Parent Alienation Syndrome: How to Recognize it and Fight Back

Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) refers to a condition in which a child becomes estranged from one parent due to the other parent’s manipulative actions, usually in the context of divorce or separation.

Despite its prevalence, parental alienation syndrome remains a hidden epidemic, due in large part to its hidden nature and the insidious tactics used by the alienating parent.

What is parental alienation syndrome?

Parental alienation syndrome involves an organized campaign by one parent, known as the alienating parent, to create distance between his or her child and the other parent, who becomes the alienating parent.

This alienation can be subtly but destructively carried out through negative comments about the alienating parent, limiting contact between the child and the alienating parent, or fostering an environment in which the child feels forced to choose sides.

The profound effects of parental alienation syndrome are felt by both the child and the separated parent.

The child is likely to suffer emotional and psychological distress due to disagreement between his parents and estrangement imposed by one of the parents.

This is referred to as “disguised child abuse,” because it can lead to very complex and traumatic experiences for the child.

At the same time, the alienated parent experiences significant emotional trauma due to the loss of the relationship with his or her child. This loss is often compounded by feelings of vilification and unfair rejection.

The spread of parental alienation in divorced families

Divorced families are particularly vulnerable to parental alienation syndrome due to the high emotions and conflicts that often accompany separation.

The alienating parent may consciously or unconsciously use the child as a pawn in their conflicts, fostering resentment and hostility toward the other parent.

Unfortunately, the legal system can inadvertently contribute to this problem.

During custody disputes, children may feel pressured to choose sides, and a parent may use this to their advantage.

This can lead to long-term estrangement between the child and the alienating parent, even when the latter is fully able and willing to be part of the child’s life.

Recognizing the signs of parental alienation syndrome
Parental alienation is usually a covert process, often hidden behind seemingly harmless behaviors. However, there are several signs that may indicate its presence.

Criticism and disrespect

One of the most prominent signs of parental alienation is when a child constantly criticizes a parent and does not respect him or her.

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A child’s criticism of the alienating parent may include a wide range of issues, from the parent’s personality traits to parenting style.

In addition, the child may not respect his parents in different ways. They may refuse expressions of affection, dismiss parents’ views, or openly mock them.

Strong compatibility with a parent

A child experiencing parental alienation often strongly supports one parent (the alienating parent) in almost all conflicts, regardless of the circumstances.

They often idealize that parent and see them as flawless while simultaneously devaluing the other parent.

Not feeling guilty about the treatment of the alienated parent

Children who suffer from parental alienation often show no guilt or remorse for their mistreatment by the alienating parent.

They may appear indifferent to their parents’ feelings and unaffected by their distress.

This lack of empathy or concern is unusual for most children, who are naturally inclined to be concerned about their parents’ feelings.

Use adult language

The child may use language or express ideas that seem advanced for his or her age or understanding.

These expressions often reflect the feelings of the alienating parent, suggesting that they may be echoing their views.

It is unusual for a child to constantly express complex adult feelings or viewpoints without any form of influence.

Call rejected

A clear sign of parental alienation is when a child consistently refuses or resists spending time with the estranged parent.

This can range from avoiding sleepovers to outright rejecting any form of contact, including phone calls or letters.

This persistent rejection often lacks a valid basis and contradicts the typical desire of children to spend time with both parents.

Undocumented stories of neglect or abuse

In some severe cases of parental alienation, the child may tell stories of neglect, abuse, or negative experiences with the alienating parent that are either exaggerated or completely fabricated.

These unfounded accusations can be troubling, and are often designed to distance the child from the estranged parent.

Sudden change in feelings

A sudden and dramatic shift in a child’s feelings toward the alienating parent can be a clear sign of parental alienation.

This is especially true if the child and the estranged parent previously shared a warm and affectionate relationship.

Steps to take if you suspect parental alienation

If you suspect that you are a victim of parental alienation, it is essential that you handle the situation carefully and thoughtfully to protect your rights as a parent and your child’s well-being.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Document everything: A crucial step in identifying parental alienation syndrome
    Careful documentation is an essential first step if you suspect you are a victim of parental alienation syndrome. This process involves keeping a comprehensive and detailed record of all events that may indicate alienation.

This comprehensive documentation serves a dual purpose. First, it helps you understand the extent and pattern of aversive behavior, which can be crucial in formulating a response strategy.

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Second, if your situation requires legal intervention, these records become invaluable evidence. They have demonstrated a history of behavior that is alienating to the court, which can influence custody decisions.

What should be documented?

The scope of what you should document is broad, capturing any event, conversation, or change in behavior that indicates parental alienation.

Denial of Visitation: Record instances in which the other parent denies your right to visitation or makes it unnecessarily difficult for you to see your child. Write down the dates, times, and any reasons given.

Negative statements: Watch for moments when your child repeats negative or derogatory statements about you that appear to be coming from the other parent. If possible, write down the exact words used.

Behavioral changes: Pay close attention to any sudden or gradual changes in your child’s behavior or attitude toward you. This may include unjustified anger, rejection of affection, or unjustified coldness.

How to document?

Keep a notebook or dedicated digital document where you can record these incidents chronologically.

Be as specific as possible, including dates, times, locations and people involved.

If there are any supporting documents such as emails or text messages, save them and note their presence in your record.

  1. Maintaining positivity and consistency: a powerful antidote to parental alienation syndrome
    In the face of parental alienation, maintaining a positive approach and consistent presence in your child’s life is not only crucial, but powerful.

By staying positive, consistent, and patient, you can create a safe and supportive environment for your child. This approach helps counter the effects of alienation and paves the way for rebuilding your relationship with your child.

Develop positive behavior

Parental alienation is a difficult and emotionally exhausting experience.

However, it is essential to keep your feelings around your child under control. Try to maintain a positive, loving, and supportive attitude toward them, regardless of their behavior toward you.

Your child is acting under the influence of an alienating parent, so it’s important to show him that your love for him is unconditional.

Reiterate your love and commitment regularly, and avoid responding negatively to their hostile behavior. This positive reinforcement will gradually help your child see beyond the narrative of the alienating parent.

Take responsibility

Consistency in fulfilling your parental responsibilities is another vital aspect.

Regardless of the circumstances, continue to be actively involved in your child’s life. This includes regular routines such as going to school, attending sports games, or helping with their homework.

Also stay involved in their special moments – birthdays, graduations, or other important milestones. Your consistent presence sends a strong message of your unwavering commitment and can help slowly rebuild trust and communication.

be patient

Finally, remember that change takes time. It’s natural to want quick solutions, but the effects of parental alienation syndrome take time to reverse.

Be patient with your child and yourself.

Your child is likely struggling with his feelings, and your patience can provide him with the comfort and space he needs to process his feelings.

  1. Seek professional help: therapeutic interventions in cases of parental alienation syndrome
    Navigating the stressful and emotionally charged waters of parental alienation can be difficult.

That’s why seeking professional help from a mental health expert with experience in this field can be incredibly helpful. They can provide guidance, coping strategies, and therapeutic interventions tailored to your unique situation.

Additionally, their experience can be invaluable if the case goes to court.

Individual therapy

Individual therapy for both the alienating parent and the child can be very helpful.

For the parent, therapy can provide emotional support, coping strategies, and guidance on how to respond to the situation in a healthy and constructive way.

For the child, therapy can be a safe space to express their feelings, understand their emotions, and learn how to maintain healthy relationships with both parents.

Family therapy

Family therapy involves the participation of all family members and aims to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and promote healthier family dynamics.

An experienced therapist can help address issues causing alienation, facilitate open and honest communication between family members, and guide the family toward healing and reconciliation.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

PCIT is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on improving the quality of the parent-child relationship.

The therapist monitors the parent-child interaction and provides real-time coaching to the parents, helping them use the most effective communication and discipline strategies.

This method can be especially useful in cases of parental alienation syndrome, because it helps rebuild trust and strengthen the bond between parent and child.


Reunification therapy is often used when a child resists contact with a parent due to alienation.

This type of therapy aims to restore the relationship between parent and child. This often involves a gradual process of reconnecting, starting with supervised visits and progressing toward unsupervised interactions as the relationship improves.

Therapeutic mediation

Therapeutic mediation involves a neutral third party (the therapist) who helps resolve conflicts between parents.

The goal is to help parents communicate more effectively, understand each other’s perspectives, and work toward a solution that best serves the child’s interests.

  1. Communicating with Care: An Essential Approach to Coping with Parental Alienation
    In cases of parental alienation, the way you communicate with your child and with the other parent can greatly affect the dynamics of the situation.

It is important to handle these conversations carefully, avoiding negative remarks about the other parent and striving to have a respectful and constructive dialogue.

Avoid negative talk about the other parent

One of the most important rules to follow is to refrain from speaking negatively about the other parent in front of your child.

Remember that despite the other parent’s actions, your child has a separate relationship with them. Negative comments can put a child in a difficult situation, increasing their emotional distress.

Instead, focus on strengthening your love and support for your child. Let them know that it’s okay for both parents to love and that they don’t have to choose between sides. This supportive approach can help reduce stress and confusion.

Open respectful communication with the other parent
Opening a line of communication with the other parent can be difficult, especially if the alienation is severe.

However, it is a step worth taking.

Aim to express your concerns in a respectful, non-confrontational way. Accusations or heated arguments are likely to escalate the situation, making resolution more difficult.

When expressing your concerns, focus on your feelings and experiences rather than blaming the other parent.

Using “I” statements (such as “I feel” or “I noticed”) instead of “you” statements (such as “You always” or “You never”) can help keep the conversation less defensive and more open to understanding.

5. Consult a family law attorney

If your efforts to resolve the situation amicably are unsuccessful, consulting a family law attorney experienced in parental alienation cases may be a necessary step. They can provide you with invaluable advice and guide you through the different legal options that may be available to you.

Understand your legal rights

A family law attorney can help you clarify your legal rights as a parent.

This understanding is crucial, especially in situations where parental separation is causing significant strain on your relationship with your child. Seek mediation if necessary

If direct communication proves too difficult or ineffective, consider seeking mediation.

Professional mediators can facilitate a more structured conversation, helping both parties understand each other’s viewpoints and work toward a solution.

This neutral third-party intervention can be particularly useful in situations of intense conflict.

Knowing your rights can enable you to take appropriate steps toward resolving the situation.

Explore legal options

The legal system offers several ways to address parental alienation.

These include mediation, a custody evaluation, or even pursuing a court case.

Your attorney can explain these options to you in detail, helping you understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Nursery evaluation

In some cases, a custody evaluation may be necessary.

This process involves a professional evaluator evaluating the family situation and making recommendations to the court regarding custody and visitation arrangements.

The evaluator takes into account various factors, such as the parents’ ability to meet the child’s needs and the child’s relationship with each parent.

A court case

In extreme cases, it may be necessary to take the matter to court.

This step should be considered when other solutions have failed and the child’s health is at risk.

A family law attorney can guide you through this process, ensuring your case is presented effectively and your interests are protected.

Conclusion: Dealing with parental alienation

Parental alienation is a complex and challenging situation that requires patience, understanding, and strategic action.

It is important to maintain open lines of communication, avoid negative talk about the other parent, and constantly express your love and support for your child.

Professional help, in the form of therapy or mediation, can provide valuable guidance and strategies for rebuilding strained relationships.

However, if these efforts do not yield positive results, it may become necessary to seek legal advice from a family law attorney experienced in parental alienation cases. They can guide you through your legal options and ensure that your rights as a parent are protected.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a healthy environment for your child, one where they feel loved, safe, and free from the pressures of choosing sides. T

The journey may be difficult, but with the right resources and support, it is possible to overcome the challenges of parental isolation and foster positive, lasting relationships with your child.