11 Honest Signs Your Parents Might Not Love You The Right Way

Everyone knows how difficult family life can be sometimes, but does the way your family behaves make you wonder if they care about you? It’s terrible to feel like your family ignores you, doesn’t respect you, or doesn’t love you.

If you’re worried about being unlovable, oftentimes, it’s not about you, it’s about your parents.

Parents who are overly concerned with themselves can never understand what their children are going through.

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You may feel like an outcast in the family, and constantly making mistakes. You may begin to believe that you were raised by narcissists who do not care about you or your life.

11 Honest signs your parents may not love you as much as they should

  1. They don’t seem to care about your suffering.

They don’t seem to care much about your health. They don’t even want to be bothered.

  1. They don’t consider you their child.

Instead, they look to you about their future.

  1. They don’t care even if they know about your deteriorating health.

They don’t bother asking how you feel.

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  1. They don’t seem interested in your life.

They don’t acknowledge important occasions like your birthday, graduation, etc.

  1. They neglect your daily activities

They treat you like a liability and don’t communicate with you.

  1. They don’t respect you in front of your friends.

Constant yelling, manipulation, threats, and bullying are all signs of abuse that you shouldn’t have to deal with.

They yell and scream at you even if you haven’t done anything wrong. They treat you like a human punching bag and often take their frustration out on you.

  1. They never brag about you.

You feel humiliated in front of the whole world.

  1. They won’t make time for you.

When you win something or achieve something, they don’t praise you for it. Even if they did, it seems superficial.

  1. Your ideas, opinions, and decisions are ignored or completely ignored.

You feel disconnected from your family because they seem to ignore you. Maybe you think it’s never enough no matter what you do.

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  1. It flakes on you frequently.

This indicates that you are not a high priority for them.

  1. They constantly push or completely ignore any boundaries you set.

This feels disrespectful.

Some parents may be incapable of love. They don’t like anyone, including themselves.

So, if you are constantly asking yourself if your parents love you, it may be time to let them go.

Try to communicate and create boundaries. Don’t compare your parents to someone else’s parents. The most important thing is to call someone or get help if it’s mentally stressful.

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