15 Signs A Guy Needs Constant Female Attention

Getting attention can be great, or it can be nightmare-inducing.

Some people really can’t handle all the eyes on them. But others love the attention. They love attention very much, and it goes beyond just wanting to be noticed by others.

Unfortunately, the need for constant attention often makes it difficult to maintain a decent, drama-free relationship.

Are you worried that the man you are seeing is constantly in need of female attention?

You may want to bail if you notice someone dealing with many of the indicators below.

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15 Signs he just wants attention (and needs it constantly)

  1. He takes more selfies than he should

Look, we all know that selfies are something everyone does. But there’s a difference between an occasional selfie and someone whose phone has six selfies every day, all photoshopped, filtered, and with cool stuff in the background.

  1. You can’t help but notice how often his conversations revolve around him.

Men who always need attention usually don’t know how to get people to pay attention to them during a conversation. So, they start talking about themselves… a lot.

  1. If people aren’t talking about him or watching him, he’s keen to act.

For people like this, there’s no such thing as bad attention. If he doesn’t get enough attention by his standards, he will often cause a scene, start a fight, or even start drama just so people can notice him again.

As a result, he is often not invited to parties or even taken on dates.

  1. His social media includes posting funny pictures of himself that show his face.

There’s something about this that deserves to be bothered, and it must be a sign that something is wrong with his head.

If he’s trying to market himself as meme material, he probably has narcissism issues or just can’t stand the thought of everyone not paying attention to him.

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  1. When he’s outside, his voice is so loud that he drowns out other people’s voices – and she thinks this might be intentional.

I of all people know what it means to have a voice that carries. In general, people with naturally booming voices know that they have high voices and will work to keep them at a normal tone.

If the guy you’re dating has a voice that drowns out the people around you and tends to talk over everyone else, he has attention issues and control issues.

  1. He seeks compliments

Everyone loves a good compliment, but a normal person won’t catch them.

If you notice him angling for compliments, whining when he’s not being paid attention to, or doing anything that’s being done for the “likes” on Facebook or Instagram, you may have an attention-seeking guy on your hands.

  1. His online posts are full of drama.

Some people post things about how they are #foreveralone or talk sarcastically about people just so they can outdo others. Although this is a normal type of behavior from time to time, these people go further.

  1. He is also obsessed with getting followers on social media.

Average people don’t care about social media followers unless they work in industries that require it. If he’s always trying to show off his Pinterest skills or trying to get more fans on his Facebook page, there might be an attention issue.

  1. When you go out together for long hours, he ignores you.

Attention-seeking men have a lot in common with narcissists. Your needs will eventually fade away if he notices people giving him attention or narcissistic supply.

Why? Because getting your fix matters more than how you feel.