5 Ways Letting Go Of Your Toxic Relationship Can Save Your Life

Learning how to get out of a toxic relationship and move on can be difficult.

Are you looking for a reason to do this? What about when it saves your life?

Related: How To Get Out Of Victim Mentality In A Toxic Relationship

Leaving any relationship, even a toxic one, is very difficult. Our friends and family encourage us to do this, and maybe we know we should, but sometimes it’s hard to take that final step.

We search for reasons, hoping that there is a reason that is the final nail in the coffin, the thing that gives us the strength to leave.

But seeing the signs of a toxic relationship should be enough to motivate you to learn how to let go of someone you love.

There are 5 reasons why it’s time to leave your toxic relationship and move on.

  1. Your body will become strong

Did you know that daily stress from a toxic relationship can take a toll on your body?

Have you noticed that your head hurts a lot, that your stomach hurts a lot, or that you have pain in your shoulders or back that you don’t remember feeling before?

Being in a toxic relationship can have a huge impact on our physical health. The daily stress of a bad relationship wreaks havoc on our systems because we never switch off from it. Even when we’re not with our partner, our minds are preoccupied with the relationship and our bodies are enduring pain.

Imagine if you woke up in the morning, feeling strong, your head clear, your stomach ready for a big breakfast, primed and ready to take on the world. How cool would that be?

Letting go of someone you love but are toxic to you can give you physical strength, strength that may save your life.

  1. Your mind will heal

Do you spend most, or all, of your time struggling with concerns about your life and relationships? Do you suffer from feelings of despair and fear? Are you wondering if it’s possible to feel happy again?

If these words describe you at all, you probably suffer from anxiety and depression, two things that have the power to rock your world, and not in a good way.

People who live with anxiety worry about what is, what was, and what could be. They obsess over all the things that are wrong in their life and relationship and this makes it difficult to focus on anything else.

People with depression constantly experience feelings of hopelessness and dread. They suffer from how terrible their lives are every day and cannot believe that things could ever be different.

If you struggle with anxiety and/or depression — struggles you didn’t have before your current relationship — leaving a toxic relationship is the best thing you can do for your mental health and may even save your life.

  1. You will get yourself back

Do you look in the mirror some days and wonder who this person looking back at you is? Have the months or years you spent in a toxic relationship sucked your life out?

Are you struggling to believe in yourself, and in your ability to achieve it on your own?

Many people in a toxic relationship may be consumed by anger, sadness, and harsh words, and they may be consumed by it to the point where their self-confidence is shattered and they no longer believe in themselves.

Imagine that you no longer feel that way. Imagine that you are no longer that person who has been burned out so much that he does not believe he is worthy. Imagine, instead, being a person full of self-confidence, looking at themselves in the mirror and seeing someone they know is worthy of life, love, and happiness.

How good does this feel?

Related: 10 Huge Things You Need To Know About Leaving A Toxic Relationship

  1. You will renew connections

Many people in toxic and unhealthy relationships find that their relationships fade away one by one.

This happens for two reasons. The first is that oftentimes, people in toxic relationships have to cut off contact with those they care about because their partner feels threatened and possessive. Instead of having friends and family to turn to, they find themselves isolated and alone.

What also happens is that we lose friends and family because they get tired of making the same mistakes over and over again. They keep listening to us complain but don’t make any changes. They watch us ruin our lives, day after day, because of someone who makes us miserable.

Slowly, one by one, they move away from us until we find ourselves alone.

Imagine a life full of love and connection. A life full of friends, family, and happiness in shared experiences. A life where we wake up every day, eager for new experiences and lots of laughter.

Letting go of a toxic relationship so you can get your friends and family back could save your life because a life without love and connection is a very unhealthy life indeed.

  1. You will find love again

The presence of love – or its absence – in our lives is one of the most important keys to maintaining our health and making life worth living.

Letting go of a toxic relationship can be very difficult.

We cling to the person we hope they are, or because of the way things were in the beginning, or because of the belief that we don’t want to give up.

Ironically, thinking about all these things only hurts us.

Imagine a life where you feel physically healthy, your mind is clear, you feel good about yourself, and you are surrounded by love and joy.

You can have that if you are willing to let go of the relationship that sucks your life out every day.

you can do that! I know you can!

Related: 14 Signs You’re In Denial About How Your Toxic Relationship Is