The world consists of all kinds.
Personally, I don’t believe that there are inherently bad people, but I realize that there is a lot of bad behavior out there.
Unfortunately, this means that we have to tread very carefully when allowing certain people into our hearts and lives.
There are types of people you should never trust.
Let’s take a look at them…
1) People who have no self-awareness
I have to put this first on the list, and here’s why:
Almost all of our ability to develop personally depends on our ability to see ourselves clearly and objectively.
Related : 10 signs you’re dealing with a master manipulator (according to psychology)
I don’t care who you are, every one of us is flawed in some way. This means that we will all benefit from growth.
When someone completely lacks self-awareness, they are unable to reflect on their behavior.
They never stop questioning themselves or how they impact those around them.
They are often oblivious to their own faults and failures. But what’s worse, they are not open to correcting this.
They remain prisoners of their ignorance.
I have let people out of my life in the past who clearly lacked any self-awareness. Because unfortunately, you’re wasting your breath.
No matter what you say or what strategies you try to communicate to them, they are unable to hear you.
Even someone who has shown himself to be untrustworthy in the past still has the ability to change.
The cheetah can change its spots.
But only if they are able to see the error of their ways and want to do things differently next time.
Without self-awareness, this is unlikely to ever happen.
2) The magicians
I’ve always been wary of soft speakers in life.
I know part of this is because I grew up in a very honest and upfront family.
We never took out the soft cuddly things. Flattery did not flow freely between all of us.
But I was happy about that too.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s really important to show our appreciation and love and let people know how we feel about them.
But I’m talking about those types of people who care a lot about this.
They shower you with affection and warm words, to the point that it reeks of hypocrisy.
It usually sounds too good to be true, because it is.
No one is sickly nice, and nice all the time.
If they present themselves that way, I don’t buy it.
They appear to be hiding aspects of themselves. We all have a shadow side after all.
Flattery is often used by people trying to get their way into your good books.
It is a manipulative tactic that we must keep in mind.
If someone becomes powerful with magic, there is a name for it:
Love bombing.
You have to ask yourself what do they want?
Like the next type of person on our list, they’re probably full of bullshit.
3) Counterfeiters
If you never see the real person, how can you create a real relationship with them?
I get it, we can all want to show our best side, especially when we get to know someone.
Related : 8 clever ways to show a narcissist you won’t play their games
But when someone does it in a way that distorts their true identity, it is impossible to trust them.
No one is perfect, nor should we be. But we have to be vulnerable enough to let people see the good and the bad in us.
If someone doesn’t, then they are ultimately fake.
My friendships are a real mix of personalities. This is because the one thing I value above all else is simply a real person.
This can come in all kinds of packages.
I often joke that I don’t care if someone can be a bit of a jerk, as long as they’re a sincere jerk.
It’s easier to trust someone when what you see is what you get.
4) People who insult everyone behind their backs
Can we be honest?
Who among us has never said something bad about someone else when they were not there?
I don’t think much.
Let’s face it, there is gossip and so-called “rumours”.
Frustrations can escalate and before you know it, you’re venting to someone else about it.
Whether it’s that “lazy” co-worker who doesn’t pull his weight, that “nag from your mom” who won’t cut you some slack, or that “unstable” guy you just started dating.
Most of us can be guilty of this from time to time. But deep down, we also know that this is probably wrong.
If we have a problem with someone, we should talk to them directly about it.
But there are some people who do this kind of thing frequently.
They seem to have negative things to say about almost everyone in their life.
Unfortunately, this is often a reflection of some deep insecurities within themselves.
But if someone says cruel and nasty things about their friends, family, and closest relationships – how can you trust them?!
Obviously they wouldn’t have any problem throwing us under the bus either.
It is our inner circle that should support us the most, yet these types of people are constantly betrayed by the things they say.
5) “Yes” people who agree with everything you say
Who are these people underneath? What do they believe in? How do they feel? What do they really think?
The problem is, you’ll never know.
Maybe they don’t even know.
This type of person is often someone who takes great pleasure in pleasing people. At some point, they let the quest for others’ approval and acceptance get the better of them.
I understand that we all want to be loved. But this should not be at the expense of your own personality.
Otherwise it becomes just another form of counterfeiting.
You cannot trust someone who is unable to tell you the truth, and only says what he thinks you want to hear.
6) People who don’t stand for anything
They don’t really have any beliefs, thoughts, ideas, opinions or principles unfortunately.
As long as life is going well for them, that’s all they care about.
They won’t put themselves on the line for anything.
They do not speak out against violations.
They are not willing to inconvenience their lives to do the right thing. However, they are willing to go beyond others if it benefits them.
These types of people are selfish and weak.
Never expect them to support you, because they prefer to “stay out of it.”
In life, we have to stand for something, otherwise we will end up standing for nothing.
Without being melodramatic, as the famous quote goes:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”
7) Unkind people who are incapable of empathy
Altruism is not just something we learn, it can be an ingrained instinct according to research.
Our survival depends on our ability to cooperate with each other.
Caring for each other depends on caring for your colleagues.
I recently read a quote that rings very true to me:
“When I was young, I admired smart people. Now that I’m older, I admire good people.”
True empathy and the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes are crucial elements that foster trust, understanding, and deeper relationships between us.
Kindness is the best guarantee of good manners in a person. But hearts are hardened without kindness.
Unfortunately, people who close themselves off in this way are likely to end up doing cruel and ugly things to others.
So you should tread very carefully around them.
8) Fair weather friend
To have trust, we need depth in the relationship as well.
Shallow communications simply don’t make the grade.
Fair-weather friends are only there when times are good but disappear when you need them most.
Trusting this type of person can make you feel abandoned and unsupported.
You may not realize until it’s too late that you have one of these types in your life.
But there are some red flags to watch out for along the way:
They usually have hundreds of acquaintances whom they refer to as friends, and move from one to another.
You will likely find that they are unreliable, unstable, and inconsistent in their actions.
They only come to you when they need something, and have no problem asking for one favor after another — even if it annoys you.
Eventually, they will do something (or nothing!) that highlights their lack of loyalty or genuine concern for your well-being.
9) People who eat only one piece of chocolate and bring the rest back to save for later
Seriously, what is that?
It can’t be just me being greedy.
No, they’re clearly not human.
Most likely they are some kind of lizard from another planet trying to infiltrate our species.
Don’t believe them.
See the good in people, but don’t overlook the bad
I think it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt.