Secret To A Good Marriage Is Knowing When To Say ‘F*ck It, I’m Done’

Sometimes, we find ourselves with nothing to say but “Fuck!”

This can be done in small but effective ways, and sometimes in big ways. The key is to make sure that by saying “f*ck it” we are not inviting harmful side effects into our lives.

In other words, do not bother yourself by making hasty and impromptu decisions. Knowing when it’s time to move on has more to do with protecting our character than with wanting to finish something difficult.

Sometimes, the most challenging projects have the greatest rewards. But there are other times when, no matter how difficult, we need to walk away. This was the case years ago with a friend of mine. By the time she reached the “damned” stage, her ego was a mess – and she had symptoms similar to those of a broken heart.

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Fortunately, it is not too late to jump off a harmful path and chart a new one.

For this friend of mine, her new path involved moving abroad. She has always longed to travel. She also wanted to learn how to be contentedly alone, enjoy her own company, and not always be the other half of the relationship or a member of a group.

She finished her degree and became qualified to teach. The world was her oyster, as they say, and she was the slightly tarnished pearl inside. The two-year relationship, which she began reluctantly, has finally taken its toll. He was handsome, charming, funny, and successful. But it was much more than that. Even from their first kiss, she sensed something unsettling about him.

She tried to respect her intuition. She told him she didn’t want a relationship, and that the timing was off. But she was somehow fascinated, despite her repulsion. It was convincing and romantic. Within months, she was drawn into a turbulent relationship with him.

She had never known anything like it before. Elevations. Lowest levels. Tears. There was even poetry. There was. And art. And music. He was an artist of varying degrees, and his grand gestures and complex personality made her a willing captive.

He was depressed, narcissistic, and extreme. He was also weak and, at times, a burden. It was like a storm. As we all know, storms often leave behind destruction and casualties. She won’t be a victim! Instead, she would help him. You will teach him. You will change it.

But despite her intentions, his manipulative words and actions—meant to make her weak—begin to take root in her mind after all. His words and other gestures, aimed at lifting her again, began to lose their magic.

She was not immune. Gradually, she felt herself fading, slipping, disappearing into the game in which she had become a willing player. So she ended it. After a while, she packed her bags and set off on that trip she had intended to take.

Ultimately, time and distance made the past become what it was meant to become: the past. As her anxiety faded, she began to feel and hear the sound of her rhythm. It started as an uncomfortable silence for her company and evolved from there.

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And then, one day, in the middle of a sea of ​​people, I looked up at the right moment and came face to face with the most beautiful man.

Always remember to stick to your dreams, your path, and most importantly, yourself. When it comes to love, we get lost in it at first, but we should never settle or accept an inadequate version of it, nor should we sacrifice ourselves along the way.

Don’t be too hard on yourself or define yourself by the mistakes you make, because it’s never too late to step out of a bad path or create a new one. No matter what happens, never stop learning and striving until you find your rhythm; When you do, stick to it. Don’t leave it.