8 Tiny Warning Signs That Scream ‘Do Not Marry Him!’

You think you love a man. You even think it’s marriage material. He says all the right things, but as time goes on… you start to notice that his actions don’t match his words. He tells you he respects you, but rejects your opinions. He claims he wants a shared relationship between you two, but then he makes all the decisions. Sorry ladies…this is the behavior of a “loser”.

We’ve learned from more than 33 years of marriage research conducted around the world that ignoring the warning signs of a loser is a huge risk to your health, happiness, and well-being. Pay attention to the warning signs before it is too late.

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The eight signs that you should not marry a specific man:

  1. He constantly engages in controlling behavior

We often hear women tell us, “He always wants to control,” or “If you want to go to movie X, he buys tickets to movie Y.” When your man exhibits behaviors that want complete control of your relationship, be very careful. A true love relationship has no bosses.

  1. His condescending attitude drives you crazy

Here’s the deal – your man is not your master. He does not always have the right to have the last word. Honestly, a love relationship shouldn’t have a hierarchy. He is not more important than you; His attitudes and opinions do not trump yours.

  1. He often displays narcissistic behavior

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their importance and a deep need for admiration. People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior to others and care little about other people’s feelings.” If your partner thinks he is superior to you, you have to prove otherwise by walking away from your relationship with him. It’s that simple.

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  1. He practices bullying methods

Let’s be honest here – no one likes a bully. Unfortunately, bullying occurs in many marriages and relationships. The bully pushes you and wants to make you back down in his presence. A Bully is like a termite. He is always trying to get inside you and weaken you in your organization. He wants to eat inside you so he can control you. So, we ask this simple question, “Is your partner bullying you?” If he does, it’s time to leave your relationship.

  1. He tries to manipulate you all the time

Does he try to “pull your strings” as if you were a puppet? More importantly, does he constantly try to manipulate your actions, feelings, behaviors, and aspirations? Some men always want to steer you toward the conclusion they might come to, not the one you might come to. Manipulation is an insidious form of control.

  1. He never keeps his promises

Well, he promised you a rose garden but never fulfilled it. He told you he would fix your car, but he didn’t. He told you he would pick you up at 8:00 PM, but he didn’t show up until 10:00 PM. He said he was going to cut the grass, but he didn’t. The truth is that he promised you that he would do a lot of things. In the end, he rarely keeps his promises. Pay attention to the warnings.

Related: If A Guy Says Any Of These 12 Phrases, ‘Run Before You Even Knew How To Crawl’

  1. He cannot be trusted

We’ve discovered over the years that the best marriages have trust at their core. In those marriages that last over time, they all tell us that it was their never-ending trust for each other that got them through the good times and the bad. Without complete trust, you cannot continue the relationship.

  1. Shows financial warning signs

Since the number one cause of disagreements in marriage is money, it is important to notice the warning signs in the man you think you want to marry. Here are some warning signs to pay careful attention to: Often unemployed. He spends his money on a lot of personal “toys” without considering the consequences. You often end up footing the bill when you go out to dinner, a movie, or a concert.