8 normalized family dynamics that are actually highly toxic, according to psychology

There is a stark contrast between what we perceive as “normal” family dynamics and what may be toxic behaviors lurking beneath the surface.

Often, these toxic dynamics are so normal that we don’t even realize how damaging they can be to our mental well-being.

Psychology points us to certain behaviors that we may have grown accustomed to but are extremely toxic. Trust me, recognizing them is the first step toward creating healthier relationships.

In this article, I’m going to share with you 8 of these extremely toxic, normal family dynamics.

My goal isn’t to alarm you but to empower you with the knowledge to take you toward healthier relationships.

This is Janet Brown, and I’m here to guide you through these murky waters. Let’s dive in.

1) Let Go of Disrespectful Behavior

We’ve all been there.

You’re at a family gathering, and your cousin makes a sarcastic comment about your career choice. Or maybe your dad dismisses your feelings about a certain issue. Everyone laughs at it. It’s just a “joke,” right?


This is a classic example of extremely toxic, normal disrespect.

It’s easy to dismiss this as harmless “family humor,” but constant belittling or rejection can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and emotional distress.

It’s important to stand up against such behavior, even if it seems normal within the family dynamic. Everyone deserves respect, starting with acknowledging and calling out this toxic dynamic.

Embracing change may seem daunting, but it’s the first step toward reshaping your interactions and navigating your way to a more fulfilling life.

Don’t be afraid to reset your compass and navigate your way to healthier relationships. It’s not just about surviving, it’s about thriving in an environment that respects your individuality and values ​​your opinions.

2) Ignoring Personal Boundaries

We’ve seen it in movies, we’ve read about it in books, and unfortunately, many of us have witnessed it ourselves—personal boundaries being casually crossed by family members.

This could be your sibling going through your stuff without asking or your parents making decisions for you without your input.

This disregard for personal boundaries is not just an invasion of privacy; it’s a toxic family dynamic.

As someone who has worked with countless individuals navigating these difficult dynamics, I can tell you that understanding and respecting personal boundaries is integral to healthy relationships.

In the wise words of renowned author and speaker, Brené Brown, “Understanding ourselves and our values ​​gives us the courage to set boundaries.”

If you’re struggling to identify your core values, I’ve created a simple but powerful exercise that can help. Check out the Identify Your Values ​​exercise. It’s designed to help you identify what truly matters to you, thereby empowering you to set firm boundaries that align with your core values.

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It’s your life. You have the right to control who can reach you and how they can interact with you. Don’t be afraid to redefine those boundaries within your family. It may be uncomfortable at first, but trust me, it’s worth it.

3) Discouraging Individuality and Personal Goals

There’s something deeply unsettling about having your dreams and aspirations belittled or dismissed by those who should be your biggest cheerleaders—your family.

You’ve probably been there yourself. You share a goal or dream with your family, only to be met with disappointment or even ridicule. Instead of fostering a sense of individuality, these interactions instill fear and self-doubt.

This is a toxic dynamic, and it’s more common than you might think.

Just because your goals don’t fit into the “family narrative” doesn’t mean they’re invalid or unattainable. It just means they’re different, and that’s perfectly normal.

It’s your life, and the goals you set should be meaningful to you, not designed to meet someone else’s expectations. Be true to yourself and chase your dreams with everything you’ve got. Your future self will thank you for it.

4) Enforcing Guilt and Obligation

It’s an uncomfortable truth to face, but sometimes the people we love can use our feelings of obligation and guilt to manipulate us.

You may have heard phrases like “After all we’ve done for you” or “You owe us this much.” These words are often used as a tool to control the decisions that ultimately direct your life.

It’s important to understand that no matter what you’ve been told, you don’t owe anyone else control over your life. Your choices, your path, and your future—these are your decisions.

Don’t let guilt or a sense of obligation dictate the course of your life. It’s okay to prioritize your happiness and peace. You don’t need anyone’s permission to pursue a life that feels authentic to you.

Stick to your decisions and trust yourself. You have the power to direct the direction of your life. Don’t be afraid to seize it!

5) Communicating without empathy

We’ve all had conversations where we felt like we weren’t heard or understood. Unfortunately, this often happens within our families.

Communicating without empathy is extremely stressful and toxic.

This happens when your feelings are ignored, your perspective isn’t considered, and the conversation becomes a one-way street. This lack of empathy can lead to feelings of isolation and invalidation of your emotions.

Acknowledging this dynamic is the first step toward change. The next step? Practicing empathic communication yourself and encouraging others to do the same.

You may be wondering where to start. One powerful method I recommend is journaling. It helps you better understand your emotions, which in turn helps you express them more effectively.

If you’re ready to delve deeper into transforming your life, consider my course, Reset Your Life Compass. Here, we explore different tools and delve into practices like journaling that can guide you toward living a fulfilling life.

6) Normalize Unhealthy Habits

Let’s face it, every family has its quirks. But when those quirks develop into unhealthy habits and become part of the “family tradition,” it’s time for a reality check.

Maybe it’s a culture of overwork, unhealthy eating habits, or binge drinking. Whatever the reason, these normal habits can have serious effects on your physical and mental health.

It’s important to break free from these unhealthy cycles and develop habits that contribute positively to your well-being.

Change is often met with resistance, especially when it comes to breaking away from established family habits. But remember, successfully changing your habits is the key to living a better life.

Don’t be afraid to create new traditions that align with your healthy lifestyle choices.

It may be difficult at first, but over time, you’ll begin to reap the benefits of a healthier, happier life!

7) Suppressing Authenticity and Self-Expression

In many families, there’s an unspoken rule: “Don’t rock the boat.” This often translates into suppressing your true self to keep the peace or conform to family expectations.

Whether it’s hiding your true passions or not expressing your opinions for fear of judgment, these actions can slowly erode your sense of self-worth.

This is a toxic dynamic that breeds resentment and hinders personal growth. It’s important to remember that your voice matters and your individuality should be celebrated, not suppressed.

As famous author and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl once said, “Life is never unbearable because of circumstances, but only because of a lack of meaning and purpose.”

A life of authenticity, meaning, and purpose begins with embracing who you truly are, without fear of judgment or rejection.

If you’re struggling to find your purpose and express your true self, I’ve shared some insightful advice in this video: Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life.

Life is too short to live up to someone else’s expectations. Be true to yourself, express yourself freely, and embrace the journey toward authenticity.

Your unique voice has the power to add untold richness to the world.

Don’t let it be silenced!

8) Value harmony over authenticity

On the surface, a family that always seems to be in perfect harmony seems perfect. But here’s the counterintuitive truth—sometimes, that harmony comes at the expense of authenticity.

In such families, disagreements are often ignored to maintain the image of unity. Members feel compelled to conform to the majority, even when their true feelings or opinions differ. This suppresses individuality and breeds resentment.

Living authentically means expressing your true thoughts and feelings, even if they go against the grain. It means standing up for what you believe in, even if it disrupts the perceived harmony.

Embrace your individuality, and don’t be afraid to express your opinions. True harmony comes from understanding and accepting differences, not from suppressing them.

It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be “different.” What’s not okay is losing your true self in the pursuit of false harmony.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it’s important to recognize that what we consider “normal” in our family dynamics may be toxic behaviors that are hindering our personal growth and happiness.

It’s not always easy to confront these dynamics but remember that acknowledging them is the first step toward change.

Whether it’s expressing your opinions, setting personal boundaries, or breaking free from unhealthy habits, you have the power to redefine these dynamics and live a more fulfilling life.

It’s your life. You hold the compass. Don’t be afraid to reset it and navigate toward the life you truly desire!

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