Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is characterized as a mental health condition in which individuals with this disorder have an unreasonably high or exaggerated sense of their importance.
People with this disorder may come across as boastful, pretend to be superior to others, easily disappointed, lack empathy for others, impatient, etc. People with BPD often feel smarter, more attractive, more capable, and more competent than others. Their peers.
They are often attention-seeking, feel entitled to special privileges, are overly critical of others, and require a constant flow of attention and admiration.
Although people with narcissistic personality disorder display high self-esteem, this is often not the case. Many people with BPD often experience low self-esteem, decreased confidence, and self-doubt.
Related: 9 Scary Ways Narcissistic Victim Syndrome Traps You In A Bad Relationship
#Narcissistic breakdown
Narcissistic breakdown refers to an intense emotional reaction that involves a breakdown of structure or stability. Some people with narcissistic personality disorder experience meltdowns under certain conditions and circumstances, such as humiliation, embarrassment, and perceived failure.
During this episode, the individual will often lash out and become angry and anxious.
They may engage in avoidant behaviors during a meltdown or become extremely vindictive, seeking to hurt others when they see they have been hurt.
Unfortunately, when a person feels that they have lost control of their public image and are no longer “seen” with much respect or respect, attacking behavior begins.
In extreme cases, narcissists may attempt suicide when they feel they cannot change others’ perception of them as “fake” or “fraudulent.” Although signs can vary, most often they include intense emotional reactivity and aggressive behaviors.
Fortunately, their behavior is not a permanent occurrence and begins to decline once the narcissist returns to his or her usual mood.
Related: 8 Long-Lasting Effects Of Having Narcissistic Parents, According To A Harvard Psychologist
Here are some common signs of narcissistic breakdown that you may notice.
- Refusing to return to work or school
- Impulsive behavior
- Withdrawal/avoidance behaviors
- Retaliatory or retaliatory behavior
- Snarky behaviors
- Reckless behaviour
- Excessive criticism of others
- Mind manipulation
- Excessive complaining
- Irritability
- Mental breakdown/regression
- Hostility
- Defamation of others
- Hostile behavior
- Manipulation methods
- Increased sensitivity
Related: Why It Took Me 5 Overly Long And Abusive Years To Divorce A Narcissist
Dealing with a narcissistic breakdown can be very difficult, especially for the narcissist’s partners or family members.
It may be difficult to support or help someone aggressive or confrontational. Some partners and family members may feel threatened by this behavior and may choose to avoid the narcissist altogether.
People experiencing narcissistic breakdown will benefit from building confidence and self-esteem. They must practice creating strong boundaries between themselves and others, identifying and then avoiding triggers, and developing skills/techniques to manage negative moods.
Counseling can be helpful but the individual must recognize that there are problems and be willing to make appropriate adjustments.
Related: 4 Steps To Heal From Trauma Bonding After Ending A Narcissistic Relationship