What is a Wokefisher? The 3 Warning Signs of Wokefishing To Watch Out For and Safeguard Yourself Against Dating Scammers

Have you ever met someone who acts socially conscious and progressive when you start dating, but turns out to be a complete liar? They seem to be the perfect modern partners only to be revealed as a woke person.

Their entire social justice persona is a lie and just made up to impress you.

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of a “Wokefisher” and share five straightforward strategies to help you stay away from these deceitful individuals and find real individuals who are interested in you.

What is Wokefishing?

Wokefishing occurs when someone pretends to care a lot about social issues and is fair, but isn’t really honest about it. They may act like they support important causes or have strong beliefs, but their actions don’t match what they say.

It’s like pretending to be something you’re not just to impress someone else, and it can be painful when you find out the truth.

At first glance, a wokefish might seem like the poster child for intersectional feminism, regularly attending social marches and boasting an impressive collection of anti-capitalist literature.

But over time, you will notice a mismatch between their words and actions. At times, they reveal an indifferent attitude toward vital social justice issues.

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If this sounds like a recurring theme in your love life, you may have encountered what is now called “awakened fish.” According to studies, “Wakefishing” is the art of wearing a mask of progressive political views to attract potential partners.

In other cases, their true values will emerge, which may be in direct conflict with the virtuous beliefs they initially professed. Wokefishing is a form of deception, similar to traditional catfishing, but with an emphasis on manipulating political beliefs.

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What is a wakefisher?

Now that you understand the concept of what Wakefishing is. Let us now understand who and what the Wakefisher is.

These individuals may proudly claim the feminist label, signal support for movements like #BlackLivesMatter, and advocate for causes such as trans rights and disability accessibility.

However, when one digs deeper, their true colors emerge, revealing an imbalance between their words and actions.

The same person who claims to champion gender equality may shame women for their sexuality, while those who post in solidarity on social media may casually use racist language in their own circles.

Challenging woke people can be complicated, because they often sincerely believe they embody the values they profess. Attempts to confront their contradictions may be met with justifications based on isolated incidents that conflict with their general behavior.

Recognizing who is awake involves closely monitoring their consistency, or lack thereof, between their words and actions. While people can evolve and change their views, it is essential to trust your instincts when their statements seem disconnected from their actual behavior.

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The Wokefishing Tale by Nick Dunne in Gone Girl

In the thriller “Gone Girl,” Ben Affleck’s character Nick Dunne delves into the intricacies of relationships and the complexities of self-presentation.

Although not explicitly labeled as “Wakefishing,” Nick’s depiction encompasses certain aspects of the phenomenon, highlighting its deceptive nature and the impact it can have on interpersonal relationship dynamics.

Initially portrayed as a caring and devoted husband, Nick’s facade begins to crumble as the plot unfolds, revealing contradictions between his public image and his private actions.

The discrepancy between his expected personality and his underlying intentions underscores the dangers of presenting himself as someone different from who he really is, especially in the context of an intimate relationship.

“Gone Girl” is a stark reminder of the potential repercussions of deceptive behavior in relationships, underscoring the importance of honesty and authenticity in fostering real connections.

Wokefishing dating signs

The world of dating and relationships has changed recently, with increased importance placed on social awareness and progressivism.

Sadly, some individuals have chosen to exploit this trend, by engaging in a deceptive practice known as “vigilant dating,” where they feign increased social awareness to attract partners.

While this phenomenon can be frustrating and even harmful to those looking for genuine connections, being aware of the signs can help you navigate through potential scams.

Here are three main signs that someone may be scamming you:

  1. Excessive agreement
    Be wary if your potential partner seems to agree with every aspect of your beliefs without offering unique perspectives or personal experiences. These are signs of what Wakefisher is.

True consensus involves healthy discussions and respectful disagreement, not just repeating your views for the sake of appeasement.

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  1. Superficial understanding
    Wokefishers may use trending buzzwords and engage in surface-level activism without demonstrating a deep understanding of the issues at hand.

A true commitment to social issues involves a deep understanding of complex societal problems and an active contribution to meaningful change.

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  1. Overemphasis on social media personality
    If your potential partner’s social media presence seems to prioritize projecting a certain image rather than truly engaging in social issues, that could be a red flag.

Observe their reactions when their stated beliefs are publicly challenged; Wakefisher is more likely to go along with your point of view than to engage in a real discussion.

It is necessary to strengthen ties built on shared values and mutual understanding, rather than superficial claims.

How to avoid walkfish?

Avoiding anxiety in the modern dating world is essential to ensuring you find genuine connections based on shared values and beliefs. Here are our top five tips to help you stay away from being sober:

  1. Engage in open and honest communication
    Establish clear and open lines of communication early in the relationship. Discuss your values, beliefs, and what you are looking for in a partner. Encourage your potential partner to do the same.

Wokefishers often struggle to maintain consistent, honest communication about their true beliefs.

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  1. Look for consistency
    Pay attention to consistency between what your potential partner says and what they do. Authentic individuals will align their actions with their stated values. If you notice inconsistencies, it could be a sign of hunting.
  1. Ask about their experiences
    Inquire about their personal experiences and journeys regarding social issues and activism. Someone who truly cares about these issues will have a history of sharing, learning, and growing. Be wary of those who lack depth in their answers.

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  1. Monitor their reactions
    Challenge their views and opinions on social issues during discussions. The awakened person will likely withdraw and agree with your point of view to maintain the facade. Genuine individuals will engage in respectful and constructive dialogues.
  2. Trust your instincts
    Your gut feeling can be a powerful guide. If something seems strange or too good to be true, take a step back and evaluate the situation. Trust yourself to make decisions that align with your values and intuition.

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By following these tips, you can avoid dating wakefishing more effectively and increase your chances of making real connections while avoiding the pitfalls of wakefishing.

Establish meaningful relationships

In today’s online dating world, it’s important to pay attention to people who pretend to be something they’re not, especially when it comes to their beliefs and values. This type of deception, known as wakefishing, can leave you feeling misled and hurt. But don’t worry, there are ways to protect yourself.

By being open and honest with your potential partner, paying attention to their actions, and asking about their real experiences, you can avoid falling into the trap of someone who pretends to be on the same page as you.