If you’ve ever had a conflict or been in a relationship with a narcissist, you know that they can be infuriating, intimidating, and absolutely hell. After everything you’ve been through, no one would blame you for wondering how to make a narcissist fear you. It can be difficult to get them to see things your way or even listen to what you have to say. But there is a way to get a narcissist to leave you alone, and it doesn’t involve threats or violence.
Instead, it’s all about using your words and actions to show them that you’re not easy to manipulate. In other words, learn how to make the narcissist respect you so he doesn’t try to mess with your feelings again. So, let’s discuss how to make a narcissist fear you using five basic tips.
Blocking emotional responses
The narcissist will do anything to get out of you. Your emotions are like pure oxygen to the narcissist’s black and suffocating soul. They thrive on seeing their target’s emotions such as anger and sadness, so the best thing you can do when dealing with someone suspected of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder is to remain neutral. As a result, you reduce your chances of being exploited further. The term commonly used to describe this emotional emptiness is gray rock. At first, it may seem unnatural to act in such a robotic way, but remember that this is a necessary form of self-preservation.
Internally, the narcissist feels out of control of his emotions and has great difficulty regulating them, despite his often calm and coherent mask. To compensate, narcissists rely on being in control to feel some sense of control. Because narcissists have an unstable or non-existent identity, they also never developed the adult tools needed to self-soothe and know when their feelings are unjustified. With this knowledge, you will soon realize that learning how to get over a narcissist is far from impossible.
Use their ego against them
How to trigger narcissistic panic? Narcissists are unable to deal with words or actions that hurt their inflated ego. Those with this personality disorder value their false, exaggerated version of identity and self-esteem, which they have carefully nurtured in their minds for years. Speaking, the false self is all the narcissist has to function in the world.
People with narcissistic personality disorder live in a fantasy land, where their false selves are all-powerful and fallible. The narcissist invokes this extreme perfectionism because anything less will fail to cover up the excessive and painful shame of the true self.
When you confront the narcissist with hard, harsh realities that conflict with his fantasy, you shake the foundations on which the narcissist thrives to survive. Narcissists are terrified of the truth. They cannot handle the idea that their self-idolized personality is a lie and the possibility that they are mentally ill. Reality is very much the narcissist’s enemy. How do you make a narcissist fear you? It sheds light on all the dark places inside their destroyed soul that they spend their lives running away from.
Alternatively, you flatter the narcissist’s ego to get the desired behavior. The narcissist may realize what you are doing and begin to feel wary around you. So, if you want to get a narcissist to leave you alone, turn the tables.
I demand accountability
Narcissists hate few things more than being responsible for something they have done wrong. The narcissist wants to live in a childish fantasy land, where they receive nothing but praise, regardless of whether it is justified or not.
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The moment you start asking the narcissist to act like an adult and accept and apologize for any wrongdoing, he or she feels extremely threatened. The narcissist will be quick to blame someone else, most likely you, for trying to regain the upper hand. Please don’t accept this and keep explaining that they are the ones at fault in this situation. The narcissist will begin to break down internally, and you will be on your way to mastering how to make the narcissist fear you.
Narcissists are accustomed to being able to manipulate others and often get what they want as a result. Once you start standing up to the narcissist and telling him no, the narcissist gets frustrated. The narcissist plays the role of a spoiled child and unconsciously assigns you to the role of an adult. Things start to fall into place when you realize that this is an unhealthy relationship dynamic.
Whether the narcissist is asking you for another favor, casual sexual activities, or expects you to take a backseat in a certain situation, make it clear that you are not a passerby. Taking these actions will protect your emotional health and will likely prompt the narcissist to leave you alone because you are not playing the expected role.
Drop hints you know
The final tip for how to trigger a narcissist’s fear is controversial, but it can be very effective when done well. Narcissists like to live their lives believing that they control everything and everyone around them. Like all illnesses, some narcissists are aware of their disorder, while others are vaguely aware that there is something wrong with them. No matter what type of narcissist you are dealing with, implementing these actions can work to your advantage. Do you want to know how to panic a narcissist? Try to follow this advice.
Without being too direct, let the narcissist know that you know he or she is not the perfect, moral person he wants to believe himself to be at all times. In a calm tone, tell the narcissist when he or she lacks empathy or is acting like a child. You can even try using well-known psychological terms and ask the narcissist to stop using or blocking you.
The narcissist will likely throw away everything you say about him and accuse you of being the abuser. You would never have an adult conversation with a narcissist about these topics, but you are indirectly telling the narcissist that his game is up. Once you learn how to get over a narcissist, he or she will likely run away or start pulling away from you.
How to Make Narcissistic Fear Summary
With everything said in this blog, it is important to remember that narcissists are still human, even though they are disturbed and abusive. Never take things too far, and remember that you have no power to change this person. If there is any possibility that using these tips will put you in danger, follow the wise advice to calmly walk away from this person.
Related : The Toxic Temptation: Being Addicted to a Narcissist
Admit that learning how to make a narcissist fear you is ultimately about your well-being and preservation. Don’t enjoy playing long-term games with a narcissist, because there is no winner in this situation. Use your new knowledge to your advantage, empower others in suspected abusive relationships, and work on becoming the most authentic version of yourself. If narcissists truly fear anything, it is emotionally powerful beings who possess everything they will never have.
For further reading similar to How to Make a Narcissist Fear You, or How to Get Over a Narcissist, see Do Narcissists Know They’re Narcissists?