Now, I think we all know what a narcissist is, right? He’s the type of person who only cares about himself (to say the least). They are so self-absorbed that they lack the basic human trait of empathy.

Without empathy, you will still be just a human being, and you will not be able to feel other people’s pain, so they are very likely to be people who use other people’s feelings to manipulate them.

That’s why we have the term “narcissistic abuse,” because it refers to the way narcissists manipulate someone’s emotions, to make them feel worthless, and to make them believe that no one other than the narcissist themselves matters.

The worst thing about being abused is the way we don’t realize it. That’s why I’ve summarized all the small and big signs that you are being abused by a narcissist.


It is the art of making someone do things that benefit the manipulator. Sometimes it can be seen as aggression.

If you experienced manipulation growing up, you may not see it that way.

Sometimes, manipulation can be kind words and compliments used as a way to get you to do things he wants.

I think you’ve already pictured a typical situation in your mind: all those times he asked you to give him a BJ just because you’re “the best at it” or something like that.

Verbal assault

Verbal abuse is what leaves us with the biggest wounds, isn’t it? It includes yelling, assuming, bullying, asking you to do something, or ordering you around.

Sarcasm can also be used. Remember, criticism is not the same as expressing an opinion!

He might call you names and tell you that you’re not good enough.

He lies

He constantly lies to you, telling you how he was out with his friends watching the game but you found pictures of him with some girl at a party.

What is he saying to you? He lies to make himself look good and not to make you angry.

He may be lying about little things like where he put something just to see you searching for it all day when he knows where it is.

These are just a few examples of what an abuser may do. Keep in mind that their ultimate lie is “I love you.”

Emotional blackmail

This could include warnings that he will leave you if you don’t do what he wants, and if you still refuse he may explode in anger just to make you feel afraid and obligated to him.

You may also feel guilty for making him angry even though you could have saved yourself the problem by doing so the first time he asked you to.

physical violence

From pulling your hair to getting in your way, it’s all violence, baby. If you disobey him, he may throw away your things and destroy the most precious things you have.

He doesn’t have to hit you for it to be called physical abuse.

Drain your money

It is also referred to as financial abuse. If you are financially superior to the narcissistic abuser, he will not like it, so he will try to make it by gambling with the money he took from you or even selling your stuff.

As cruel as it sounds, it happens. He may even steal money from you if you refuse to give it to him.


He wants you to stay home at all costs. It isolates you from your friends and family and doesn’t allow you to go out at all.

He may use force to keep you inside the house.

Even verbal abuse of your isolation is common – for example, telling you that no one misses you and that you should stay home anyway.


It interferes in your relationships with friends and family, and perhaps even in your work environment, to make you remember who has the “upper hand” or for revenge.