Why So Many Incredible Women Are Drawn To Selfish & Narcissistic Men

Do you have a pattern of toxic relationships?

Have you ever met a man who was so amazing at first, charismatic and charming, and he was attracted to you? But once you become addicted to him, he starts controlling and criticizing.

Why do you attract such selfish men?

The first step is to understand why you are attracted to selfish people, like narcissists, in the first place. Then, you can start changing your strategies for finding love.

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While your pattern of attracting selfish men may leave you feeling hopeless about your chances for lasting love, the truth is that you can break this pattern by developing new dating strategies.

By adjusting the way that you approach dating, you can weed out the toxic guys and attract the kind of guy you desire, one who would make an ideal life partner.

What does it look like to be with a narcissist?

The narcissist covers his very fragile self-esteem with a heightened sense of his own importance coupled with an unrelenting need for attention.

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance, are sensitive to criticism, and lack empathy for others.

The beginning of a relationship with a narcissist is intoxicating. They will put all their focus on you. Their charm and attraction are like sunshine and it is very difficult to resist them. They make you feel good about yourself.

If you reject a narcissist, they will react by becoming stronger.

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Your lack of interest fuels his need to win you over and he will do everything in his power. Once a narcissist has you in his sights, he will do whatever it takes to sweep you off your feet.

However, once they are attracted to you, narcissists become controlling, moody, impatient, dismissive, entitled, and dismissive. They don’t want you to outshine them, so they’ll knock you down a little to keep you in place.

Because they lack empathy, narcissists will never see your side of things and will ignore your experience and feelings as well. A narcissist has only one way of seeing the world, and it is their way. They are unable to be loving and supportive partners.

Narcissists will use manipulative strategies to keep you under their control. You may even start to believe that it is your fault that they are behaving badly.

You may end up wondering if you did something wrong, and your self-confidence and self-esteem will start to erode.

Since narcissists are terrible partners, you’re probably wondering, “Why do I keep attracting narcissists?”

Related: 3 Easy Ways To Know You’re Dating A Man With Narcissistic Personality Disorder