What no one tells you about narcissists is that they are good at the art of disguise and a girl who is dating a narcissist will never realize that she is dating someone until it is too late.

Until she is left alone, broken and drained to pick up the pieces on her own. It will take a long time to heal because the effects of dating a narcissist are enormous.

A girl who dates a narcissist will have her self-worth destroyed.

In the wake of dating a narcissist, this girl will be completely lost. Her self-esteem would be very low if it seemed like there was anything left of her after the narcissist was done with her.

She will lose her dignity, all the value, and all the faith she had in herself before a narcissist entered her life.

A girl who dates a narcissist will be weak and afraid all the time.

The consequences of dating such a toxic man will be very obvious because she will try her best to hide her fear that everything in this world touches her, but she won’t.

Everything about her – her eyes, the way she acts when someone new approaches her – everything will scream that she is at her most vulnerable because of her past.

A girl who has dated a narcissist will only smile because she has to.

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She won’t feel like smiling, but in order not to worry those who care about her, she will put a smile on her face. She forgot the feeling of happiness and had not smiled from the top of her lungs in a long time.

It’s the price she had to pay for welcoming the narcissist into her life.

A girl who has dated a narcissist will avoid talking about what happened.

She will develop her kind of defense mechanism.

She will become wary, avoid people, and try to keep herself busy until she forgets the hell she went through and the hell she is experiencing in the wake of dating a narcissist.

A girl who has dated a narcissist will suffer from anxiety and depression just like her best friend.

She may not have been like this at first, and she may not have been anxious or depressed, but dating a narcissist doesn’t come without a cost.

Anxiety and depression usually come as side effects of a toxic relationship and it will take some time before they start to feel normal.

Recovering from a narcissist and surviving the effects of dating a narcissist will not be easy.

Healing will be a long, difficult process, and many people will not understand why it takes so long and why you don’t actually “get over it.”

Only those who care enough will care to stay as long as she needs them.

Only those who truly love her will be with her throughout her life and will be her greatest support because she will never be able to get through it on her own.

This girl who dated a narcissist forgot the good in people.

You can’t get around this because you’ve probably never experienced anything like this before and you should be lucky you dodged the bullet.

Unfortunately, it didn’t. I fell in love with the wrong man and lost a lot of things.

But the worst part is the fact that she doesn’t think there are more good people out there. She cannot see this because her past forces her to see her tormentor in everyone she meets.

She is not recovering from lost love or even from a failed relationship, but from war.

She won’t be able to get over what happened to her so easily.

It will take longer than you think. Your impatience will only hurt her. If you don’t help her, don’t make things worse by judging her.

Do you think she doesn’t want to be normal or happy or like she was before she entered the narcissist’s nest? She would, but she didn’t know how.

I had long ago forgotten what it felt like to be brave, what it felt like not to be afraid or not to be careful. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to not expect anything bad.

Therefore, she will need to hear from you often about how the nightmare ended and how everything will be fine.

She will need to hear from you how she doesn’t need to be afraid and that she doesn’t need to worry because you will always be there to be her rock.

It will be difficult for her to trust people.

Her past has taught her not to trust anyone because whoever she thinks is closest to her pushes her to hell.

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That’s why she will be skeptical when someone new tries to enter her life.

She will take any good deed towards her with a dose of skepticism, believing that she will pay for it later – and pay for it very much.

She will need some time before she welcomes a new person into her life or decides to love him.

Love now became a strange and unknown feeling for her. What she once thought was love turned into the most toxic feeling and made her a prisoner of her tormentor.

She wouldn’t allow herself to develop feelings for anyone, let alone love. That’s how bruised she is.

You will constantly apologize.

Because she’s been through hell, she’ll need to apologize, even for things she doesn’t need to.

I’ve learned that the best way to avoid emotional beatings is to take all the blame, which is what I did when I dated a narcissist.

It will be difficult for her to get rid of this, so don’t be surprised when you hear her say “I’m so sorry” for the smallest thing because this is her defense mechanism and it will take some time before she gets rid of it. from him.

She will hide her feelings.

In her previous relationship with a narcissist, the “feeling” always came at a price.