9 subtle behaviors of someone who is highly attracted to you, according to psychology

Attraction can be a tricky thing to decipher. Especially when it’s not about the big gestures, but rather the subtle behaviors that can indicate that someone is deeply attracted to you.

According to psychology, there are some signs that someone might be more into you than you realize. The signs aren’t always obvious, but they’re there, lurking just beneath the surface.

In this article, I’ll reveal nine of these subtle behaviors. So sit back, relax, and get ready to gain some insight into the mysterious world of attraction. Let’s dive in!

1) Constant Eye Contact

Eye contact is one of the most powerful forms of nonverbal communication. It’s how we connect with others, show interest, and build rapport.

According to psychology, when someone is attracted to you, they’ll hold their gaze on you longer and more frequently. It may seem subtle, but it’s a surefire sign that they’re interested.

This constant eye contact isn’t about creeping or being intrusive; it’s about showing a deep level of interest.

They’re not just looking at you; they’re seeing you. There’s a difference. They’re picking up on your expressions, your words, your vibrations. They’re trying to get a better understanding of who you are.

So the next time someone stares at you a little longer than usual, pay attention. It could be a sign of attraction.

2) They mirror your actions

Have you ever noticed that when you’re talking to someone you like, you start picking up on their habits? It’s not just you. It’s a psychological phenomenon called mirroring, which is a subtle sign of attraction.

I remember when I first started dating my partner. We were sitting in a coffee shop and I noticed that every time I took a sip of my coffee, he did too. When I leaned back in my chair, he almost instantly mimicked my actions. At the time, I found it amusing but didn’t think much of it.

Now, looking back, I realize that this was his subconscious way of showing his attraction to me. By mimicking my actions, he was signaling his interest and trying to make a connection.

So, if you notice someone subtly mirroring your body language or speech patterns, they’re probably more attracted to you than you might think.

3) Their Feet Are Pointing At You

You might not think that feet have much to do with attraction, but they can reveal a lot about someone’s feelings for you.

In the realm of body language, it’s common knowledge that our feet often indicate where our attention lies. So if you’re talking to someone and their feet are pointing directly at you, it’s a good sign that they’re attracted to you.

This is because, subconsciously, we want to move toward what we desire. Our feet act as indicators of this desire even when we’re trying to hide it.

4) They Remember the Little Details

When someone is attracted to you, they tend to pay more attention to you and remember the little details about your interactions.

It’s not just about remembering your birthday or your favorite color. It goes deeper than that. They might remember the exact words you used in a conversation a week ago, or remember a story you mentioned while passing by about your childhood.

This is their way of showing that they appreciate your conversations and care about you on a deeper level. It’s a subtle sign, but it’s a clear indicator of attraction.

5) They initiate contact

When someone is attracted to you, they will often find excuses to initiate contact. It could be a light touch on the arm during a conversation, a pat on the back, a warm hug, a greeting, or a goodbye.

This doesn’t necessarily mean they’re invading your personal space. It’s usually subtle and respectful, but it’s their way of establishing physical contact with you.

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Initiating contact is a classic sign of attraction. It shows that they’re comfortable around you and are looking for more intimacy.

So, if you notice that someone is constantly finding reasons to initiate physical contact, they’re likely attracted to you.

6) They show genuine interest in your well-being

When someone is attracted to you, your happiness and well-being become important to them. They’ll check in on you, ask about your day, and show interest in your feelings and experiences.

They’ll be there for you when you’re down, offering comfort and support. And when you’re at your best, they’ll be the first to celebrate your successes.

It’s not just about being nice; it’s about showing genuine care and concern. This genuine behavior is a powerful sign of attraction.

7) He Opens Up to You

When I was navigating the early stages of a previous relationship, I noticed something interesting. This person was sharing things with me that he admitted he didn’t share with anyone else. It wasn’t just about his favorite movies or childhood memories; it was about things that were deeper and more personal.

He was talking about his fears, his dreams, and even his insecurities. It was as if they trusted me with a part of themselves that they usually kept hidden.

Opening up to someone in this way is a clear sign of attraction. It shows trust, vulnerability, and a desire for emotional intimacy.

8) They Teasing You Gently

Gentle teasing is a classic sign of attraction. It’s a playful way to bond and share a laugh.

They might make fun of your quirks or joke about something you did. The key here is to be kind and well-meaning. It’s not meant to hurt or embarrass you, but rather to bring you closer together.

This gentle teasing is their way of showing that they’re comfortable with you and enjoy your company.

So if someone is constantly teasing you in a friendly, playful way, it’s a strong sign that they’re attracted to you.

9) They Make an Effort to Be Around You

The most obvious sign of attraction is pretty simple: They want to be around you.

If someone is constantly going out of their way to spend time with you, it’s because they enjoy your company. They’re attracted to you. They may attend events they know you’ll be attending, or suggest activities that allow them to spend more time with you.

This effort to be around you is a clear sign that they’re attracted to you. It’s their way of expressing, without words, their interest in you.

So if someone always seems to find a way to be in your presence, it’s a strong sign that they’re attracted to you.

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