7 Troubling Signs You’re In Love With A Narcissist — And What To Do If You Are

Think about the most annoying person in your life, whether it’s a partner, a boss, a friend, or someone else close to you. In these relationships, you somehow lose track of yourself—acting like crazy or always feeling unsure—and you can’t figure out how or why.

If we look at past relationships, you know you didn’t always act this way, but in this particular relationship with this particular narcissist, you get addicted every time.

Why do some people have such power over us and make us feel crazy with their crazy behavior? It’s as if there’s always some edge about to fall off or we feel constantly confused. People like this are called Crazy Makers, and dealing with them is maddening.

Not sure if you are in a relationship with one or not? Keep reading to learn the signs of a narcissist and the characteristics of this frustrating behavioral pattern. Then, you can learn some smart strategies to deal with it.

Related: Early Warning Signs That The Person You’re In Love With Is A Giant Narcissist

1. She’s nice on the outside, not pretty on the inside.

Crazy Makers hide their true identities by acting kind, altruistic, empathetic, caring, and caring on the surface. When you first meet them, you will form an instant connection and think they are the nicest person ever.

However, beware, because Crazy Makers change their appearance to what you want to see, but only long enough to tempt you. Once you become addicted, everything ends up in arguments and your overall emotional state becomes one of frustration and anger.

Since they still strategically bring out their “nice” side, you will constantly justify your relationship with them and live in a world of confusion. It’s a cycle of feeling crazy enough to leave the relationship and then receiving enough of a drop to calm you down again. Repeatedly.

2. Taking care of them is your job.

Narcissists want a life full of fun, entertainment, and excitement, and anything outside of fun is not their thing. They prefer that others handle all the boring or difficult things. In other words, they are sensitive to the words “responsibility” and/or “accountability.” Oh, and those who delay their gratification feel the full wrath of Crazy Marker’s displeasure.

Remember, they are not in a relationship to contribute; They are here to receive them and for someone else to take care of them. These narcissists always want more than they give and don’t care how you feel about it.

3. They are selfish.

This is their central feature. Crazy Makers don’t work in relationships with an ounce of compassion or justice. Their idea of justice is that they get what they want exactly the moment they want it. They feel entitled.

They are stubborn, stubborn, unreliable, and refuse to perform when asked (they think they expect you to do so). They are intentional in their desire to upset others all the while acting as if everyone outside of them is overreacting. It’s their world and you are just a visitor.

4. They are never wrong.

Selfish creatures, the Crazy Makers, live in a world of complete distortion. They see themselves as victims of their circumstances. From their perspective, they are never wrong, they never go wrong, and their motives are always pure intention. They do not accept any responsibility for their behavior.

One of the craziest signs that you’re in love with a narcissist is their inability to distinguish between what’s important and what’s not. They argue about everything and nothing and often make more fuss over less important matters.

Raising dust diverts their responsibility from the issue at hand and takes their victims off target. They will use anything to justify their anger while pointing out that you are wrong. They only see certain “facts” and omit all useful (or fair) information.

5. They have tantrums.

Wow, do these people have tantrums over science, and maybe even an art form? They make a lot of noise when they are not satisfied immediately, and often make verbal threats, justifications, and justifications to satisfy their demands immediately.

Their other favorite way to provoke a seizure is to pretend that you don’t exist. They will ignore you when you talk, walk past you, or make more or less noise until you respond (so they can blame you for being “angry”) or give up because it’s not worth fighting. Either reaction encourages the cycle because Crazy Maker succeeded.

6. They “accidentally” bother you on purpose

Crazy Makers act in secretly hostile ways, so no matter how you react, you’re wrong. Driving you crazy with chronic forgetfulness, procrastination, tardiness, withholding affection, and stubbornness is par for the course.

They are also fond of teasing with non-verbal behaviors such as eye-rolling, shrugging, loud sighing, smiling, cheesy comments, and sarcasm. And deviation. Their goal is to incite you into anger so that you look at what is wrong and they easily avoid responsibility.

To make matters worse, Crazy Makers then offer insincere apologies that feign innocence by using passive-aggressive statements such as: “All I said was…” or “I just meant it…” implying that you are “too sensitive” or “taking “Things are going wrong.”

7. No one bosses them (because they are the boss, of course).

These people are especially upset when others try to tell them what to do. “I’d do it in a minute…” and “Oh my God, I’d do it; just relax…” are two of their most famous lines. They procrastinate taking action until you get extremely angry and do it to yourself. Or they react with anger and indignation when asked to cooperate or comply. They view any request as a request and consider cooperation as a surrender.

Chronic delay is the preferred strategy for re-establishing dominance if forced to comply. Crazy Makers recognize the opportunity to promise others an arrangement that is beneficial to all participants, knowing that they will likely choose to disappoint everyone by backing out or showing up late (just because they can). They even train themselves to be sensitive to what others want and need just so they can avoid giving it to them.

If you try to hold them accountable, they will simply avoid it by saying, with false sincerity, “Sorry” or “I screwed up.” But they are not sorry. They will turn around and make the same “mistake” over and over again. Their apologies quickly become more offensive than the original assault.

Unfortunately, the thing that Crazy Makers often withholds is emotional support. Sometimes they defend the indefensible just to be difficult. They do not view others as “people.” They see others as subjects aiming for their satisfaction. They do not empathize with the feelings and needs of others.

Related: How Narcissists, Sociopaths, & Psychopaths Manipulate You Into Emotionally Abusive Relationships