People Who Make These 5 Selfie Faces Age Faster

Narcissists spend a fair amount of time worrying only about themselves, and doubly so when it comes to their appearance.

Nothing scares narcissists quite like aging, and people’s awareness of it. Aging is natural and is guaranteed to happen to anyone.

But you don’t have to be obsessed with yourself to be concerned about aging, either. I just questioned my low self-esteem and tendency to obsessively apply under-eye cream while screaming “I’m going to live forever.”

Like it or not, you’re going to get older. This means lumps, bumps, wrinkles, and age spots.

Plus, it also means people will give you seats on the subway and you’ll magically get a real treat from an original Werther’s candy.

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But there’s one thing you do all the time that might get you into Werther faster than you’d like: taking selfies.

That’s right, your ducks frown? It’s getting old for you. Stop those selfies!

And it doesn’t stop there either, even your laptop is determined to make the guy packing your groceries call you ma’am.

You can’t stop time, but you can stop yourself from making these faces.

Here are 4 selfie faces that make them age faster than anyone else:

  1. Raised eyebrow frown

This causes brow wrinkles and gives you a permanently puzzled expression.

But wouldn’t you rather look puzzled than look like a piece of Reynolds wax paper?

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  1. Selfie frown (duck face)

You’re just trying to find the AF for the photo you plan to send to that nice guy you met while on a highway cleanup detail. But little did you know that you also give yourself mouth and lip wrinkles.

the horror.

  1. Double chin

This “cute” frowning expression is best left to the origins of children.

As we age, this frown takes on a “dimple and knob” sheen.

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  1. Laptop grimace

I bet you are doing this now. I know I am. Our laptops, or as I call my life companions, are planning to make us exhausted before our time.

Experts say this causes frowning, so be careful. I like to combat this default expression by frequently stopping to look up weird Japanese Instagram accounts dedicated to cute, stylishly dressed cats.

  1. The rabbit hears it

You think you wrinkle your nose cutely when you’re talking on the phone with a good friend. Well, joke on you, you were actually causing permanent lines on your nose.

Nobody likes an old rabbit.

Unless they live in a forest and it’s ancient and they eat it as soup.

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