As in any relationship, your intuition is always on high alert.
There’s a vague feeling of fear, curiosity, or perhaps uncertainty in your stomach.
Are they telling the truth? Am I supposed to feel this way all the time? Why do I always doubt my partner, is this normal?
But when it comes to dating a narcissist, even the strongest intuitive people can fall apart because they don’t listen to their intuition.
Related: 17 Disturbing Reasons Why Narcissists Prey On Anxious People
It is alarmingly common for them to find themselves in relationships with this type of person.
Narcissists have a crazy way of hiding all our biggest fears and warning signs while we’re in relationships.
They are masters of manipulation and will always find a way to win you back even when you know the best decision is to break up.
The important thing to remember with narcissists is that they will do everything in their power to get you back even when your gut is telling you to leave.
It’s easy to mistake their deception for genuine remorse or a desire to make it work.
They take these opportunities to manipulate your emotions especially when you feel vulnerable or reflective.
Hopefully, this trick will calm you down and get you back to where they want you.
But what kinds of things will they say to get you back?
Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
1. If they say “I’ve decided to start getting help” after a fight
They may say they are looking for professional treatment but the truth is they probably are not.
They may just say it so you can feel sympathy and trick you into thinking they are making an effort to change.
Related: Narcissists Are Actually Empaths — That’s How They Get Exactly What They Want
2. If he says “I don’t love him” when you accuse him of cheating
They are just trying to sweep their infidelity under the rug and are setting themselves up for the spotlight on the other person.
This might make the other person think, “If they’re cheating on me, it’s because I’m not desirable enough.”
This will create insecurities within themselves that will keep them attracted to the other person for fear of not finding someone else.
3. If they say, “Let’s be friends” after the relationship ends
They want you to be friends with benefits.
Again, after they manipulated you into questioning your self-worth.
They know that you will be weak enough to give in to them again and again.
Related: 6 Lesser-Known (But Equally Toxic) Personality Traits Of A Narcissist
4. If they say, “I’ll make it up to you” after any kind of confrontation
Unfortunately, they are not cooperative, tolerant, sympathetic, or committed to change.
They’re saying this to get you back on their good side. And also to show that they are making an effort to try when in reality they are just trying to silence you.
This is the ultimate mask.
The illusions that narcissists want to use to make it seem like they want it to work won’t always fly especially if you’re on their game.
While these signs are often overlooked or disbelieved, they are highly recognizable if you trust your intuition and judgment.
Narcissists like to put others in situations where the other person becomes afraid of losing them.
They thrive on making themselves seem desirable while destroying others’ self-esteem without any remorse.
So remember, if you want to break free from their manipulative grip, you have to break down the door.
Make sure to end all communications after that and block them from reaching you so you don’t fall into a trap where you might lose yourself.