13 ways to love yourself after breaking free from toxic relationships

Arm yourself with positivity.

You are going to war – a war with yourself, a battle for your survival. Staying positive is the hardest thing after being in a toxic relationship.

You have been neglected and emotionally abused for so long that it has somehow become all around you.

Negativity was all around you, and now that you are free, you still feel defeated and destroyed.

What you need to do after a toxic relationship is to create a negativity-free zone. You have to prove to yourself that you respect and love yourself by choosing a positive outlook on your life.

Beingsingle is what you need right now.

Don’t look for someone to heal you.

Don’t look for love when you’re not ready to love someone yourself. Staying single at this point when you are hurting is essential.

Being alone with your thoughts and inner conflict is something you have to go through on your own.

If you start a new relationship, it will not help you heal, it can only destroy the person who is truly in love with you.

Be alone, and be your own friend. Listen to yourself, your needs and aspirations. Humor every one of them.

Take care of yourself, and give your single life a chance.

Erase every memory of their presence in your life.

Delete every photo you have and every message he sent you.

Block him on all social media, so you don’t have to look at his profile on your bad days.

You have a mind of your own. You have your own voice. Don’t let his toxicity mess with you, even through memories.

Never take back what you said or what you believe.

In moments of anger and when you felt abandoned, you realized that you had been emotionally abused.

In those moments, you were angry, accepting what was happening to you and what kind of person he was.

You’ve said bad things, but after the awkward moment has passed, don’t take those words back.

Don’t justify his behavior when your head is cold. It’s as bad as it was. You are the one who takes a different perspective on the situation.

This time just think about yourself.

You have been imprisoned. I danced to the music he was playing. Only his desires mattered, and you were completely ignored.

Now that he’s gone, he’s crazy. Humor meets all your needs and desires. Eat what you want, go where you want. In other words, pamper yourself – you deserve it.

Forgive yourself for making a huge mistake.

Forgive yourself for not recognizing all the signs warning you not to get out of that relationship.

Forgive yourself for staying around him for longer than you should have.

You don’t have to forgive him for hurting you. You have to forgive yourself for allowing him to hurt you.

Draw your limits.

If you set them too low, you’ll get hurt again.

If you set it high, you will protect yourself. So, it’s up to you whether you will live the same story again.

They forgot the past.

You will have weak moments where you wish things had ended differently, but don’t let that make you do something you’ll regret later.

You will remember the old times and all the happy moments.

Because no matter how toxic the relationship is, you’ve had moments you’ll remember, happy moments that didn’t involve that asshole.

Make a list of people you have neglected or hurt.

During your toxic relationship, you may have hurt some people you love.

You’ve probably cut them out of your life either because they were telling you the truth about the man you’re dating or because the man you dated pushed you away from them.

In any case, what you did is not fair or friendly to anyone, regardless of whether you were forced to do it or did it on your own initiative.

Find the people you hurt and apologize to them. Those who truly love you will forgive you in a second and pick up where you both left off.

Give yourself some time.

Even though you are free from a toxic relationship, you still need some time to mourn your loss.

Even when your relationship failed and it was a terrible experience, you shared your feelings and invested in it to make it work.