You get rid of a narcissist and soon find yourself in a relationship with someone else.
You begin to believe that only narcissists are left on Earth and that’s why you only meet them.
You will lose all hope of meeting a normal person (it doesn’t even have to be the famous unicorn “real man”) who will treat you the way you deserve, respect you, and won’t play damn games with you.
And every time you think you’ve finally met the right person, they turn out to be a selfish manipulator in disguise.
Look familiar?
The next step is to accuse yourself of making bad decisions and making bad choices in men, but what you may not have known is that it is no coincidence that you are a magnet for these toxic narcissistic manipulators. These six proven traits will make you simply irresistible:
- It is natural to trust everyone
You cannot divide people into two categories: those who cannot be trusted and those who need to earn your trust. You are somewhere between the two because you naturally trust everyone.
You believe that others will treat you with respect, just as you would yourself, and that they will not cause you any harm (mentally or physically).
You naturally trust because of your pure soul; You always think positively, which is the main reason why you are the main target of narcissistic manipulators.
See also: 9 perfect responses to instantly shut down a gaslighter
- You believe in reciprocity
You believe that if you treat someone with respect, make them feel special, and put consistent effort into the relationship, your partner will do the same for you.
You believe in reciprocity with your entire being because you don’t know any other way.
But narcissists believe exactly the opposite. They abuse your belief in reciprocity by pretending they want the same thing and are willing to make an effort and reciprocate (at least, at the beginning of the relationship).
- Never give up so easily
You see the good in others and do not give up at the first small obstacle. Don’t give up even if someone hurts you once or twice, maybe several times.
Your insistence on not giving up so easily in life and relationships is a drug for the narcissistic manipulator.
They enjoy the game of hurting and manipulating you and are thrilled to know that you won’t give in so easily.
They enjoy seeing you suffer and then come back to them as if nothing happened.
- You are honest and compassionate
You are like an open book to everyone because you are not afraid to express your opinion and have nothing to hide. You are not afraid to be vulnerable in front of others, even though you know they may use it against you.
You are also empathetic to the core. You feel the pain of others and always want to be with them and help them at any cost. Narcissists know all this; They also know that honesty and compassion are weak qualities, which is precisely why they exploit them.
Whatever you say to a narcissist, they will use it against you, and somehow you will continue to sympathize with them, even though they are hurting you. That’s why you are their main target.
See also: 10 things mentally strong people do to move on from a toxic relationship
- You love unconditionally
You love unconditionally. You have a big heart that has been broken many times, but you still don’t give up hope for better days.
You still care about others more than yourself. You still care more about other people’s happiness than your own. And narcissists are fully aware of this.
They know that no matter what they do to you, you will not judge them or accuse them of being fools. They know that you will always show compassion and forgive them, no matter what they have done to you.
They use your innocent and empathetic traits to their advantage and pretend to worship them while devising the perfect plan for their toxic, manipulative game.
- You have a strong desire to heal others and fix people
You have a strong desire to heal others and reform them if necessary because you believe that anyone can change if only you help them.
Narcissists know this too. They are well aware of attracting you by being immature, manipulative assholes who need your help.
But the truth is that they have never been and never will be willing to change. This is just a tool to save them time so they can manipulate you longer.
The plain truth is that you can’t change anyone unless they are willing to change – and this applies to narcissistic manipulators as well.