My life wasn’t always stable. I often asked myself: Why do I feel like everyone hates me? So, it’s okay if you ask yourself this same question.
In my youth, I struggled badly with my self-esteem. I asked myself many questions about the value and validity of my dreams. I remember struggling with depression and wondering why the world hated me because I felt that way.
Why do I feel like everyone hates me?
Going to school was difficult in the 1980s. Feeling like everyone hated you was common. I had frequent conversations with my best friend – she was complaining about school and I asked her, “Why do I feel like everyone hates me?” She said: Who cares? I think you’re great. “That should satisfy me until my next landing. Maybe you and your best friend had the same kind of conversation.”
If you feel like everyone hates you, this is deeper than sadness. It is a serious issue that needs to be addressed for what it is – the truth is that your self-esteem has been severely damaged. There are many reasons why this feeling started in the first place. Knowing these reasons will lead you to the next step, which is realizing your true value in society.
- Double manipulation
When you feel like everyone hates you, it comes from a two-fold process. First, you push some people away for various reasons, and when you feel lonely, they don’t come to you. You feel really neglected, but it started after you failed to answer phone calls and keep your promises to your friends and loved ones. - Everything has a hidden meaning
Before you start feeling unloved, you often take things the wrong way. For example: If someone posts a negative statement on social media, you automatically think the statement is about you. Don’t take the time to understand that the statement may be about someone else.
When friends say they’re busy, you assume they’re avoiding you, which in turn makes you feel bad about yourself. And soon you think that no one really loves you at first.
- You get left out a lot
Have you noticed that your friends leave you out of social events on multiple occasions? There are circumstances that come up that create misunderstandings like this. If you are the type of person who believes that these circumstances were done on purpose, you may begin to believe that your friends secretly hate you and are pretending to be leaving you unintentionally.
While the truth is that there can be many more coincidences like this. You may be unintentionally sending a message that you don’t want these friends to get close to you. There can actually be many reasons for this to happen.
- Major changes in socialization
While life is constantly changing, right now, one of the reasons you may feel like everyone hates you is a lack of socialization. Many of us are staying at home more than usual. And if you’re an introvert, you may hardly see people at all — except to go to the grocery store, pay bills, etc.
So, before you angrily ask, “Why do I feel like everyone hates me?”, consider the fact that they probably don’t hate you at all. They don’t come like they used to. It may take some time for them to do this.
- Their texts are misleading
One thing I’ve always hated about texting is not being able to see the emotions behind the words. The truth is that sometimes people feel overwhelmed, and this makes them write shorter sentences. Sometimes they are angry about something else, and this creates a feeling of embarrassment through the messages, in whatever way you misinterpret them.
Believe it or not, believing that your friends hate you because they “send text messages” or something like that is a common mistake. I’ve been guilty of this myself.
- Secret insecurities
As much as I hate to admit it, I have to say, my insecurities have made me think that some people hate me. This may happen to you too. Now, don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean you’re always insecure. It just means that insecurities can creep in and create a whole host of emotional turmoil. Often, this translates into imagined hatred from others.
How can I stop thinking this way?
The most important thing you should do now is to practice thinking in the opposite direction. Yes, I know this is cliche positive thinking again, but sometimes it helps. When you are alone and ask yourself: “Why do I feel like everyone hates me?”, remember to say to yourself: “I have to stop thinking this way.”
There are several ways you can start training your mind to appreciate friends and loved ones and see them in a better light. You can’t go on always thinking they hate you, because, out of control with this person, I’m sure they don’t hate you at all. So, let’s learn how to do better. Here are some tips.
- Do things you enjoy
That’s right, when you’re feeling negative, go do something you really love. This will refresh your spirits. And before you know it, you’ll be calling your friends to discuss what you enjoy.
- Write down your interactions
If you think there are more bad times than good, keep a journal and find out. I bet you will notice quite a few positive interactions between you and your friends and loved ones. - Get rid of toxic materials
One of the reasons you may feel hate is because there are a few toxic people in your life. If you can, stay away from them. The more you distance yourself, the less you feel like everyone hates you. - Help someone
No matter the negative situation, helping others always seems to help you too. If you’re feeling hateful, help someone move, cook a delicious meal for a friend, or offer to help a loved one clean up. Most people love assistants.