9 Ways Jealousy Destroys Your Relationship

Jealousy has a way of destroying relationships once it gets out of control. To better understand the problem, here are the ways it affects you and your relationship.

Is he jealous or are you?

These are the consequences of toxic jealousy that can happen to both parties in a relationship. While some women wonder how to make a man jealous in order to know that he is truly interested in them, there are many relationships that have been ruined by jealousy.

You start to feel insecure

This is the primary cause of jealousy and can appear either consciously or unconsciously.

When it’s conscious, you feel like you’re not enough, like you don’t deserve your partner.

But unconsciously, deep down you feel that you do not deserve happiness, while on the outside it seems to you that you are fine.

You are so sure that he can do better that you start looking for signs of infidelity, and you start waiting for something bad to happen.

Even when things are going well, you still feel like something is wrong.

Your fears grow

You are always afraid that he will betray you, that you will end up alone, and that you will get hurt again.

Jealousy feeds on your fears, which then control you.

You are preparing yourself for the worst and inadvertently paving the way for the destruction of your relationship, thus making your fears come true.

I became obsessed with espionage

When you fear someone is going to hurt you, you either distance yourself from them or you need to know every detail of their life.

You become obsessed with his free time and his time at work.

You need to know what kind of emails he sends, or what he laughs at while looking at his phone.


You start suffering

Your obsession begins to drain you, gives you constant fears and hurts you because you have no idea what is going on.

Soon you will begin to suffer physically due to jealousy that has gotten out of control.

The best thing to do here is to admit that there is a problem, then sit down and try to deal with it.

If it doesn’t seem like it’s going to work, the best thing you can do is quit smoking.

If you stay, there is a high probability that both of you will leave the relationship broken.

Shows #ownership

When you feel jealous, you start to feel like you own your partner (or vice versa).

No one owns anyone, and possessiveness is a sure way to kill your relationship.

If you start to feel possessive towards your partner, or your partner starts to feel possessive towards you, address the problem before it’s too late.

Your past comes back to haunt you

Sometimes jealousy from our past experiences can stick to us. You’ve already been cheated on, so what’s to stop him from doing the same?

You start having flashbacks and references from the past that start to blend into your current relationship.

You get stuck in a cycle of painful memories and doubts, and only see the worst in your relationship.

The relationship turns into a controlling relationship

Possessiveness creates a need to control your partner.

Along with the desire to own them, and know every detail about their day and waking hours, comes the need to control them.

You need them to act a certain way, ignore certain people, and spend every second of their free time with you on your terms.

Control can hurt and severely damage the person being controlled.

If you feel like you are a victim of this, walk away. That relationship is long over.

Lose your peace

Whether you are the victim or the jealous one, you are bound to lose your peace.

If you are jealous, how can you have peace if you are constantly worried about losing them, their behavior, or their free time?

And if you are the victim, there is not a single possibility to find peace while being tortured, with your feelings and loyalty questioned.

Either way, jealous relationships are toxic for both sides.

It destroys your relationship

If you are unable to address the issue, if there is no communication between you, then it is a lost relationship.

Constant arguments, guilt, and loss of trust are sure signs of the end of a relationship.

If you really love your partner and want to make things work, make sure you act on jealousy the moment you notice it popping up.

Uncontrollable jealousy turns relationships into toxic ones.