How to Shut Down a Rude Person: 8 Disarming Phrases to Use

Would you like to know how to stop a rude person? I thought so. You know, life is hard enough without letting other people’s negative emotions get under your skin.

No matter who you are, at some point in your life, you will need to stop a rude person. There’s no way around it. Yes, you can usually walk away or choose not to say anything, but the pressure is mounting. Ultimately, you have to do something.

How to stop a rude person

Learning how to deal with a rude person requires a level of skill, especially when you’re always faced with rude people. But you can learn. Cruel people are everywhere; They are family members, friends, partners and strangers.

You can be rude sometimes too. But hey, I bet a lot of people have turned you off.

So, today I want to offer some phrases that can be used when others are cruel and say hurtful things. Some of these statements are simple, while some go a little deeper into why people are rude.

Let’s learn how to stop a rude person, shall we? You can start by saying…

  1. “You’re right”
    Sometimes, it’s easy to tell when someone else is being rude. They often try to provoke arguments. In these situations, they will say anything that upsets you, so you will fight with them.

You’ve probably seen “know-it-alls” who blurt out information, expecting others to try to prove them wrong. However, the best way to silence a rude person of this caliber is to say:

“you are right”.

  1. “I value your opinion”
    Sometimes people don’t mean to be rude at all. Many people just talk this way, trying to get their point across. To stop this hateful tone, you can calmly acknowledge the other person’s opinion.

No, you may not agree with what they say, but letting them know you value their point of view may calm some of the hostility. No, you should not tolerate rudeness. But you can value the opinions of others, and neutralize negative emotions in the conversation.

  1. “I’m sorry you’re having a bad day.”
    I’ve come to realize that, more often than not, rude people aren’t just being mean for no reason. Often times, you can stop a rude person by trying to understand why they behave the way they do. There is always cause and effect.

No, there is no excuse for choosing to get angry when something happens to you, but it is a common reaction. This reaction extends to others; People can be rude to friends, family, or strangers because they are already upset.

So, to put an end to a toxic conversation, you can say, “I’m sorry you’re upset” or something similar.

  1. “Thank you”
    A mature response is to simply say “thank you.” This phrase lets the rude person know that their words did not affect you. Remember, when someone is rude, they expect a rude response.

However, to stop a rude person and completely change the atmosphere, a simple acknowledgment of their harsh remarks may be all you need. Basically, you respond with,

“I appreciate what you’re saying, but I won’t join in on your mean joke.”

  1. “I’m done with this conversation.”
    Here’s the thing: rudeness can make you angry. When that happens, the phrase you need most will be words like “I’m done talking to you,” or something close to that. Anger will prevent you from saying anything constructive to calm the other person down.

So, putting an end to the conversation may be the only way to prevent further negative words and potential actions. Stopping the conversation allows you to take the high road and maintain your dignity.

  1. “That would have hurt my feelings.”
    It’s also okay to be a little sarcastic if it keeps you calm. Phrases like “That would have made me cry, you know” or “You almost hurt my feelings” can show the other person that you’re willing to ignore the whole thing.

It also shows them that their words didn’t hurt you at all. If their statements don’t affect you, they will probably keep quiet. That’s really what we want now, isn’t it?

  1. “Should you be negative?”
    Let’s make this mean person think twice about what he’s saying. We can do this by re-commenting them. Ask them one question when they’re being rude:

“Why are you so negative?”

This question makes them think for a moment before they make another harsh statement at you. Sometimes, they may tone down their verbal attacks when they realize how negative they are being. This may not work all the time, but it’s worth a try.

  1. “You mean to be rude? Well done!”
    Here’s another sarcastic return to the road. I thought this was funny and, frankly, it looks like it would embarrass a rude person.

And yes, you can be a mature person and still say things like that. It takes the rude people out of the drama and makes them think about what they are doing. It is humorous and can disarm them to the point of laughter. Who knows, it could lighten their day.

How can we shut down a rude person?

There are many ways to stop a rude person. Like I said before, most of the time you can get away. But if you’re in a situation where you can’t leave, you’ll have to get creative.

I suggest that when someone is rude, they should first remain calm. Wait a moment, collect your thoughts, and respond maturely. Even being a little sarcastic can still be a mature move.

If the problem is family or a romantic partner, responding in the right way will be more difficult. I understand this. Therefore, it is important to hold your tongue so that you can respond logically and without responding with hostility. This may take some practice.

If you encounter rude people in your life, I hope these phrases help you discover a way to put an end to your negative experiences. To stop a rude person, patience and love are key.

Coming from a place of love is always better than coming from hurt feelings. Never take someone else’s harsh comments as a reflection of your character, because most rude people have internal conflicts. Remember that, and I wish you the best.