8 Types Of Toxic Relationships To Cut Out Of Your Life Now

We all get into good and bad relationships throughout our lives. She can be seen with family, friends, and most importantly people.

But how do you know when enough is enough? When is it okay to give second chances versus knowing when a relationship is toxic and cannot be saved?

The truth is that no one can answer these questions for you. Every situation is unique and depends on your thoughts and feelings about it.

Related: 15 Tragic Signs You’re Stuck In A Toxic Relationship

While it’s important to know when it’s time to cut someone out of your life, it’s also important to recognize the signs that they are toxic to you.

As they always say, the first step to changing something is admitting there is a problem.

This applies to all toxic relationships you may find yourself in. These may come from discovering that the person is not who you thought they were.

There is also a possibility that time has gotten the better of you both and that the connection has faded.

No matter what makes a relationship or friendship toxic, it can be difficult to accept. We never want things to fail, but sometimes they do without our control.

If there is someone in your life that you believe is destroying you, creating unnecessary anxiety, or no longer serving any purpose, it may be time to get rid of them.

You don’t have to do this harshly. An honest conversation about the way you feel can solve the problem or give you the closure needed to let go.

Always do what’s best for you! Although it may hurt you or them in the short term, this is the time to focus on the long term.

Here are the eight types of toxic relationships you need to get rid of in your life now:

  1. Cocky best friend

There’s nothing worse than feeling disrespected by your best friend. They’re probably quite confident in the life they’re living, and that’s great for them!

However, it’s not fair to ignore all the amazing things you accomplish. If this friend constantly talks about himself, does he care about you?

Friendship involves support, encouragement, and consideration. Be able to recognize that you don’t have these things and wish your arrogant friend luck.

Related: The Hidden Reason It’s So Hard To Leave A Toxic Relationship

  1. The manipulative friend

Talk about messing with your head – manipulative people are some of the most confusing people to understand. Anytime someone tries to control you, something is not right.

When your friend, someone you trust and love, acts inconsistently, it can be annoying. However, you deserve better!

It’s time to move on and abandon their back and forth and whatever else they’re doing to cause manipulation.

  1. Negative Nelly

No one says you have to be positive 100% of the time, but we all know someone who likes to be negative 100% of the time. These people are Debbie fans who like to put their problems on the shoulders of others.

Maybe this is a friend or partner. Any negative person around you probably puts a gray cloud over your head, and that is no way to live.

Don’t be afraid to take control of your needs and remove this person from your life. I promise you’ll be happier when you do.

  1. The traitorous friend

Everyone has their view on the seriousness of cheating. But I must tell you, girl, once a traitor, always a traitor.

Although we may be quick to forgive sometimes, it is important to know the root cause of the problem. Is he unhappy? Does he no longer have feelings for you anymore?

None of these problems can be solved by staying in the relationship. Whether he cheated once or five times, let him go and find someone who is enough for him.

Related: Why It’s So Ridiculously Hard To Leave A Toxic Relationship

  1. A jealous or judgmental friend

Who is the person in your life who thrives on drama and knows everyone’s business? Now that the name is in your head, you can work on deleting it.

As with negative people, jealous and judgmental people put your mental health at risk. It’s never good to have someone spew bad thoughts in your ear.

When you remove the friend who triggers your jealous thoughts, you will feel lighter and happier. Moreover, what is the point of condemning others? nothing!

  1. The unapologetic friend

If getting an apology from your friend is as difficult as parallel parking, you probably need to get rid of it. Often, arguments may affect your relationship.

While the ultimate goal is to understand the other person’s point of view, the argument may not be resolved until both people apologize.

Even if he doesn’t agree with your reasons for being upset, your feelings are still valid and he should show you that with a simple “I’m sorry” from time to time.

  1. The rebellious friend

I do not deny that we all go through a rebellious phase in our lives. However, I would discourage you from keeping friends who continue this rebellion throughout their lives.

You should never feel pressured to do something you are not comfortable with. Additionally, your moral compass shouldn’t be challenged every time you get together with your friend.

Keep your morals ahead of this person and you will have something to be proud of. Remove anyone who suggests participating in activities that you know are unsafe or illegal.

  1. A friend who is emotionally, mentally, or physically abusive

Any kind of abuse is enough to remove someone from your life. If you find that you are emotionally and mentally drained, you need to re-evaluate your relationship.

Likewise, if you have been physically hurt by your friend, it is time to get help. Talk to someone you trust or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

This is one of the most toxic relationships women find themselves in. There is no shame in asking for help or withholding it, but there is tremendous power.

Related: 7 Things A Toxic Relationship Will Teach You About Love