The Power of Introverts: Study Finds Loners Are Crucial to Species Survival

For many years, loners and introverts have been outsiders to society. She is considered strange and boring, and you do not deserve to be invited to your events. The truth is that introverts and loners are misunderstood. Finally, scientific research has proven that introverts and those who choose solitude are essential to our survival. Researchers at Princeton University have discovered that without the power of introverts, our species would not be able to survive.

What is a lonely person?

Solitary organisms are found all over the world, from insects to mammals to single-celled organisms. Small herds of wildebeest sitting on a large migration carried out by the rest of their species. The locust leaves the swarm and returns to a simple life like a grasshopper.

A solitary person avoids most interactions with others and chooses not to have many personal relationships. This is a little different from introverts, as introverts enjoy making relationships and can be social creatures, their energy quickly drained with too much “full” interaction.

However, loners and introverts are similar, as they both choose to stay away from crowded places and large crowds. They are usually on the outskirts of society, and are not particularly interested in getting involved.

Both types of people enjoy being at home in peace and quiet. In these difficult times of social distancing, we definitely need more people like this. The true power of an introvert really comes to light when we have to stay home to save the world.

Study: Eco-evolutionary importance of “loners”
A study conducted at Princeton University and published in early 2020 proved the true power of introversion once and for all.

The researchers used slime molds and amoeba as participants in the experiment. Corinna Tarnita, one of the scientists involved in this study, explained that although it may be easier to draw conclusions from wild animals and humans, they do not lend themselves well to this type of experimentation.

A Princeton study aims to prove the power of introverts using an amoeba called Dictyostelium discoideum. Amoeba cells clump together to form large towers of sticky mold. Cells naturally clump together, but some stay in place.

Proving the power of introverts

Corinna Tarnita revealed that they found more loners than they expected. Up to 30% of the cells they studied chose to be isolated. Even when they provided the best conditions for the slime mold, some of them remained outsiders.

After painstaking research, they concluded that these recluses were essential to the survival of the species, whether they knew it themselves or not. If predators attack a group, the introverts and loners will remain. If the disease spreads, introverts and loners will prevent it from spreading to the entire population. Perhaps suitable for the current climate.

When group activity threatens group failure, loners and introverts have the power to save the species.

Other studies on the strength of introverts

Susan Cain is a writer and expert on the introverted mind. In her book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, she explains how being an introvert can be evolutionarily beneficial.

Depending on the era and circumstances, being an introvert or an extrovert may determine your success in life.

In the very distant past, during the heyday of the nomadic and hunting ages, extroversion was essential. Being outside and making contacts for supplies and resources was the best way to secure your lifestyle. As we began to form settlements and took up agriculture instead of hunting, and trade instead of barter, isolation became a better way of living.

And in our modern age, both will do you just fine, depending on which path you choose. So far, that is. When staying home means protecting our lives, introverts have the upper hand. Right now, survival depends on staying away from crowds and who has more experience with that than introverts and loners.

ThePower of Introverts in the Current Climate

Being introverts or loners has never been more beneficial to our survival. The coronavirus pandemic is fast-moving and potentially deadly. Fortunately, the best way to stop it is to stay home. This couldn’t be much easier for introverts, who may choose to stay home even without the risk of contracting a dangerous virus. We save lives by doing the things we always do.

If we only think in black and white, which fortunately we don’t, introverts will be the most likely to survive this outbreak. By not leaving the house out of boredom or despair, we are not in danger. Introverts will live in black and white, leaving enough people behind to prevent complete extinction.

If anyone tells you that introverts are of no use in modern society, you can tell them so! Staying home now will save lives. In the future, even without a virus threatening our way of life, introverts and loners will help prevent dangerous overcrowding, pollution, and the spread of violent situations like riots and protests that go wrong.