9 signs you’re in a relationship with an emotional manipulator

Emotional manipulators are skilled at using your emotions against you to get their own way.

The biggest problem is that they can be incredibly accurate.

Sometimes, you don’t even realize they’re manipulating you until you wake up one day in a daze and no longer recognize yourself.

Don’t let it come to this.

Here are 9 signs that you are in a relationship with an emotional manipulator.

Learning how to spot these troubling behavioral patterns is a crucial step to protecting your sanity and self-esteem.

1) They’re giving too much, too soon
When I first heard the phrase “love bombing,” I imagined someone showering their partner with affection to make their day.

Related : 8 warning signs your family doesn’t respect you

In reality, love bombing is a manipulative tactic with a darker tone.

When you start dating someone new, it takes time to build intimacy.
If this new person is constantly praising you and telling you how much you mean to him, this may indicate that he is trying to limit you quickly so that he can start controlling your life.

The hard thing?

It’s hard to know if the love bomber is overly enthusiastic or if he has long-term evil intentions.

First, evaluate whether any of these apply to your new friend:

  • They have already called you their soulmate
  • They are always available to you and ask for reassurance
  • They are pressuring you to make things official
  • They express jealousy when you don’t make time for them or hang out with someone else
  • They buy you expensive gifts or take you on expensive dates

If the relationship is too tense, ask for space and see how your partner reacts.

As long as they respect your boundaries, it probably means they’ve fallen deeply in love with you and are worried about losing your attention.

But if they don’t seem to respect your wishes, you’re probably dating an emotionally manipulative person.

2) They try to isolate you
People who care about you have your best interests in mind and can offer a new perspective when you doubt your relationship.

A skilled emotional manipulator will waste no time trying to isolate you from your loved ones, whether we’re talking about family, friends, or even casual acquaintances.

They do this because they know that isolating you makes you dependent on them. It also makes it easier for them to influence you.

Keep an eye out for these worrying red flags:

  • They discourage interactions with friends or family, saying they are a bad influence
  • They try hard to drive a wedge between you and your loved ones by lying or causing conflict
  • They criticize those you spend your time with and constantly talk about their flaws
  • They insist that they are the only ones who truly know and understand you

3) They want your full attention
An emotional manipulator will stop at nothing to make sure he is the center of your life.

They demand your attention 24/7, get upset when you don’t have time or energy for them, and may cause unnecessary drama just to get a reaction from you.

If they feel neglected, they sulk or resort to playing mind games.

This brings us to the next point on the list.

4) They take advantage of your feelings towards them
An emotional manipulator can seem like the perfect partner as long as you comply with his demands and meet his expectations.

When this doesn’t happen, they try to modify your behavior to their liking by using common manipulation tactics:

  • Playing the victim – They portray themselves as the victim because you are not meeting all their needs
  • Withholding affection – They give you the silent treatment or stop interacting with you until you respond to their demands
  • Emotional blackmail – They threaten to leave you or hurt themselves if you do not fulfill their desires

These tactics can have a high success rate because of your feelings about them.

After all, you probably care about them deeply and don’t want to hurt them.

Related : 10 phrases narcissists use to control their partner in a relationship

As a result, you are more willing to sacrifice what you want to make sure the relationship lasts and your partner is happy, even if it doesn’t align with your needs.

Love should not be conditional.

5) They make everything about them
In the same vein, emotional manipulators are always trying to one-up you in conversations.

If you try to talk about a problem you are having with them, they reject it and start complaining about something they are going through.

If you point out that their actions hurt you, they turn the conversation to everything you’re doing wrong.

Does this sound familiar?