A narcissist may come across as arrogant and selfish. They undermine others to inflate their own sense of self. They truly believe that the world revolves around them. People and things are there for them to use whenever they want. They are unable to show true compassion for others, which makes it difficult to maintain a loving and healthy relationship.
When you first met your ex, he was probably charming. You really thought you had met your prince charming. As time passed, the fairy tale began to unravel. He started criticizing you for the smallest thing. He blamed you for everything he considered wrong in his life and would point out all your mistakes – whether real or imagined. He became manipulative and controlling.
At one point, you probably thought he loved you. It’s important to ask yourself whether he truly loved you, whether he loved you out of love, or whether he loved the fact that you worshiped the ground he walked on.
On the other hand, your ex could have been selfish during your marriage but communicated and seemed to act relatively normal during the marriage. Then the stress of the divorce took over and unleashed the monster inside her. Maybe you’re wondering what happened because your ex doesn’t look like the man you married.
Your ex can become increasingly manipulative during and after your divorce due to the stress they may feel due to financial problems, legal issues, and custody battles as well as feelings of abandonment, betrayal, and loss of control.
Related : 11 Ways To Protect Yourself From Falling In Love With A Narcissist
When dealing with a narcissistic ex, it’s important to stay calm. The calmer you are, the more in control you will be. It’s important to stop letting your ex push your buttons. Here are nine tips for dealing with a narcissistic ex:
1. Get a good lawyer. Find someone who will look after your rights regarding support for your spouse and children as well as equal division of marital property.
Do you think you have fallen in love with a narcissist but you are not sure? Does he or she believe they are the center of the universe? Are they arrogant, insensitive, selfish, self-important, manipulative, and full of themselves? Do they lack empathy?
If the person you love has any of these characteristics, you are likely in love with a narcissist. Your best plan of action is to disengage from this relationship as quickly as possible. It will end badly. Relationships with narcissists always do this.
The main reason why relationships with narcissists rarely last is that narcissists in romantic relationships rely on external traits. Most long-term relationships are built on core qualities—warmth, loyalty, trust—but not so for narcissists; All they care about is their image and they want their partner to be the person who makes them look good.
A recent study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that narcissists not only choose so-called trophy partners, but they are happier in their relationships when extrinsic traits are present.
In the study conducted by researchers from Albright College in Reading, Pennsylvania, researcher Gwendolyn Seidman, Ph.D., led the study. 206 adults were questioned, including 143 who were in romantic relationships. Using the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, Seidman first identified each subject according to his or her narcissistic tendencies, as the study participants were not clinically diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.
Next, study participants were asked to rate how important certain traits—both intrinsic and extrinsic—are to their ideal relationship or romantic partner. People who were in relationships also rated their partners using the same list of traits and rated how satisfied they were with their relationship.
The study discovered that those with higher narcissistic tendencies were not only more likely to choose people with extrinsic traits (aka trophy partners), but they were happier in their relationships if those traits were present.
So what are the three things a narcissist needs in a partner to be happy in the relationship?
Their partner needs to be very attractive. Narcissists use people to make themselves look better.
Their partner must have a lot of money. Narcissists don’t want to work if they don’t have to, and many people are fascinated by large sums of money.
Their partner must have a high status. Narcissists believe that if their partner is successful, others will think they are equally, if not more successful, just by association.
With narcissists, it’s all about how things appear, not true connection or connection. If you are considering dating a narcissist or are in a relationship with a narcissist, remember that partners of narcissists tend to be happy at the beginning of the relationship. But over time, their happiness can quickly diminish.