To be able to stay away from narcissistic assholes once and for all, it is important to recognize some traits and qualities that they all share, which will make it easier to notice them and stay away from them in the future.
Sometimes, it’s easier to turn a blind eye and hope that you’ll avoid heartbreak and cheating, but unfortunately, that’s not the reality most of the time.
I’m sure you’ve felt the displeasure of encountering at least one person with narcissistic abusive tendencies in your life so far who has turned your life upside down and made you wish you’d never met them.
They seem to be everywhere these days, and the more you try to be careful and avoid them, the more attracted they will be to you. It’s like a vicious circle that you can’t get out of…
Narcissists have a way of drawing you into their web of lies and manipulation so easily that you simply cannot blame yourself if you end up falling into their trap.
They never appear as they are at first.
They wear a mask until the moment they know they’ve got you hooked, and that’s when their true face finally comes out in the open.
To help you finally stop falling for these sociopathic assholes, here are the most common traits that all narcissists share.
This should help you identify them in time and save yourself from the inevitable misery and regret.
- They don’t care how they feel
Causing pain to people brings them happiness. They may try to hide it, but they rarely succeed.
Not only will your narcissist care if his actions or words hurt you, but he’ll enjoy it if they do!
This is fuel for them. The more they see you reacting negatively to something they did, the happier and more smug they become with themselves.
He will often do whatever it takes to hurt you, just so he can have fun.
It’s sick and twisted and if you notice your man is secretly doing it. Dump his conniving ass at this moment.
- They will never show any remorse for their dirty deeds
This is their area of expertise. No matter how badly they do, they will convince themselves that they are right.
Related : 10 Red Flag Signs That You Are Being Abused By A Narcissist
In their minds, they can do no wrong, simply because they are better than you.
No matter how negatively it affects you or someone else, they don’t believe in apologies and will never show any signs of remorse for what they feel.
And if you hear the word “sorry” from them, it will be the most false apology you have ever heard!
They’ll make sure you notice how much they didn’t mean it.
- It’s like a time bomb (you never know when it’s going to explode!)
Deep down, narcissists are extremely vulnerable, meaning that the smallest thing can upset them beyond words and send them into a fit of rage.
They may appear calm and collected on the outside, but one wrong word will hit you like crazy.
You’re always left wondering if the next thing you say or do is the one that will piss them off, and you’re always secretly afraid because you don’t know how bad they’ll react.
They have so much pent-up anger inside them that it is never safe to disturb them.
And if you think about leaving, you know very well how crazy it can make them feel, so you just have to go with what they say and try to keep them happy at your own expense.
- They make too much of everything
They are known to think they are better than everyone else, but if this is the case, they will make up stories to make them appear that way and convince you of it.
They are masters of manipulation and can turn any story into the event of a lifetime, intriguing you so much that you’ll believe it’s real, which is rarely the case.
They need to boost their ego at all times and keep their sense of self at its highest levels, so they often exaggerate to keep up the charade.
- They make you feel worthless and unable to do anything right
As if being around them isn’t already a complete nightmare, they will go out of their way to point out how useless you are and bury you deeper in self-pity and despair.
No matter how hard you try to please a narcissist, nothing you do will ever be right, and even if it is, he or she will never admit it.
All they do is make you feel like everything you do isn’t enough, just because they need to keep you around.
If they make you feel good about yourself, they risk giving you the courage and confidence to realize that you are better than that.
Related : 7 Signs of a Female Narcissist
So they make you feel like staying, knowing that you can’t find better than them.
- They secretly control everything you do
They are very manipulative, and there is nothing you can do without turning them on first.
It makes you feel guilty if you make plans with your friends without consulting them, so you always end up asking for permission to do the most random things.
You can’t leave the house without telling them exactly where you are and with whom, and even then, you have to check in with them every hour.
You feel trapped and controlled but fear that if you resist them, it will only make things worse.
You are basically under their control, and you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
If this is your reality and you identify with any of these harsh traits, then you are dealing with a skilled manipulator with narcissistic tendencies, and you need to escape as quickly as possible.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and do what’s best for you. good luck!