7 Reasons You Can’t Get The Closure You Need From A Sociopath

Relationships with sociopaths are intense.

It’s intentionally intense—the sociopath demands your attention, showers you with affection, and quickly declares undying love.

What is rush? Well, they want to tie you up before you escape. All their movements are intentional

You, of course, do not know this. You believe that sociopaths are after you so hard because they are in love and can’t live without you. The two of you, they swore, were soulmates.

And then, suddenly or slowly, the relationship ends.

huh? What happened? How could this person who painted a glossy picture of your future together turn around and walk away without looking back?

Want to understand what when it’s wrong. You want closure.

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If the main symptoms of a sociopath accurately describe your partner, don’t bother pursuing it — here are 7 reasons why.

  1. The intensity I saw wasn’t love, it was a pursuit of a prize.

When sociopaths want something, they are hyperfocused – they focus intently on what interests them.

When your relationship started, that was you. You were the prize. Once the sociopath wins you over – well, there’s nothing left to chase.

  1. Sociopaths will never feel your pain.

I was in love. Now that the relationship is over, you are sad. Despite what sociopaths say, they never fall in love.

Why? Because they are incapable of love.

They don’t feel the pull of love the way you do. So they will never feel sad and will not be able to share your pain.

  1. Sociopaths don’t care how you feel.

Sociopaths do not feel empathy. They would certainly benefit from your compassion, but they don’t experience it.

They view empathy as a weakness, as a stupid emotion that makes you vulnerable. In their view, the only thing to do with a weakness is to take advantage of it.

  1. Sociopaths do not feel remorse.

Sociopaths do not feel remorse. They never feel sorry for anything they have done.

They may feel sorry when they get caught but they don’t regret their actions, they just regret getting caught.

  1. Sociopaths will never apologize

You may want the sociopaths to apologize for all the pain they have caused you. But a true apology requires that the perpetrators recognize the pain they have caused, which is impossible for the sociopath.

Now, sociopaths may indeed say “I’m sorry,” but that is just a tactic to continue to manipulate you. Don’t fall for it.

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  1. Sociopaths feed on your emotional responses.

Sociopaths love to be puppet masters.

They love pulling strings and watching others dance, and, in particular, love making people cry, beg, or explode – the more visceral your reaction, the more satisfaction they derive from it.

Don’t feed the beast.

  1. Looking for closure gives sociopaths an opportunity to annoy you.

You may know that the relationship is bad for you but still have trouble walking away from it. Many people have met or talked to a sociopath to end it – only to find themselves “trapped” or trapped again, like a vacuum cleaner.

“No contact” is the way forward. Looking for closure keeps you involved with the sociopath – and that’s futile. They will never understand how much they hurt you. They will never apologize.

So don’t wait for the sociopath to end it, end it. You have to decide that you will no longer subject yourself to insensitivity, disrespect, cheating, or abuse – whatever the sociopath does.

Make the decision that it’s over and stick with it.
The best way to achieve closure is to give it to yourself.

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