6 Triggers for Empaths and How to Protect Yourself

Empaths are highly sensitive people who can listen to the feelings of others. Often called emotional sponges, empaths feel another person’s distress as if it were their own. They can burn out easily, and become exhausted when they absorb emotional baggage. But what arouses sympathy? Are certain situations more likely to elicit a reaction than others? Here are 6 triggers for empathy.

6 Empathy triggers

  1. Death
    Death is one of the biggest triggers of empathy. Losing a loved one is devastating for everyone, but death is a great trigger for empathy, whether the empathy is mourning their loss or supporting someone else.

Some people are afraid to grieve or acknowledge loss because they fear falling into a deep depression. What empaths worry about is that they will tap into these feelings of devastation and not be able to dig themselves out.

However, it is necessary for empaths to feel grief so that they can process the feeling of loss.

  1. Being misunderstood

Empaths are authentic, understanding people who value sincerity. They often open up and reveal their weaknesses to help others.

Misunderstandings lead to sympathy because they are so honest. They are always honest, so being misunderstood is heartbreaking for them. They assume people know they’re not doing something or present a false front.

If this triggers you, try reframing the situation; For example, change the perspective of your relationship with others. Stop seeing one as the victim and the other as the villain. Once we change the energy surrounding the situation, it allows healing to occur.

  1. Fake people or situations
    Another trigger for empathy is fake people. This is why empathic people find small talk so challenging.

Empaths are self-aware and know their strengths and weaknesses. They don’t hide one or exaggerate the other. You rarely see empaths posting dozens of burning selfies on social media because they don’t need to live up to the fake hype of a perfect life.

However, this expectation of presenting a false front is also exciting. There is an unspoken pressure to conform and not be authentic on stage. Empaths fall into this trap when they strive to meet the needs of others.

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If you are triggered by fake people or situations, give yourself permission to sit in the audience, clapping quietly but not being part of the show. And don’t forget, you can leave.

  1. Disability
    Empaths have an inherent sense of responsibility to help others; Whether this is people, animals or situations. But of course they can’t help everyone. Advertisements for charities asking for donations elicit sympathy because they want to help end suffering. The atrocities committed by the world often go unnoticed by others, but not by sympathizers.

You have limited resources and there is only one of you. Learn how to protect, develop and use the energy you have in the right places. You don’t have unlimited energy. Remember, walk away when you need to.

Otherwise, you will burn out and be of no use to anyone. I would also add, be wary of manipulators who delight in living a parasitic life with sensitive people like you.

  1. Over-committing/letting people down
    This trigger for empathy comes from helplessness. In their quest to be everything others need, empaths often overcommit and then feel a terrible sense of guilt when they can’t deliver what they promised.

Empaths will always say yes, to their own detriment. They can get lost in other people’s narratives and neglect their own needs. But empaths sometimes need help, too. Likewise, the empath feels forced to accept the invitation and does not have the energy or desire when the time comes.

This is an empathy trigger, because they hate disappointing people.

To overcome this, think of yourself as the hero in your story, not a character in someone else’s story. You are as good as anyone else, and there will be times when you are the most important person and times when you take a backseat. You don’t always have to put your needs last.

  1. To call them by a different name

Many empaths are introverted and isolated people who need time and space alone to recharge their energy. They’re not at their best in crowds (I mentioned that small talk is difficult for them) so they will be reluctant to attend large gatherings. They think on a different level than everyone else.

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We label people who are different as strange and ostracize them. Empaths have a few close friends, rather than a wide circle of acquaintances. They are better at one-on-one conversations than going from person to person. It’s hard for empaths, after all, we’re all supposed to be social butterflies these days.

Maybe you are the black sheep in your family and never understood why, but it excites you. It’s okay to be different. And you are not alone; There are a lot of people like you out there.