9 things a narcissist will do when you refuse to back down to them

You may feel like you’re walking on eggshells when dealing with a narcissist. They’re quick to assert their dominance, often asserting their will without regard for others’ feelings.

When you’re up against a narcissist, things can get complicated. These types of people tend to have very specific reactions when things don’t go their way.

In this article, I’ll walk you through 9 common reactions a narcissist might have when you refuse to back down. It’s important to recognize these patterns so you can deal with them effectively.

It’s not about playing games; it’s about understanding the dynamics at play when dealing with a narcissist and standing your ground. Let’s dive in.

1) They’ll Play the Victim

Narcissists have an uncanny ability to twist any situation to their advantage. When you refuse to back down, they may resort to playing the victim.

This is a common tactic used to regain control and manipulate emotions.

Suddenly, they’re the ones being treated “unfairly,” even though they were the aggressors in the first place. It’s a confusing tactic, designed to make you question your perceptions and actions.

It’s important to recognize what it is—an attempt to shift attention. Stand your ground, hold your ground, and don’t fall into the guilt trap.

You’re simply asserting your boundaries, which is a healthy and necessary practice for any relationship.

2) They’ll Attack Your Character

This is a pattern I’ve personally experienced in my interactions with narcissistic individuals.

When I started to stand up for myself, the person in question didn’t take it well. They resorted to attacking my character, trying to paint me as the “bad person” for not bending to their will.

The insults ranged from questioning my intelligence to asserting that I was selfish. It was a clear attempt to shift the blame and make me feel guilty for standing up for myself.

It was difficult, but I realized that it’s a classic narcissist response. It’s important to stand your ground during these situations and remind yourself that these attacks are more about them than about you.

Remember, no one has the right to put you down or make you feel inferior, especially when you’re just standing up for yourself.

3) They’ll Cheat on You

Emotional manipulation is a manipulative tactic that narcissists often use when they feel their control is slipping. It involves denying reality or twisting the facts to make you doubt your perceptions and sanity.

Interestingly, the term “emotional manipulation” originated from the 1938 play “Emotional Manipulation,” in which a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she’s crazy by changing elements in their environment and denying it.

When narcissists cheat on you, they may deny saying hurtful things or insist that certain events didn’t happen. This can leave you feeling lost and questioning your memory.

It’s important to trust your instincts in these situations. If something doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t.

Keep an objective record of events if necessary, and seek outside perspectives to maintain your sense of reality.

4) They’ll Give You the Silence

Narcissists are known for their inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement. When you refuse to back down or comply with their demands, they may resort to the silent treatment.

This is a form of emotional manipulation designed to make you feel neglected, unimportant, and desperate for their attention.

They may ignore your calls, avoid responding to your texts, or even act like you’re invisible when you’re in the same room. It’s a passive-aggressive way of “punishing” you for standing up to them.

The best response in this situation is to continue to assert your boundaries and not let their behavior affect your self-esteem. Remember, their silence speaks volumes about their inability to handle conflict, not your worth.

5) They’ll Bring Up Your Past Mistakes

One common strategy narcissists use when they’re cornered is to bring up your past mistakes. This is a diversionary technique designed to shift the focus from their behavior to yours.

Whether it’s a simple mistake you made years ago or a situation that’s completely irrelevant to the current discussion, they’ll use it as ammunition to make you feel guilty and divert attention from your actions.

It’s crucial not to fall for this trick. Keep your focus on the issue at hand and don’t let them steer the conversation into unnecessary areas. Your past mistakes don’t give them the right to mistreat or manipulate you in the present.

6) They’ll Threaten to Leave

These are painful tactics, especially when you care about the narcissist. When cornered, they may threaten to leave or end the relationship, playing on your fear of abandonment.

They do this to regain control, knowing that the thought of losing them may cause you to give in and give in to their demands.

I know this is very painful. But it’s important to remember that true love doesn’t involve threats or manipulation. A healthy relationship should make you feel safe, not constantly stressed out, fearing the end.

Stand your ground and remember your value. You deserve a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding, not one where love is used as a bargaining chip.

7) They’ll mock your feelings

There was a time when I tried to communicate with a narcissist in my life about my feelings. Instead of listening to my feelings, they chose to mock me, belittling my feelings as “over-sensitive” or “drama.”

This is a common tactic that narcissists use – to dismiss your feelings and make you feel like you’re overreacting. They do this to undermine your self-esteem and make you question your feelings.

This can be very hurtful, but it’s important not to let it shake you. Your feelings are valid, and you have every right to express them. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

8) They’ll Try to Isolate You

Narcissists will often try to isolate you from your support network when you refuse to back down. They may spread lies about you or even make you feel guilty for spending time with friends and family.

This is a tactic designed to make you more dependent on them and less likely to seek out outside perspectives that can challenge their narrative.

It’s crucial to maintain your relationships and stay connected to your support network. They can provide much-needed validation and help you stay grounded when dealing with a narcissist.

Remember, isolation is a form of control, not a sign of love or care.

9) They’ll Never Admit They’re Wrong

This is perhaps the most challenging aspect of dealing with narcissists. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they rarely admit they’re wrong.

It’s not about truth or justice for them; it’s about preserving their inflated sense of self. They twist facts, deny reality, and even rewrite history to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Knowing this can save you a lot of heartache. Don’t waste your energy trying to make the narcissist see the error of their ways.

Instead, focus on maintaining your boundaries and protecting your mental and emotional health.

Final Thoughts: It’s About Self-Preservation

Dealing with narcissists is a multifaceted challenge, deeply intertwined with our emotional resilience and self-esteem.

The nine behaviors we’ve discussed above are patterns that narcissists often display, each designed to regain control and maintain their inflated self-image.

The essence of this understanding isn’t about changing the narcissist, but about empowering ourselves. It’s about learning the signs, protecting our boundaries, and refusing to be manipulated.

As you navigate these difficult interactions, remember that it’s not about winning a power struggle. It’s about maintaining your mental and emotional well-being, standing your ground, and knowing that you have every right to do so.

It’s a journey of self-discovery and resilience. And ultimately, it’s a testament to your strength and courage.

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