Having a rich inner life is more beneficial than you think. Because when all is said and done, we only have two sides of the coin, the inner life and the outer life.
Forget about work and home life. Yes, it is good to leave work issues at work and home issues at home, but this does not affect our inner life much. Our inner lives are separate entities. The best part of us lives in a quiet time where we visit introspection. When we examine ourselves, we change for the better.
Benefits of a rich inner life
Your own ideas, values, standards, etc. are often overlooked. However, they hold great value. Your inner self holds your sense of purpose and your most important wishes and desires for you beyond anyone else’s.
There are benefits to having a rich inner life like this. Because if you don’t know yourself that deeply, you miss out on a lot of positive aspects in life. So, let’s learn in detail about some of these benefits.
- Meditation
Those who have a rich inner life can think about themselves and their place in life in a healthier way. There is less self-judgment and more constructive criticism.
Instead of fighting the condemnation, a person who works on his inner life accepts the condemnation and makes changes when needed. Thinking about thoughts without ruminating helps you think about your life in a more natural way. This way you reap the benefits of everything you learn. Your inner life becomes a resource, which is exciting.
- Contentment
There are a lot of people who don’t like to be alone, and I’m not saying that’s completely wrong. But being able to enjoy yourself shows that you have a healthy inner life. This means that you enjoy your own company.
It also means that you are not afraid inside your own mind, and that you are not afraid to explore the things you love. Being content with yourself is a huge benefit, because you don’t depend on others to be happy. You can only find happiness by knowing your own worth and being satisfied with who you are.
- Learning
Another benefit of having a rich inner life is that you are more interested in learning than being right. It can be tempting to want to be right, and when you overcome this temptation, you become more open to ideas and perspectives. You become so hungry for knowledge that being wrong means you will experience another life lesson. - Trust
Confidence is another benefit of having a great inner life. I don’t mean to be arrogant, that’s when pride becomes too great due to never being satisfied. I’m talking about the powerful feelings that come when you don’t let other people’s opinions define you.
Confidence is a balance between arrogance and low self-esteem, and with this balance comes an inner strength that cannot be easily broken.
- Health
Your physical and mental health will benefit when you have a strong inner self. This is because since you do not depend on others for the meaning of your life, you do not resort to unhealthy eating habits as often and tend to exercise more due to your positive motivations.
For mental health, having a rich inner life means being able to consistently work on things like anxiety and depression by taking time to examine what’s really going on in your head.
You can learn how to deal with the past properly and put it in its rightful place. You are also strong and confident enough to ask for help and support, as well as the right medications for your ailments.
- True friends
There are many people who brag about having a lot of friends, but wouldn’t it be better to have a few loyal friends? Let’s face it. Most people you call friends are not as loyal as you think, unless you have a rich inner life and cultivate those loyal friends over time.
But if you only have three good friends you can count on, that’s good enough. Because your inner life’s workings will mirror theirs, and this creates a unique connection. It’s a powerful connection and an incredibly good benefit.
- Creativity
Having a rich inner life is like being your own muse. Over time, as you enjoy your company and learn new things, you become increasingly more creative. Whether it’s through drawing, writing, or having a musical gift, your inner life shows through your work and elevates what you create.
Colors will be deeper, sounds will be more complex, and your words will reach the souls of others. It is a gift made from the parts of your soul that speak through your work and remind us that we are all one.
- Calm
The more you examine and build your inner self, the more at peace you will become. Peace is one of the greatest benefits of a healthy inner life, because it is something that can be very difficult to find.
In this world full of chaos and pain, it can be easy to slip into sadness and frustration. If you could just stop for a moment and think about the big picture of life, the storm would seem smaller in the scheme of things. Then peace follows.
- Loyalty
When you learn how to have a rich inner life, you will begin to reach goals that you previously thought were impossible. You see, one of the reasons you are now trying to accomplish certain things is because your mind has been surrounded by doubts and emotional pain. When you begin to heal, you begin to accomplish important things.
Reap those benefits
If you’re not sure how to achieve a rich inner life, that’s okay. There are a lot of people who never learn these things. Many of us have grown up with the pressures of the world and the pressures of what society wants for us.
The first step to having a rich inner life is to pause. Take some time for yourself and be alone. Sit back and let your true mind tell you what is most important. This is where you put aside the opinions of others, societal standards, and the demands of your loved ones. This is where you really learn how to live.