Exactly What Happens When You Leave A Toxic Relationship

A toxic relationship brings you down.

You may find it hard to believe that unhealthy relationships can lead to anything good. The truth is that the relationship problems you experience when you are with a toxic person may leave you feeling helpless in the moment. But once you leave a toxic relationship, you will reap the benefits.

Related: 10 Smart Ways To Avoid Toxic, One-Sided Relationships

Here are eight surprising positives of leaving your toxic relationship.

  1. You rediscover your emotions.

Toxic relationships kill your enthusiasm.

When you’re in a depleting relationship, you only focus on fixing what’s already hopeless, instead of going after what you want.

When you finally break through, you rediscover your favorite hobbies and passion projects.

This, in turn, provides an emotional outlet and helps you move on from your relationship more quickly.

  1. You can reconnect with family and friends who truly love you.

Unhealthy relationships cause us to disconnect from others.

But when your relationship ends, you go to family and friends and realize that they have been waiting for you.

They’ve been with you the whole time, so don’t take them seriously.

  1. You appreciate the little things more

Whether you’re celebrating a reward from a colleague or a text message from your best friend, you’ll find yourself cherishing every moment of the day.

After spending so much time in suffering and pain, you now know what true gratitude means.

  1. You regain your mental and physical health.

Your toxic relationship has likely affected your health.

So, as post-relationship self-care, you focus on your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

You find yourself fighting to regain the wellness that your ex-lover deprived you of.

Maybe head to the gym and eat more healthily.

Maybe put yourself first and enjoy relaxing again.

Regardless, you find that when you focus on your health and wellness, you start to feel whole again.

Related: 7 Dangerous Lies People Tell Themselves To Justify Staying In Toxic Relationships

  1. You enjoy your new independence.

You once saw single life as lonely, but now you see it as independent.

Moreover, you see your new independence as a sign of courage, perfection, strength, and wisdom.

You enjoy it because you no longer pin your happiness on someone else.

You take pride in being self-sufficient because mastering the art of freeing yourself from others takes a lot.

  1. You gain the ability to empathize with people who are hurting.

Now that you understand heartache firsthand, you genuinely care about the pain of others.

You become more sensitive.

You are not afraid to share your story to give people hope.

  1. You thrive more fruitfully in your career

You realize that investing your energy in your business provides you with more rewards than anyone else can receive.

A fulfilling career gives you the home and life you want and doesn’t require you to depend on anyone else.

Therefore, you prioritize your career aspirations over any potential love interests.

  1. You are reinventing yourself.

You can try new things because you can.

Maybe you cut your hair, try high heels, travel a lot, cook complex dishes, or enjoy risky adventures.

When you change, you discover that reinventing yourself is the best way to heal.

Instead of giving up on yourself, you can reinvent yourself and find that better things are waiting for you.

If you have come out of a toxic relationship and life feels overwhelming, never fear.

Life may be difficult right now, but the benefits you will gain from the healing process will be worth the struggle.

Related: 7 Critical Ways To Avoid Relationships With Unsafe, Toxic People