After going through the agony of being involved with a pathological narcissist, you may be wondering, can narcissists love? On the more sensual side, some of us wonder do narcissists like to be touched or not. Narcissists send very conflicting messages about love, and it can be impossible to understand their true feelings or intentions.

Many of us wonder if people with narcissistic personality disorder have their unique version of love and what if any, feelings narcissists have for others. Some narcissists seem as if they are hopelessly and intensely in love with others, more than with a psychologically healthy person. Is this feeling experienced, or is it fake?

Examination of the Narcissist

Despite appearances, the narcissist does not like himself. Those with pathology have experienced abuse and trauma, usually under the age of five. Abuse can range from conditional love from a parent to emotional choking, spoiling a child, or even physical. The abuse created a narcissistic wound that stopped the emotional and personal development of the narcissist. As a result, the narcissist has no real personality or real personality.

Can a narcissist love? With no self-determinant, the
A narcissist, therefore, is incapable of self-love-it is logistically and emotionally impossible. To truly love another person, we need to have a stable and healthy form of love for ourselves. We need to accept that love does not require perfection; no one is flawless.

The narcissist is not able to understand this and demands perfection from him or others. As always with narcissistic personality disorder, everything becomes a projection on those who surround the person with pathology. This coping mechanism is the narcissist’s way of compensating for being too emotionally disabled and lacking an authentic and fully developed identity. Unfortunately, with a lack of real-life strength, a narcissist can not feel lasting, unconditional love toward another person.

Why narcissists enter relationships: the addicted narcissist

Pathologically narcissistic people enter relationships only to receive validation. Many narcissists may honestly think that they have feelings for the other person or even like them, but in reality, this is not the case. Loving another person is impossible when a narcissist is busy maintaining self-esteem.

The best metaphor for the narcissist’s self-worth is to depict a bucket with holes. Narcissists spend their lives chasing love, respect, and care from others in a big attempt to fill the bucket to the top. Of course, this is not possible. Trying to fill the bucket is a full-time job for a narcissist, and they find little energy for other pursuits.

Being in a relationship allows the narcissist to tell them that they are important and important. With no sense of self, they are desperate to be able to feel their presence. They are so focused on escaping from their captured true self and The Associated feelings of shame that there is no place for anyone else. The narcissist lives in an endless mode of survival and does not have any positive value to give to others.

You may have personally become romantically involved with a suspected narcissist and felt confused by their apparent fondness for intimacy and sexual activities. Do narcissists like to be touched? Yes and no. Individuals with this disease cannot create a real intimate relationship with another being. What you are on the receiving end of is a charming performance of the false self where the narcissist is trying to attract you.

Most narcissists don’t like to be touched by someone else, not unless they initiate the procedure. Remember that control is crucial for anyone suffering from this disorder. Survivors often describe the act of sex with a narcissist as mechanical or automatic, as if the heart and soul were missing from the moment. Without any doubt, most narcissists enjoy the pleasure of sexual activities like any other human being. However, the desired vulnerability is a big problem for the narcissist, who always seeks to keep their guard up.

Can a narcissist fall in love? Narcissists can certainly become infatuated with another person or develop an obsession. This apparent emotional outpouring is far from healthy love, however. What we are looking at is an addicted narcissist. The fact remains that it’s still all about the narcissist and how their partner makes them look. For example, if a narcissist’s partner is exceptionally good-looking, the narcissist will appreciate how that reflects on them. Of course, this is incredibly superficial, and people are only as important as they are an extension of the narcissist. Other people are reduced, literally, to things.

So, can narcissists love?

The narcissist is not interested in others and their lives at all. Other mortals will not receive value as a person with emotions and feelings. In the narcissist’s mind, only their feelings are important. This toxic way of thinking is the way narcissists think, and they do not perceive their behavior as wrong. How can it be wrong when a narcissist is fighting for her existence? The narcissist’s perception of himself as a victim is a reason to justify his actions.

The sad paradox when thinking about whether a narcissist can love or not is that a narcissist also does not think about someone to love. They can’t understand why anyone would do that. A narcissist is a fraud, and a person with whom others fall in love does not exist. The majority of narcissists are well aware of this fact, despite what they say to the contrary.

As soon as the other person fails to stick to the line or validate the narcissist at all times, their real, anger-filled, ugly feelings will flow. Narcissistic self-worth is at risk, and they will do whatever it takes to replenish it. The narcissist will use emotional or physical abuse to force others to submit and continue to offer unquestioning love, care, and respect. Once this cycle is complete, the narcissist will return to his version of love for the other person.

Can a narcissist love? While many narcissists believe that they love others, their behavior and actions say otherwise. Unconditional love will never be possible for someone with narcissistic personality disorder; it will always be very dysfunctional and abusive.

And, can a narcissist fall in love? Narcissists can quickly become infatuated with another person and obsessively think about this individual. The narcissist addicted to love is a real phenomenon. However, such an obvious devotion to another person will not last like nothing else. If you suspect that you are a neo-narcissistic mania, the best advice I can give is to run.


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