9 clever ways to keep your cool around toxic people

Navigating your way around toxic people can be a real challenge.

The key is to keep calm, even when they are testing every ounce of your patience.

You’re finding clever tactics to keep your peace and mind intact. It will protect your mental space.

In this article, I will share nine clever strategies to help you keep calm about toxic individuals.

1) Keep it neutral

Dealing with toxic individuals can be like navigating a minefield. One wrong step, boom, you are caught in a whirlwind of negativity.

How do you maintain your neutrality?

This means not responding with the same amount of anger or frustration when they try to provoke you.

Instead, keep your tone of voice and body language calm and composed, even if inside you are boiling.

Their negativity is their problem, not yours. Don’t let them dictate how you should feel.

In this way, you preserve your emotional energy and avoid unnecessary confrontations.

Staying neutral is not always easy, but with practice, it becomes a powerful tool in dealing with toxic individuals.

2) delimitation

I remember when I had a difficult coworker. She had a talent for turning even the most minor cases into dramatic incidents.

And for some reason, she liked to bring drama to my office.

Initially, I indulged her, thinking I was being supportive. But soon it began to drain me.

I felt like I was always on edge, preparing for her next crisis.

That was the moment when I realized the importance of setting boundaries.

I politely refused when she tried to pull me into her drama.

I would say things like, ” I’m overwhelmed right now; maybe we can discuss this later?”Or” I think you should talk to our supervisor about this issue.”

Over time, I got the message and fell back.

While it was a difficult situation, it taught me that setting clear boundaries is crucial when dealing with toxic individuals.

Boundaries protect your mental health and signal to others that their negativity has no place in your space.

3) focus on solutions, not problems

In the modern world, prejudice can often lead us to think about problems instead of looking for solutions.

When dealing with toxic people, it’s easy to fall into drama and negativity.

Instead of immersing yourself in their problem-oriented mindset, try to shift the focus towards possible solutions.

For example, if a person constantly complains about a situation, you can suggest a possible solution instead of joining the complaint session or asking him how he plans to solve the problem.

This approach helps maintain your mental balance and skillfully encourages a more positive and proactive outlook.

Where attention goes, energy flows. Let’s orient it towards solutions rather than problems.

4) practice self-care

While dealing with toxic people, it is necessary not to neglect your own needs.

Self-care comes in many forms. Meditation or doing deep breathing exercises may take a few minutes every day.

It can be going for a jog, reading a book or just taking a relaxing bath.

Whatever form it takes, self-care to recharge emotional batteries and give yourself the strength to cope with toxic individuals.

You can not pour from an empty glass; therefore, take some time to refill yours.

5) Don’t take it personally

Toxic people often have a way of making you feel like you’re the problem.

Their behavior is a reflection of them, not you.

It’s easy to absorb their negativity and start believing that something is wrong with you.

But this is not the case. People behave toxicly because of their problems and insecurities.

RELATED:9 clever ways to keep your cool around toxic people

When a toxic person tries to put you down, remind yourself that it’s not your problem. You are a target for them to project their issues on.

Shrug it off and move on. You know your worth; don’t let anyone make you doubt it.

6) show empathy

Here’s a hard fact: behind every toxic person there is often a story of pain, disappointment, or trauma.

This no longer justifies their behavior but may help you understand it better.

Showing empathy does not mean accepting or condoning their toxic behavior.

It just means that you recognize their humanity, and this can be a powerful tool in dealing with them.

When you approach a toxic person with sympathy, sometimes this can lead to the dissemination of his negativity.

It shows them that they hear and understand, something they may not receive very often.

And sometimes, that’s all people need to start making positive changes.

7) request support

There was a time when I felt completely overwhelmed by a toxic person in my life.

I felt helpless because their negativity was seeping into every aspect of my existence.

That’s when I reached out for support. I opened up to a close friend about what I was going through.

I had someone listen and validate my feelings, and make a difference.

Sharing your experiences with someone you trust can be incredibly therapeutic.

It helps you gain perspective; often, they can offer advice or ideas that you might not have thought of yet.

You don’t have to deal with toxic people alone. Reach out and ask for support.

Sometimes, the shoulder you lean on is all you need to regain your strength.

8) limit your exposure

Keeping calm can be difficult if you are always around toxic people.

Reducing exposure to them is a practical and effective strategy.

This could mean physically distancing yourself from them or limiting your time with them.

If you can’t avoid them completely (for example, if they are a co-worker or a family member), try to minimize your interactions.

By doing this, you create a healthy environment for yourself.

You have the right to protect your mental and emotional health.

Don’t feel guilty about doing what’s best for you.

9) be honest with yourself

The most important thing to remember when dealing with toxic people is to stay true to yourself.

Don’t let their negativity change who you are or how you see the world.

It’s easy to start reversing their toxic behavior or let their negativity overshadow your positive outlook.

You have control over your actions and attitudes.

Stay nice, stay positive, stay you. You are more powerful and resilient than you think.

Final thoughts: self-preservation

When navigating through the murky waters of dealing with toxic people, it’s not a contest of who can cheat who but rather a strategy of self-preservation.

You keep calm around toxic people.

You choose peace over chaos, solutions over problems, sympathy over resentment.

You keep your mental and emotional health in the negative.

Stay true to your values, don’t let others dictate how you should feel or react.

In the end, dealing with toxic people is an exercise as much as patience and flexibility. It’s a journey of self-growth.

Let’s take these strategies and apply them in your life.

You have the strength to rise above toxicity.


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