Do you deal with someone who goes out of their way to avoid talking to you? If so, you may be on the receiving end of narcissistic procrastination. In any relationship, communication is vital for healthy interaction and mutual understanding. However, when there is a narcissist in your life, communication can become a frustrating and one-sided experience.
Procrastination involves deliberately ignoring, rejecting, or withdrawing from conversations to manipulate and control others. If you think this behavior seems beyond just infuriating, you’re right. This article will explore six signs of the dreaded narcissistic procrastinator.
Continuous emotional separation
An important sign of narcissistic procrastination is constant emotional detachment from conversations or conflicts. Narcissists often refuse to engage in open and honest communication when it threatens their fragile ego or challenges their self-perception.
They may show little or no emotional response, lacking empathy or concern for your feelings. They may appear cold, indifferent, or even bored during discussions, making you feel unheard and unimportant. You’re not alone if you feel your anger rising when dealing with someone like this.
Silent treatment and withdrawal
One of the most prominent signs of procrastination is the use of the silent treatment. When a narcissist challenges you, they will deliberately back away and refuse to respond, leaving you confused and frustrated. They may abruptly end conversations, ignore your calls and texts, or even physically leave the room without an explanation. You will be left asking the narcissist where he is going but you will never get an honest answer.
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This withdrawal tactic is designed to control and manipulate you, making you desperate for their attention and approval. Although this is difficult to accept, pathological narcissists cannot live out of survival mode and can only focus on using behaviors to try to suppress their never-ending self-hatred. You do not exist as a human being with feelings. It’s sad, but it’s true.
Lack of accountability
Narcissists are known for their inability to take responsibility for their actions. When confronted about their behavior or mistakes, they often deflect blame or completely ignore your concerns. During periods of procrastination, they may refuse to acknowledge their role in the dispute or ignore any attempts at resolution. This lack of accountability also helps them control the narrative and maintain their superiority.
Non-verbal communication
Narcissistic procrastination can also manifest through nonverbal communication. People with narcissistic personality disorder may use subtle but strong gestures to express disinterest or contempt. They may roll their eyes, sigh dramatically, or use dismissive hand gestures to belittle your words and lower your self-worth.
These nonverbal cues can be just as harmful as the absence of words because they undermine your credibility and invalidate your emotions. At this stage, the narcissist realizes how rude his behavior is but does not have the emotional capacity to care.
Deviation and distortion
When narcissists encounter uncomfortable conversations or criticism, they often twist and distort the truth to protect their vulnerable self-image. They may change the subject, shift attention to your perceived shortcomings, or bring up past mistakes to distract from their actions. Suddenly find yourself discussing something you supposedly did wrong a decade ago.
This deflection manipulates the conversation away from its flaws, making it difficult for you to address the underlying issues or find a solution. The average narcissist likes to announce that a conversation is over before it even starts or may drive you to the brink of insanity with wild circular conversations that can last for hours. This behavior makes no sense, but the narcissist needs to take the heat off them at all costs.
Surviving narcissistic procrastination
Recognizing the signs of a narcissistic stoner is crucial to protecting your emotional health and creating healthy boundaries in relationships with narcissists. Do you find yourself constantly facing emotional disconnection, silent treatment, and lack of accountability? This may indicate that you are dealing with a narcissist who uses stonewalling as a manipulation tactic.
Remember that communication is a two-way street, and healthy relationships require mutual respect, understanding, and empathy. If you’re trapped in a cycle of procrastination with a narcissist, consider seeking support from trusted friends, family, a therapist, or a counselor who can help you overcome challenges and explore assertive communication and self-care strategies.
Ultimately, by recognizing these signs and taking steps to protect your emotional health, you can break free from the manipulative grip of narcissistic procrastination and create healthier, more fulfilling relationships in your life. You are not going crazy, but unfortunately, you are dealing with someone who lost his mind a long time ago.