a minute of breathing space. Nobody has time for that.

So what can you do about it?

I’d love to tell you that you can just tell them to grow up, but unfortunately, that doesn’t work that way.

You can’t be their savior either, or they’ll drag you down with them.

The best thing you can do is encourage them to make the best of their situation. Advocate for themselves and try to do something.

You don’t want to push someone out of their comfort zone, but it sure is annoying when someone is clinging to you.

Set some boundaries and stick to them.

The irony is that most helpless people simply can’t be helped!

9) They’re Impatient

Have you ever noticed how annoying impatient people are?

Of course, you have! They’re the ones who are always trying to move the group from one activity to another and can’t seem to slow down a bit to enjoy themselves along the way.

And never be late. Impatient people hate waiting!

While some situations call for it, most don’t really. And having an impatient person on top of you all the time can be extremely annoying.

But, you can learn to live with that.

This means letting the impatient person know that they’ve been heard while letting them know that the rest of the group isn’t ready yet and will catch up.

If they make a big fuss about someone being late, something being late, or any kind of impatient joke, remind them that you’re there to have a good time, and that’s all that matters.

It can often be helpful to tell the person that your impatience isn’t going to get them anywhere. You’re not going to rush for them. You wouldn’t make snide comments about your late friend and you certainly wouldn’t be rude to the staff.

What you would do is ignore them and enjoy yourself.


10) They’re Passive Aggressive

This has to be one of the worst personality traits because you simply never know when they’re going to strike! Out of nowhere, a passive-aggressive person will do something behind your back, and avoid confrontation at all costs.

They keep a safe distance and enjoy reaping the rewards of their spoils, while never coming out of the shadows. Annoying, right?

One of the best things you can do is call them out on it. They don’t want to cause trouble, which is why they tend to work behind your back.

Well, don’t let them. Get them out of the shadows and make them feel uncomfortable about their behavior. It’s a great start to helping them process it.

If you can, walk away from the situation and don’t engage with them. Confront them, tell them what they did was wrong, call them out on it, and then move on without a fight.

Don’t let them know the impact they’ve had on you. This gives them more satisfaction and motivates them to come back again next time.

In this case, it’s best to be the bigger person and walk away, no matter the cost.

Then, keep your eyes peeled for their next attack.

After all, you never know when it’s going to come!

So why are people so annoying?

The answer is simple: people are so annoying because almost everyone seems to have one of these annoying personality traits. In other words, these people are annoying because they’re so annoying.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it. It’s worth doing a self-examination and making sure you don’t exhibit any of these traits yourself.

You don’t want to find out that some of your friends feel the same way about you! Then take a deep breath, read above how you can deal with each trait, and go from there.

Just remember, don’t let them get to you. Annoying people are not worth your time and/or energy. It just makes them more annoying than ever if you give in to them.

Determine whether or not you need this annoying person in your life, and if yes, it’s time to find the right way to deal with them so that they start bothering you less and less. Over time, you may start to feel like you have fewer annoying people in your life.

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