There are a lot of people who have commitment issues. If you are dating one of them, it is not good for you. It’s possible that your relationship is not going fast, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will find true happiness and love.
Below is a list of people that no one (at any age) should spend a second with once they find out.
Don’t try to change it. Don’t try to help them overcome commitment phobia. Instead, just run! After all, the more time you spend with the wrong person, the more time it will take to meet the right person.
Related: What A Narcissist Always Does At The End Of A Relationship
Here are 5 types of people you should never fall in love with:
- The forever spoiled child
We’ve all dated someone like this. They do not make any decisions without the approval of their parents.
You may recognize others on the list mixed in with the spoiled brat. (For example, they can also be uncommitted because they are already committed to their main pressure: their parents.)
One way to discover a spoiled child forever is when his mother helps him choose his house and clothes and you (his partner).
They ask for their parent’s opinion, not yours. If they get sick at any age and their parents have to come to take care of them, you have a forever spoiled child on your hands. Losing them faster than a bad habit because you don’t want to end up washing their clothes and arranging their lives like their parents always did.
- The non-compliant
You’ve heard this before, and you’ll hear it again. If they say they don’t want to commit, they mean it, and you have to respect that! You won’t change their mind.
You won’t get what you want by waiting for them to see the light and overcome their commitment issues. Get rid of them, and turn around to find the love of your life.
- The player
This person seeks only one thing, and his main function is to play. If they marry you, guess what? They will still act like players, only now you will call them serial cheaters.
They don’t want a serious relationship, and you shouldn’t either because this person will waste your time. You can easily spot them on social media with all the hot people in their photos. Drop them and their unique kind of commitment phobia.
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- The narcissist
We’ve all seen this before – they’re beautiful but with sociopathic tendencies mixed in. You may confuse a narcissist with a player or the average non-committal type.
But they are in a very committed relationship with themselves. There is no room for you, your needs, or your issues because they are so obsessed with themselves. Sorry, but the style will never change with them. Good luck finding an available mirror when you’re around.
- Flake
Women are called “flaky” all the time, but everyone is flaky to some extent. When you combine flaking and weakness, you have a real problem on your hands.
You can never take this person seriously. He’s the kind of person you end up in a text relationship with, who says he likes you but can never make time for a face-to-face date where you can talk.
Maybe they don’t know what they want to do with their lives. They may want to take you on a date but can’t decide if it’s a movie or dinner, the time, or how to get there. Yes, you will get tired of this very quickly. Throw them back because they are not a keeper either.