9 signs you’re dealing with an incredibly smart but manipulative person

Have you ever found yourself at the mercy of a manipulative person? Only after you’ve known them for some time will you realize how controlling they are.

And how they succeeded in convincing you to do things that you did not want to do.

Although it may be easier to spot the signs that you’re dealing with a manipulative person, it’s much more difficult when you meet someone who is incredibly intelligent.

Dealing with manipulative people can be incredibly stressful and can even be harmful to your mental health.

So, today we will learn about 9 signs that indicate that you are interacting with an intelligent but manipulative person.

1) They are very charismatic.
Charismatic people know the art of attracting people’s attention and gaining their trust.

It’s not about what they say, it’s also about how they say it. They’re probably witty, funny, and incredibly interesting.

And they know this. They know how to adjust their personality to suit the other person’s taste.

If you know someone like this, notice how people naturally trust them. You will find that others willingly share their problems and secrets, and they are also willing to do whatever they say.

Even if he is doing something that the other person is uncomfortable with, a charming and manipulative person is able to convince him otherwise.

2) They share information selectively.
Another sign that you are dealing with a smart and manipulative person is the way they share information.

It can be hard to understand, but watch how they never give you the full story.

You can try asking someone else about the same incident to find out what details they deliberately left out, and then ask yourself why they did that.

Is it because they wanted you to take action? Is it because they don’t want you to look at the situation a certain way?

Related : People who are deeply manipulative but hide it well usually display these 9 behaviors

See also how they never reveal too much information about themselves. In a way, they know everything about everyone, but no one really knows who the manipulative people really are.

Doing so helps hide their true intentions especially when they are trying to convince someone to do what they want.

3) They use flattery and praise strategically.
This is also another common sign that you are dealing with a manipulative person.

Have you ever received a compliment that made you think twice? Receiving compliments is something that most people enjoy.

But if you pay attention to the context of the situation or perhaps the way the other person is saying it, you may discover that there is something more to this seemingly innocent compliment.

Flattery can be used to win over another person, and manipulative people use this as a weapon.

They make the other person feel good about themselves by stroking their ego, and as a result, they lower their guard and allow themselves to be manipulated – often without knowing it.

4) Their compassion is calculated.
Sure, these people may show a certain level of empathy, but it’s only to serve their own purpose instead.

They use this calculatingly – just enough to gain the other person’s trust so they can get what they want.

They are not really interested at all in other people. However, they will appear as if they are.

You may find them saying the right things when someone else is feeling down, or giving seemingly good advice to someone else who is going through a difficult time.

But be careful of these people because the moment they get what they want, they will abandon you.

5) They are very good at reading people.

Highly intelligent people know how to read people. They know what moves them, the reasons for their behaviors and what they are thinking, despite their facial expressions at the time.

It may seem to you as if this person has such an understanding heart. But in reality, they are just exploiting this knowledge so that they can use your weaknesses to their advantage.

They will take advantage of the way you react to certain things, your weaknesses and flaws.

And one day, they will find an opportunity to betray the trust you have placed in them.

6) They are meticulous planners.
Clever manipulators are also meticulous planners. They are able to coordinate a detailed plan to achieve what they want.

And they are very patient.

They know how to avoid detection or find anything that belongs to them. You usually don’t realize that something is wrong until after the whole situation is over.

The reason for this is…

7) They are very good at gaslighting.
Gaslighting usually involves manipulating someone into questioning their version of reality.

Smart manipulators are very skilled at this. They will successfully convince you that what you saw or remembered was wrong.

They may even convince you to believe that your feelings – no matter how justified – are unfounded. Worse still, it may make you doubt your sanity.

This gives them the upper hand in the situation, enabling them to control or undermine you.

8) It scares people but not enough to scare people.
You may have determined that the person you are dealing with is extremely manipulative. But there is a part of you that is afraid of them.

However, she’s not that scary – there’s just that part of her that she’s afraid of. If you push them too hard, they may become aggressive and angry.

This is because they have put themselves in a position to be intimidating, but not too much – that would scare people away.

Related : 9 red flags that indicate a friend isn’t as loyal as they make out to be

What they need is for people to trust them.

9) They have a good command of the words they use.
The ultimate sign of a smart manipulator is that they are very good at twisting their words.

They have complete mastery of word choice, and are able to identify the right words to say in every situation to suit their needs.

Their arguments are solid and highly persuasive. You may not even doubt a single thing they say.