10 Things Sociopaths Want From You That Aren’t Money

What do sociopaths want from their romantic partners? Often, the answer is money, but sometimes it is not.

My cheating ex-husband took $227,000 from me, scammed several women, and also took money from them totaling over $1 million.

Some sociopaths lie, cheat, and abuse, but never take the money. This makes their partners wonder – are they sociopaths?

If the sociopath isn’t there for the money (i.e. he pays for everything without access to your accounts), what other reasons are there to stay in a relationship if he doesn’t live with you or share anything with you financially?

Here’s what you need to know: If a sociopath targets you, it’s because you have something they want. Often it is money, but not always.

Here are 10 things a sociopath might want from you that have nothing to do with finances.

  1. Sex.

Sociopaths crave stimulation, and sex is highly stimulating, so they seek it out.

However, sociopaths are not slaves to their physical urges. They often use sex primarily as a manipulation tool to get something else they want.

  1. Services.

Sociopaths may want you to do something for them that they don’t want to do for themselves, such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children.

  1. Housing.

Even if sociopaths do not directly ask for money, they may suggest living together. They may say it’s because they love you when in reality they have nowhere to go.

  1. Entertainment.

Maybe you’re part of an exciting social scene. A sociopath may only want to be around you to get access to people you know.

  1. Status.

Spending time with you can be good for their image, especially if you are rich, famous, successful, or competent. Your status enhances their status.

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  1. Photo.

Perhaps the sociopath needs a partner like you to complete the image he wants to present to the company or society.

For example, they may want to appear family-oriented, such as appearing as a doting mother or proud father, when in reality, they may not care much about you and your children.

  1. The cover.

Your presence may help them escape a hidden agenda. You may be providing cover for the sociopath to pursue a double life of sex, drugs, or crime.

  1. Communications.

Sociopaths may use you, your skills, and your connections to realize their grandiose dreams or entrepreneurial plans.

  1. They like to deceive people.

Sociopaths enjoy beating people up, this is called the “joy of deception.” They often manipulate, deceive, and use people just for fun.

  1. Dominance.

Sociopaths thrive on power and control, so they sometimes seek dominance for the sake of dominance.

They want to prove that they are stronger than you, and perhaps powerful enough to destroy you.

If a sociopath targets you, it’s because they see you as useful in some way. Once you are no longer useful, you will be eliminated.

Related: 1 In 100 People Are Psychopaths — The 3 Personality Traits That Give Them Away


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