Although only 1 in 200 people in the United States has been officially diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), it causes a lot of turmoil and chaos in the lives of everyone around it.
The best way to deal with a narcissistic person is to not contact them. This means that you stop all contact with them, putting an end to the relationship between you and the narcissistic abuser.
However, if you decide that walking away is not an option and want to turn the tables on the narcissist in your life, there are ways to make him pay for the way he treated you.
Related: I Gained Trauma Weight From A Narcissistic Ex
#What triggers narcissistic panic?
There are many things that narcissists are afraid of. Most of them relate to their inflated sense of self and the ability to see through people to discover their true identity.
Narcissists hate losing the public persona they have spent their entire lives building. They cannot tolerate public humiliation or blatant honesty that exposes their web of lies.
10 ways to make a Narcissist Panic and fear you
1. Confront their lies.
The narcissist feels entitled to tell as many lies as possible to satisfy his own selfish needs. Telling the truth about them is a narcissistic injury that will attract their attention.
The biggest fear narcissists have is that people will discover what lies behind their confident exterior. Letting them know that you are aware of their deepest fears and traumas is a surefire way to hurt them.
2. Just say “no” to the narcissist’s manipulation.
Narcissists have a pressing need to control the lives of everyone around them. They use narcissistic traits like triangulation, gaslighting, lying, and playing the victim to keep your leash tight.
It is important to know how and when they try to control you and put your foot down. When you notice manipulation, call it out immediately to stop them in their tracks.
3. Humiliate them publicly.
If you live with a narcissist, you already know that they don’t care about humiliating you in front of your friends, family, and colleagues.
But if you decide to let the world know what they’re dealing with, the narcissist will suffer. Once a person with narcissistic personality disorder loses control of the image they have built, they lose control.
Some ways to shame narcissists include recording their misdeeds, threatening them with court action, posting about them on social media, or having private discussions with people they know.
4. Get rid of their control.
The narcissist must be in control of you. Making you feel bad about yourself or making you feel like you don’t deserve respectful treatment is one of the many tricks they keep in their war chest.
One great way to get revenge on a narcissist is to simply take control of your own life. Earn your income, have a separate social circle, and take care of yourself. They won’t know what to do now when you don’t need them.
5. Make the narcissist feel unworthy by criticizing him.
We all know that narcissists love to be the center of attention and are adored by crowds. They do everything they can to avoid facing the terrible truth about themselves.
If you lash out at a narcissist, the feeling of failure will push him or her over the edge. Don’t allow them to project their losses onto anyone but themselves. Feeling like you are not good enough will be too much to bear.
Related: What REALLY Causes People To Become Narcissists
6. Tell the narcissist he is getting old.
Narcissists place a high value on beauty and youth. Many of them use vanity and appearance as a weapon. They are quick to point out signs that you are getting older or becoming less attractive.
Using their superficial mentality against them can permanently damage the narcissist’s ego. Tell them when you notice wrinkles, gray hair, or weight gain. It’s a good way to silence them momentarily while they lick their wounds.
7. Don’t reward their bad behavior with the attention they want.
Narcissists succeed in creating situations in which everyone has no choice but to focus on them. They do not mind negative and stressful circumstances. The more chaotic it is, the more alive they feel.
One way to make them rethink their approach when it comes to you is to stop responding to any drama they start. Ignore any harmful behavior and only respond when he or she is acting like a reasonable, logical person.
8. Control your emotions.
It’s easy to get angry and see a narcissist as crazy as he is. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering who the narcissist is in your relationship if you mirror his behavior.
Stay calm when you are attacked. They enjoy watching you squirm under pressure, and they like to see you upset and in pain because they feel powerful.
Even if you’re about to explode, control your emotions and keep her guessing. The fact that the narcissist can no longer push your buttons will drive him crazy.
9. Keep them guessing.
If you’re like most humans, you want someone to share your inner workings with. A narcissist is not a shoulder you can rely on.
If you want to get under their skin, think about what they expect from you and do the opposite. Say no to things you would normally agree to. The sudden change in you will drive them away.
10. Stay away from their problems.
Although narcissists have difficulty finding compassion for others, they expect you to be upfront when they are going through something.
Not only do you deal with your problems without support, but you tolerate the problems you cause yourself and provide emotional support daily.
You are not their psychiatrist. A relationship is a “give and take” thing, so if they don’t support you, it’s time to step back and focus on yourself. Allow the narcissist to work on their problems.
If you feel the need to get back at a narcissist because of all the pain he or she has caused you, these strategies will help, but beware of what comes next.
Narcissistic rage is a reaction like no other. When you start playing tit-for-tat with a narcissist, you can’t win. The best way to heal from narcissistic abuse is to move on with your life.